FOX News Defends Trump’s COVID-19 Response And Pushes For U.S. To Reopen | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The president continues to get exceedingly favorable coverage from FOX News hosts for his coronavirus response despite heavy criticism from many governors. Jeremy Peters of The New York Times joins to discuss. Aired on 04/17/2020.
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FOX News Defends Trump's COVID-19 Response And Pushes For U.S. To Reopen | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. As long as they are willing to sign a waiver refusing to tie up medical resources that an intelligent person may require, i say let them at it.

    1. @ocean buoy obviously you haven’t been paying attention please use google it can be your friend .

    2. @vikwillwin Sounds like they’re being furloughed because you have for-profit hospitals who have to keep making money even through a pandemic. Why would they be ‘scouring the country’ for doctors and health-care professionals to come and help if the hospitals are only 25% full? Using google is fine, but you have to actually read the article to get information..

    3. Yes. I hope they don’t get so busy that they arent able to make social videos dancing & goofing off!

    1. When the State tells you it’s safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it’s not about your health.
      When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it’s not about your health.
      When the State bans dentists because its unsafe, but deems abortion visits are safe, it’s not about your health.
      When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it’s dangerous, but allows in person lottery ticket sales, it’s not about your health.
      When the State tells you it’s dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, but the Governor can get his stage make up done, and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week, it’s not about your health.
      When the state puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous, but let’s criminals OUT of jail cells for their health- It’s not about YOUR health!
      When the state tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor of chiropractic or physical therapy treatments yet deems a liquor store essential- It’s not about your health!
      When the State lets you go to the grocery store or hardware store but is demanding mail-in voting, ITS NOT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.
      WAKE UP PEOPLE — If you think this is all about your health you’re mistaken! Please open your eyes! Stop being lead like blind sheep.

    2. Why is fox so stupid. Ask roland Martin to visit your show. Or any logical intelligent person who has a voice. Don’t give the opposition the questions before the show airs. We know how trump supporters operate.

    1. My own governor blamed not knowing we could have asymptotic people on waiting to have stay home orders. He is a Republican

  1. I can’t wait to look back at history in 50 years and be like yeah that was the ignorance I lived in…

    1. It Should be thought of as clumbsy and junky, just rebuild goods and appreciate what positives have come out the world in these past months. I think no one will forget the time we faced the Coviid 19, you can make as much rash comments and graphic drama as yo u need!

    2. Alfred Mccutchen I want to know what positives came out of this virus like really tell me because I’m willing to hear what you’re thinking?

    3. @J Bell Yeah. Trying to scrub the massive embarrassment that trump is out of the history books. You’re welcome you maga loser.

    4. 50 years from now you’ll be living in a socialist country impoverished by a crooked over powerful government wishing you had understood the value of individual freedom!

  2. Let them go free but make sure they don’t seek help when they caught the virus!! They should look for Trump!!

    1. America can stop it!!! It just goes on!!!!! Why?????
      NO way could this happen today in Europe!!!!!!! Never ever!!!

    2. @carol jones trump will put pressure on governors to open states economy before human life 600.000 infected

    1. Cfg Pr And Cuomo has no responsibility for his state? That’s right under the ACA a board of insurance advisors determine who is worth saving!’

    2. Cfg Pr : what did you think Obama’s ACA was for it did in my father-in-law and my mother in short order by denying them care. So they didn’t even make it through his first term in Office.

  3. “Comparatively low rates of mortality…”, “never came close to swamping the health care system…” Dang. You’re good to go. Don’t die now and make us look bad, you hear?

    1. @Dark Angel
      Large cities in Michigan not the suburbs. Just sayin.. Overcowded cities are breeding grounds. Thats why the global cities initiative is doomed. These plagues will become more frequent and more dangerous…

  4. Why aren’t they focusing on the governors of Georgia and Ohio? They have stay at home orders too? Oh… yeah.. nevermind.

    1. Yeah and plus if the manager of my local gym said he liked to grab females by their pussie I don’t think I would go there again as that is sexual assault. But I guess he never said it and it’s fake news 😒

    1. @murray jeffery
      Why would i do what some Hollyweirdos did that and got infected lmbo. Dumb Liberals..

    2. Anyone that stands behind Trump are idiots!!!! Period!!! The facts speaks for themselves….and the fact is people are Dying!!!!!!! And your fool of a president is doing nothing, but causing more problems!!!! He is a racist bigot!!! And a narcissist!! Whom can’t or refuse to listen. And lies and denies everything.

    1. I said the same thing but he wants to reopen the states let his family get it see how his tune changes

    2. Louise Dumais good point, that’s because they secretly do believe the experts with regards to this virus however, they don’t care about Americans lives.. this is all about their investments.. so they’ll risk your life but not theirs!! Register for absentee ballot!! That’s mail in votes and please pass this information onto everyone you know

    3. A long….long time….staying in place, with her parents in their apartment in New York, most probably. Too, many Covid-19 germs in the White House…. if this was Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton or Laura Bush…(well, they would be doing things to make this better for people….) but the “uneducated ones” would be ranting about them, and you know it.

    1. amd ost You said you weren’t here to educate, now you go to lecture so you lied up front. I’ve said I’ve heard multiple opinions and stories, even that a British with American escorts visited Wuhan before the outbreak. So there is plenty of stories including that it was a British action. So as I’ve said before until time show something else I can’t take anyone’s BS including the Pseudoscience. Everyone pushes out halfway truths as they put their blinding faith in their choice of reality.

    2. amd ost While we’re at it, How do you scientifically explain the 🌎 World wide coverage of the PanDemIc if WHO and China didn’t screw up? I guess China and WHO did everything perfectly and just the rest of the Entire World 🌍 is run by Trump like incompetence. Scientifically explain that while your not Educating us?

  5. When the second Wave of virus 🦠 comes around I want to see what song they’re going to be singing Stupid is Stupid does.

    1. Jo Garcia : Ya, know my wife has to go to the Hospital for bloodwork regularly no matter and it’s the most dangerous thing because that’s where most bugs are, but she had to still get the bloodwork done even with the PanDEMic so no we’re not scared of the Pandemic we’re just trying to get another day, month, year together that’s all!

    2. @Joe Dirt Because it doesn’t matter, you can’t just live in fear of every little virus or sickness. The shutting down of things is just pushing us into a quick depression

    3. Warm Soft Kitty : That’s an opinion not necessarily Fact, the Hospital’s Administration and Practices determines the realities, Yes I did work in a Hospital.

  6. “Millions of Americans”
    *shows videos with 4 at most.
    Somebody is got to put a stop to fox news and their stupid propaganda 🙄

    1. Sorry I hate to tell you people that msnbc is the fake news and it won’t be long before the world now you will see and just remember you Hurd it here first can’t wait to see it happen

    2. @Thomas Swedlund Trump let in 40,000 people from China AFTER he closed flights from there.

      He closed flights from Europe but allowed the UK for days after, which meant if you wanted to go from Europe to America you could go via Britain…helped nothing really.

      You could still go from China to any surrounding country then onto the US, pointless step to take really.

    3. @TH3 M0NK ok if you’re making the argument that he should be more strick on the travel and immigration then I could agree.

    1. TheTestingGrounds yeh I don’t think a bunch of parasites would be willing to be trained by a bigger parasite, you know, the one who’s life blood is feeding on the misery of the underdog. Fleas wouldn’t even bite Hannity, the toxic turd would bring instant death to them😡

    2. @Socialism Bites Donald Trump is a gazillionaire…….he owns a mansion and a yacht. He has so much money he could pay Mr. Peolosi to be his caddy.

    1. That all ameicans its the exact same on both side .. Its pepple stop supporting domcrats and rebuplicans .. Fox and cnn trump or sanders ameicans need to start worry about truth …..

    2. By ‘tank’ do you mean die? I don’t want to die. I don’t want my family and friends to die. I don’t want my fellow Americans to die…I don’t want my country to die.

    3. @Jennifer Jones Nah, of course not death, just referring to the structure of our system and economy. America should care more about the people than throwing most of the money towards Defense.

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