John Vennavally-Rao reports on a Quebec court judge authorizing a class-action lawsuit over the popular video game Fortnite.
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Next are cigarettes alcohol candy guns cars .
Blame everything except lack of self control.
if you don’t pay attention to what your kids are doing, the harm is in your lack of attention. Regardless of what it is that they are interested in. If you don’t teach self control, there will be no self control. Alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn, gangs and video games are always going to be there.
have you tried to play fortnite on boosteroid? because i tried it and my game experience was nice. no more frame drops ngl=))
There are relatively simple technical means for parents to enforce game time limits. If that doesn’t work then do it the old fashioned way.
Idiotphones are worse
Parents. Chuck it out the front door! I did
Litterally. They now know I am serious when I say to turn it off and they do. Technology should be treated like a drug.
Wow, somewhere along the line parents forget they are the parents. What’s next minecraft? I’m 50 and play both games.
Try parenting…not blaming a video game for your shortfalls. I dont want less fun things because you’re all too lazy to put your phones downs and take care of your kids.
Oh lawyers
There are way worse “Free” mobile games which are basically gambling simulators. They are literally designed to be as addictive as possible. But lets not go after those ones, Lets go after the bigger target…
So basically the lawsuit is because parents don’t want to be parents & want the government to take control of raising their children.
Must be the legal argument “Adultus est durum ” ( adulting is hard).
Or possibly “Non possum dicere eis non quia vis esse amicus meus infantis ” ( I can’t tell them no because I want to be my child’s friend).
Is Quebec banning Fortnite
@Koda how will you game there then is has to be not true
They is no way these parents are winning. If fortnite was so addicting, add parental controls.
So lets break down that word “Unable”.
It means no ability.
Fortnite stops your fingers from pressing the power button?
Fortnite stops your parents from pressing the power button?
Fortnite glues the mouse and keyboard to your hand, and runs without electricity with the screen attached to your face so you cannot stop playing?
Fortnite takes away your self discipline?
Fortnite takes away your free will?
Fortnite is a game. It is the parents responsibility to ensure their child plays responsibly and teach them self discipline.
Stop blaming the product.
What is a dark pattern?
This is a joke. Its an attack on game developers everywhere. We all need to keep an eye on this as it is a risk to all developers.
These plaintiff idiots need to start parenting and not enabling their kids.. there are ways of monitoring kids.. smh
sue happy fools.. hope it gets tossed..
Teach your kids self control or just take it away. I’ve gamed my whole life and learned self control and my parents never let me take over my life. I’m 45 my wife and I play a couple rounds every other night of fortnite. It’s not that addictive.
Substituting parenting with videogames then getting mad at the videogames is hilarious to me. I’m honestly amazed my own country is allowing this to enter court. Fortnite having “dark patterns” is ridiculous. They didnt make make the battle royale genre, so why are they getting singled out? Parental controls could fix this issue completely, the nintendo switch has great built in parental controls like enforced time limits for games.