John Bolton used to be a paid contributor on Fox News before leaving to become President Donald Trump's national security adviser, but now Bolton is a target for criticism from some of the network's personalities. CNN's Brian Stelter reports.
#Stelter #CNN #News
I’d love to see how well a “so what” defence would at US customs.
@Alla Veles You’ve just further proven your ignorance. Good luck with life.
and you dont know basic mathematics…i doubt you know definition of the word “ignorance” this is a big word for dumb a99 like you
Alla Veles stop speaking, you are not helping yourself
@maxglide who the hell are you to tell me when i should speak or not, do i look i’m on trial losing as demoncraps and libtards? oh ready then, now close your flaps !
Alla Veles please listen, the more you talk, the dumber you sound. You know the proverb… “better to remain silent…”
Here are the R senators most likely to vote for witnesses. Give them a call:
Romney: 202-224-5251, Murkowski: 202-224-6665, Collins: 202-224-2523, Alexander: 202-224-4944, Portman: 202-224-3353, Toomey: 202-224-4254, Cassidy: 202-224-5824
Some democrats don’t even know that their party has changed into a socialist party. This party depends upon the ignorance of the masses. Once the real facts come out so do the dems leave, they begin to realize they had been hoodwinked. Socialism the continuation of votes for free stuff started by LBJ. From buying black votes to supporting illegal immigration AND letting them vote. All those promoting such should be arrested for treason.
The right isn’t as petty as the left, or insane like the left, but it’s time to start fighting back. They get away with their crimes and double standards because no one holds them accountable.
This is the backbone of the left now, victimhood, identity politics, race baiting and the collapse of the west.
Good all fashion reporting, that statement is laughable coming from egg head. CNN doesn’t know what real news is, all they broadcast is fake news.
No, Democrats represent Socialist takeover.
I’m starting to think if Trump himself came out and admitted he did everything he’s accused of that Fox News would say he’s lying and was always a never trumper.
ROFLMAO they probably would


Now thats right!
it’s funny watching the republicans eat there own
You mean the left. Lots more cannibalism on that side. Heck, I hear now that Tulsi Gabbard is a ‘Russian Asset’ per Hillary.
@Darlene Lopez Way to pick a completely irrelevant topic to try to deflect.
Trump on Bolton: “He knows my thoughts.”
But all of a sudden Bolton isn’t credible. Got it. Smh.
Casale Smith yours included?
Haha, yeah I used to think my husband knew my thoughts and feelings then I realized one day he was projecting his own.
@[name here] The fact that you still support this baffoon says alot about your character and your intelligence (or lack there of).
@bill Murray “We’re” or “We Are” but not “where”. Wonder why you sound stupid? The fact that you can still support this baffoon just bolsters my point. Thank you for helping me.
Oh wow named it “The Room Where It Happened” too

We’re living in a country where “Dirty Donnie” is trying to make the U.S look like communists!!
Luis H. Simply not true. Watch the hearings.
Only the left and Democrats. Bernie is a known Socialist and so is AOC. The goal of Socialism is Communism.
He’s not trying #HeIs
@Casale Smith NO, who is Putin’s good boy? who? who? that’s right -crooked donnie -LOCK HIM UP !
@Darlene Lopez boldly states the “real goal” of their political opponents. So naturally they’re being totally unbiased and not at all hyperbolic. (Sarcasm off)
“Watch your thoughts, for they will become actions. Watch your actions, for they’ll become habits. Watch your habits for they will forge your character. Watch your character, for it will make your destiny…”
-Margaret Thatcher.
@Andreas karlsson Thank-You lmao
@Meschach Horne haha, you’re welcome
MrMakeDo VOTE Blue!! End the trump cult in 2020
@Joe Pinciaro: Don’t buy John Bolton BOOK.HE IS A TRAITOR TO AMERICA
Well, I wasn’t going to, but now you’ve inspired reasons for interest. I was born in Ireland’s north in 1970, so people who use the martial/existential language I heard there and then (as “The Troubles” really got going and that language typically indicates ‘trouble ahead’) always attract my attention. So I probably will, just to find out what you don’t want people to consider, in an otherwise”free speech” environment.
And mahbin……..they are going to lose again. 100,000 wanted tickets to Trumps rally in NJ……… there isn’t a venue anywhere that holds half that.
The “So what?” Defense ?!
Shep Smith would have had some fun with this on Fox.
@C J Hey, what about Chris Wallace and Judge Napolitano? They pull their weight when push comes to shove.
Idylchatter // Yeah? I’ve missed them. I’ve rarely watched the show at all, but good to hear that there are some sanity left,..
@Idylchatter I doubt they’ll be there much longer, they use facts as it regards Trump and MAGAts have an acute allergy to truth
@5Fifths Benedryl.
@Idylchatter I’d prefer they try base jumping sans parachute but I’m an extreme personality
“Orange Julius Caesar”
I used to really enjoy Lou Dobbs’ show when he was on CNN, I don’t know what the hell happened to him.
I am waiting for John Bolton to do an interview like Lev Parnas did.
Faux news is just like Dumpster, anyone who disagrees goes under the bus.
They have no loyalty to anyone. They are loyal to the paycheck only
@Howard S Yeah CNN is still behind cartoon network and QVC…their audience is gays, LGBT, ANTIFA and snowflakes
You leftists will be laughing yourselves into a padded room come November 3rd.
Candice Owens/Don Jr. 2024. First female President. Oh can’t wait to drink more salty liberal tears as America continues to prosper in the fight against the Commies/Socialists on the left
@Justin Case all this from a bot with a silly fake name and cartoon thumbnail
love his tweets………he’ll have a lot to tweet about after the rally…….100,000 wanted tickets
she would be great Justin Case…… Candice.
@Toad Stool more than Dumpster
Of course the bar doesn’t get any lower
Bolton Called all this ” A DRUG DEAL”. I want to know why. He should testify under oath.
Both Clintons testified under oath…only 1 got caught lying about something totally unrelated to the original investigations…can you even imagine how many lies trump would get caught in?!? Why wont he trstify under oath if the call was so perfect n he did nothing wrong? I’ll give you almost 17,000 fact-checked reasons!!
INTHEPAC and you dumb….
INTHEPAC stfu you ignorant idiot imbecile
INTHEPAC so if Barack Obama held back aid from( name any country) until they announced a corruption investigation in Donald trump( pretend it’s 2015) so it would help Hillary, you would be been cool with that? And what lies has trump told that effected people, for starters here2, obviously your not a farmer or coal miner. Now stfu u inbred fucktard
“State TV for orange Julius Caesar”
Great stuff!
POMPAO should Testify as well since he was in the room and In the conversation with LEV PARNES at the time the ” TAKE HER OUT” ,” DO IT”, ORDER was given by THE PRESIDENT.. In my opinion
lev parnes rofl…..isn’t he the guy whose going to prison…….the guy who will say and do anything to stay out lol
@Sue Smith or he’s the guy with nothing to lose getting thrown under the bus so why not talk.
because he was suppose to be a confident to the president, which could be any president, not just Trump. He’s your classic rat. When you confide in someone you banter back and forth and what you say may not necessarily be the outcome. I see you people as completely illogical and merely following a narrative spun by your media. What is wrong with you people when people from other countries can see what you cant see. Bolton is a friggin war monger, a rat and a traitor. And the Bidens are just as bad. Trump was absolutely 100% right to find out what the corruption in the Ukraine was about and right to go about it any way he had to.
@Sue Smith I completely agree with you that Bolton is a xenophobic, war mongering relic of an openly intolerant time… Which is exactly why Trump was so relaxed in really talking freely to him. There is no rational excuse in sending private citizens to dig dirt on a rival. Speaking of what the rest of the world thinks, try watching TV from nearly anything other than fox and you’ll see the majority of the world isn’t even laughing anymore. The geopolitical damage Trump has done will take decades of actual diplomacy to fix. If you are so sure he’s the best get a tattoo so as history reveals just how bad this administration was it will be harder for you to backtrack how faithfully you supported the Jackass that was. If he was truly innocent why has he done everything possible to interfere with the trial… Because that’s what innocent people do?
If Fox News says there’s “nothing to see here” then there’s definitely something there to see.
R1_Rebe1 VOTE Blue!! End the trump cult in 2020
R1_Rebe1: That statement can be applied to all media!
mike goliath you mad bro?
@R1_Rebe1 Nope I’m laughing at you, Trump is doing awesome things for all of America. Do you want to go back to the shitty economy of Barry Obummer.
“I never met John Bolton, never heard of him.”
-Trump, 2020
he was just the coffee boy…. at Fox…. for 11 years
I take a lot pictures with a lot of people. I have probably the greatest memory ever, but I don’t remember him
I’m using “So what!” defense from now on.