Fox News Anchor Endorses Qanon Conspiracy Theories, Tries To Backtrack | The ReidOut | MSNBC

Tonight’s Craziest Damn Thing: Fox News Anchor Jesse Waters endorsing the work of Qanon. As Joy describes, “It’s easy to dismiss Qanon as only crazy, but they also happen to be crazy dangerous.” NBC News reports that “QAnon followers have also been implicated in armed standoffs, attempted kidnappings, harassment and at least one killing since the conspiracy theory first gained traction on the internet in October 2017.” Aired on 7/27/2020.
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Fox News Anchor Endorses Qanon Conspiracy Theories, Tries To Backtrack | The ReidOut | MSNBC


    1. @Ro G I’ll take the palm of my hand any day over having another man’s testicles pressed against my face and bottom. 🎶

  1. *Joy, the shadddddddeee, I am here for it!*

    “along with the failed son of the president” not that one, the other one. 😂😂😂 girl 🤣🤣🤣

    1. I bet you $1,000 not one goes. That’s because no one was guilty for anything. The Republicans are all over Russia.

    1. @Dizzy Duke Those are two different ideas.

      ‘not falling far from the tree’ : you are like your ancestors

      ‘low hanging fruit’ : something is an easy target/an obvious point

    1. @A Better ManKind Hey Q nut, I have to ask! Since none of you Q nuts know who Q really is don’t you think it is possible, likely even, that Q is a Russian agent working to stow division and mislead the public? I ask only because it is quite ironic that the Russians have attempted to influence public opinion in the past in an attempt to interfere in our elections so that Trump could win and it seems like all the Q nuts are Trump supporters.

    2. The fact that the elite are satanic pedophiles is common knowlege…if you are shocked by this get a clue

    3. @Adam GS Hey Q nut, I have to ask! Since none of you Q nuts know who your beloved Q really is don’t you think it is possible, likely even, that Q is a Russian agent working to stow division and mislead the public? I ask only because it is quite ironic that the Russians have attempted to influence public opinion in the past in an attempt to interfere in our elections so that Trump could win and it seems like all the Q nuts are Trump supporters.

  2. And yet the right always tries to accuse the left of having a mental illness, such hypocrisy

    1. I was sad to learn that it was not connected to “Q” on star trek. Although they both are not real real.

    2. “Thirty shot and Twelve dead in peaceful protest’ say CNN and MSNBC.
      Doesn’t get any crazier than that.

  3. Jessie Waters has decided money will dictate his thoughts and actions. He works at Fox so he is trying to get ahead by throwing out red meat. One day he will find out his actions have consequences.

  4. “If you can convince the lowest w.hite. man, he’s better than the best co.lored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. He//, just give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” 
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    This quote from Johnson is especially true for Don the Con’s supporters. Not only has DJT convinced his supporters that they’re better than people of co.lor, he’s convinced them that they are better than any w.hite person not wearing a red hat. Meanwhile, he’s busy picking their pockets clean.

    1. And he still won’t ever allow any of them on any of his properties, as you’ve said previously.

  5. I think it’s time we just admitted that QAnon, the Proud Boys, Fox News, Breitbart, Patriot Prayer, Alex Jones, NRA laundered Russian money, and all the Hatred Entertainment Network are One.
    These are not disparate actors. You can bet the money and the movement can be traced back from the same sources.
    That is your deep state. And that state is The Confederacy. We just call it the Republican Party.

    1. @Bud Fudlacker And then he said, “Person, woman, man, camera, tv” thinking that would prove he’s “all there.” 😆😅😂🤣

  6. Why are conservatives so gullible. You have the world at your fingertips, you can find the truth about anything. But you won’t.

    1. Then tell us about all the serpent moles gutting the Trump administration in detail after you tell everyone about Hillarys Child peddling syndicates across the globe

    1. I was sad to learn that it was not connected to “Q” on star trek. Although they both are not real real.

  7. Looks like “Cut Price Hannity” needs to talk to his advertisers after going too far out on a ledge. But hey, the money keeps on rolling in for him and that’s really all that matters.

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