Former U.S. Attorneys Joyce Vance and Barbara McQuade join Morning Joe to weigh in on the Justice Department under the leadership of Attorney General Barr. Aired on 6/24/2020.
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Former U.S. Attorney Says DOJ Has Become A 'Tool' For Trump To use | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Why can’t he just be arrested like any other person would ?
Good question, or fired from his post at the very least. Seems crazy to me Barr still has a job.
@Dickie Moe75
He’s the boss of all those that should be arresting him. He’d just fire them. This is what you get when the president can fire and appoint as he sees fit. The is litteraly no protections against corruption in the US system. Too bad.
The attorney General LIED to the American People He Has To GO.-
multiple times
@Joe B Don’t worry… our pacifist Democrat Party (Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer…) will just say: “he hasn’t lied as much as the president”.
Trump’s cleaning house. If he can’t overthrow the government he’ll be wanting a Pence pardon
Well that won’t happen! -Bonnie Robinson
donnerhea and dence will be in Leavenworth this time next year, along with half the gang of putin.
Barr is a TOAD who works for President TOAD!!!
The thing is folks, they wouldn’t be doing any of this if they planned on letting us have a free and fair election
Exactly…The American people ain’t seen nothing yet.
Consider all of this havoc, the quiet before the storm.
@Dave Woods quiet of whom?
I am certain they will try everything they can do to rig this election.
Think about the semi-recent mail-in voting “scandal”.
I have a very scary theory…
I think this is a completely thought out stunt by Trump and his re-election team. If he can get people absolutely outraged about “NOT BEING ABLE TO VOTE BY MAIL”, more people may choose choose to vote via mail in ballot just as a big F-U
to Trump. After the mail-in ballots are received, Trump could very well have A LOT of people (in the most important electoral states?) who are actually working for him “counting mail in ballots”. Aka: throw away all of Biden’s votes.
If that’s what he’s doing, it’s kind of working. I actually was going to vote by mail, but now after thinking of why he’s really doing this, I now want to physically see my vote scanned in and counted. Idk. It’s something to really think about because we keep saying “what could he possibly do to us next”?
I don’t believe that he actually thinks our voting system will be rigged by counterfeit ballots, as he won back in 2016 with many mail-in votes were received.
We need to be very carefulabout the people in charge of counting mail-in ballots. Our justice system is already comprised with Trump as POTUS.
Trump CAN AND WOULD make it much worse as he is absolutely determined to win at all costs. This could be his entire fail-safe way to win.
Trump running this country is like giving a kid the keys to a Corvette and hearing him say “this is the fastest this car has ever gone” right before he drives the car off a cliff.
@Dan D I am going to steal this from you Dan but give you full credit. It is too freaking funny.
Marya Swell B didn’t refer to President Obama, the next commenter did, Brian something, a hateful bot pimping for trump
Irene Lopez Not @B, @Brian Store
He will make himself king no more presidency operation triggered.
We could only hope that he really does drive off of a cliff. I’m so tired of hearing about his blatant corruption without any repercussions.
Barr is corrupt. This is partisan “justice” kangaroo and railroad.
GOP couldn’t win a pie eating contest without cheating…
How bout a Putin pole smoking contest ? Ha ha ha
God i miss this man as our President. Where has this country gone astray to have such a racist in the white house…
Frank Volz
Literally… say it again… “the WHAT house…”?
I would be seeking God with a fury…the end is near.
Trump’s “Just Us” department stinks to high heaven.
@Dickie Moe75 Fiendishly clever. (Muwuhahahahaa!)
Trump and Barr are the perfect mob team: No conscience, no shame.
@LUIS SUAREZ What’s up?!!
@LUIS SUAREZ You’re right. They can’t even be competent mobsters. They are an insult to La Cosa Nostra. They are bubblegum gangsters.
This is the damned crook that Tried to Frame FLYNN. The biggest criminal to be president in US history. He Turned the FBI into the DNC’s private set police.
If you’re on the cancelled tv show Gotham. Both are disgusting characters that are blatantly racist and corrupt with no consequences.
“Gangster in the White House”: Noam Chomsky says Trump is undeniably “the worst criminal in history.” And the swamp of Republicans are supporting this gangster!
@Susie BG I can do what ever I want foo
[DEFX] well good for you big boy. Did mommy tell you that while she was changing your diaper?
@Susie BG come on boy you got to try harder than that, is that all you got?!

[DEFX] lol you aren’t worth my time.
@Ellen Peba Yeah , Sure , lunatic fool and sucker .
No matter what side you’re on politically, you should be very concerned.
Bye bye Barr bye bye.!
And oh you can take trump with you!
@Harry Roxas Same. If tRump wins in Nov 2020, America will see their whole judicial system warped to suit the needs of tRump & his ‘useful friends’ & the wealthy. As for the rest of the people who don’t meet tRump’s standards of usefulness . . . you’re screwed.
Not exactly. If you’re on the corrupt side you should be ashamed at the very least, screw concerned. All Republicans are complicit, this is their party!
What me worry ?
This is nothing more then organized crime at government level .
Amen. Prison. A G. President. Senator. Congress. Republican.
Yasuke Afro Samurai
precisely… but not too organized.
I have said that the Mob is running our country.
Why are they acting like Barr can’t be impeached? He can, and anyone who agrees should push for his impeachment as well.
He can be impeached. Political spine is just not there.
he can be impeached, but just as in Trump’s Impeachment, the GOP controlled Senate would never follow through
The Republicans will not do what is right for this Country! Party over Country should considered Treasonous! Especially when it violates our Constitutional laws! The Republicans have decided that Trump intentionally causeing the Deaths of 121,000 Americans and allowing a Bio hazard to infect 2,500,000 Americans should be held accountable for MASS MURDER!
The Senate is controlled by republicans. It will never happen.
@linda taylor Absolutely right. Moscow Mitch would never allow.
we need to really rid america of republicans and their KING
ida jane Please, don’t put King near Trump’s name again, his head is big enough.
Barr said he doesn’t care about his legacy…‘I’ll be dead..’..he said.
Mind Begs the Question:
If you stand with a President,
Who says a Book is All Lies,
At the same time Confidential info,
Are you standing in Right,or Wrong?
America. Made a big mistake. Trump doesn’t deserve to be president.
@yurei8 The “book” he’s referring to is Bolton’s tell-all, not Holy Writ.
Trump only uses the Bible for a prop, but if he somehow knew what the Beatitudes were, I’m sure he’d think they were lies.
@sickla homes As great Grandpappy might have said, “Deservin’ ain’t gittin”; Barr and Trump aren’t going to resign anymore than bears will start shaving.
They aren’t ashamed they’ve done bad jobs; they’ve done exactly the jobs they wanted to: corrupt government institutions.
@George Dunn Thanks for clearing that up. My mind was somewhere else.
Attorney general Flintstone has been lying since the Reagan administration
The level of corruption in this “administration” is simply stunning.
I can’t believe how Barr is being allowed to commit these crimes !!! What Barr is doing yes are crimes !!! Barr is not there to do the president’s bid !!! Barr is supposed to be bias but as I and Americans see he’s a criminal !!! Impeach BARRDOG !!!
just saying The Pope got old and could not function, they took and are taking very good care of him, he stepped aside, In God we Trust, our world needs to function as one society, all life is precious, may the good lord guide the good police officers to understand it is not against the good kind loving peace officers, may the good Lord open The pearly Gatez for every black life taken without thought,, may every police officer shot in the line of duty have his family taken care off,, justice must be for all! peace, when protesting, it is heard louder, stay safe, this is still out there! wear a mask, we are for the most part have put our mi9nd that we will open up, this is such a hard choice for every leader, may they have the wisdom and guidance they need,