Republican Strategist, Matt Gorman joins MSNBC’s Chris Jansing to discuss the divide amongst Republicans in and out of the White House. Aired on 12/16/2020.
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About Craig Melvin: Craig Melvin is an MSNBC Anchor and NBC News Correspondent. He currently anchors “MSNBC Live” on Saturdays and Sundays, contributes reports for “TODAY,” and fills in as host for Lester Holt on “Weekend TODAY.”
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#MattGorman #Republicans #MSNBC
Former Trump Supporter: 'I Think What He Is Doing Is Destroying Democracy' | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
Next day at school. Was that your grandmother I saw on TV saying we should tear down democracy?
@Danny Camacho
If I were I wouldn’t point out all his flaws, would I.
@KELLI KELLI – You whole world is really shrinking. Not only 59 judges, the Supreme Court, all 50 states election boards, the Dept. of Homeland Security, The Justice Dept., The FBI & more than 80 million Americans join the “deeeeeep staaaaate”, but now Moscow Mitch & Vladimir Putin joined the deeeeeep staaaaaate. Along with several Republican politicians. So many boogeymen under your bed. And the voters did chose. You didn’t see us become a bunch of Karen’s in 2016. Now, another Republi-dunce has destroyed the economy. Two in a row now. Oh wait, that’s deeeeeeep staaaaaaate stuff also.
@KELLI KELLI – And now this. tRump official pushing to get as many Americans infected with COVID as possible. That out today. Add that to Kushner telling tRump not to do anything because COVID was mainly on the East & West coasts. He saw that as political gain. Then, you have tRump on audio saying he played it down. And you defend this. Don’t claim that you don’t. You are a tRump cultist and you know it. Don’t deny your “god”.
@KELLI KELLI I copied right from the dictionaries and encyclopedia. Also, if you look up if America is a democracy, it will show clearly what I said and explain the difference between a constitutional republic and a representative democracy, of which we are both. You can also find lists of the many democracies that exist. In fact, I’m just going to send you links. It takes me seconds to find things.,have%20their%20say%20on%20every%20matter%20concerning%20governance.,%20Full%20democracy%20%2015%20more%20rows%20,democracy.%207%20Islamic%20democracy.%208%20Social%20democracy.%20
I suggest you read these before responding further. I’m not getting into “yes it is” “no it isn’t” arguments. These links should provide sufficient information for you to understand.
@KELLI KELLI I don’t go along with conspiracy theories, but I can tell you my personal experience. Trump filed a lawsuit in my state while telling the public about rigged elections. The lawsuit didn’t claim any fraud. Let me give you some background. In 2013 while we had a Republican Governor and Legislature, they passed voter ID laws. Our current laws are based on this. It went to the Supreme Court I believe, who upheld them. The only change this year was that covid was added as a reason for mail in ballot. Trump did not dispute these mail in ballots, except the ones that missing info was filled in by election workers, which was minimal. The majority of ballots (approx 140,000+) Trump’s lawsuit in Wisconsin was trying to throw out were early in person votes in Milwaukee and Dane Counties. Keep in mind that the entire state processed these early in person voting in the same manner. I voted this way. I walked in to the election table. She asked for my photo ID and crossed me off the voter registration book. I had to sign something that served as an application that stated I was requesting a ballot. The lady witnessed my signature against my ID. I got a paper ballot which I filled out in pen, and put it in the ballot box. So why is Trump disputing these early in person votes? It’s because he doesn’t like the type of application our Republican legislature allowed. His other main point in the court documents is against the 7000+ ballots from the elderly and disabled in those too counties who are housebound. The Republican legislature and Governor when they created voter ID laws allowed them to self-identify as indefinitely confined, and therefore not able to obtain ID. Trump didn’t like our state law. You see, people are telling you lots of things about fraud and rigging and whatever they want to get their way, but this is the truth about what their legal claims actually are.
It’s one thing to be a fool but when you’re an old fool that’s extra sad.
A common phrase: “if you’re not a liberal in your 20s, you’re heartless. If you’re not a conservative by your 40s, you’re brainless”. Just think about that next time you see a Dem above 40 and how well your “old fool” title actually fits them
@Azeermajeed guess what old people don’t give a s*** when the USA wipes you commie Marxist f****** out
@ATL Braves well trump didn’t wear a mask got covid and wax lucky he had access to experimental drugs
Nothing… It’s wrong when you have had 59+ courts (many republican & trump appointed) look at all arguments & say there is ZERO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE of any fraud & continue to lie about it ffs
@ATL Braves it has more in common with Influenza. And you are obviously speaking with that beautiful ignorance of someone that has not lost a loved one to Sars-Cov2 (covid)
Wow, you can be “that stupid” at any age…
Hahaha, I love it. My exact sentiments. And they say with age comes wisdom……..NOT in her case!
@Dench2020 He needs to talk slower?
@Devyn Ransom The greatest Poverty of all is Ignorance. The whole World knows with Biden in the White House the USA will be corrupt.
@SUN STAR then you must be in the welfare line!!!!

@Angela DiPietro ….Life has been kind. President Trump and the American Family want to make America Great but they can not do it alone. The USA must have a Ruling Class who will protect the American family at all cost.
“Never underestimate the intelligence of the American public.”– H.L. Mencken. Trump supporters have probably no idea of who H.L Mencken was, but they also probably have little intelligence, either.
Try me!
This sentence isn’t constructed very well. Fools trying to look wise, look like fools to the wise. Your grammar is…deplorable.
And Chump keeps grifting his supporters.
It’s NOT about Trump.
It’s about the screwing of Americans and their elections.
They are not counting on him having a heart attack over the next few years.
Correction…. Months
Trump very well could have a heart attack in the next 4 years.
@Nathan Zolo nobody is promised another day.
@Nathan Zolo If so, that guy doing handstands in the front of the parade will be me.
@Nathan Zolo Love it…

•Joe pretending to be President.
•Jill pretending to be a Doctor.
•Dems pretending they accepted Trump’s 2016 victory.
•Media pretending they are journalists.
The poison kool-aid made it’s way to the grey hair homes.
That’s why all the Ghestapo are going along with the open Machiavellianism
You’re calling Trump a genius

LMFAO, I’m surprised she knows what incompetent means, she’s obviously been living under a rock for the past 4 years.
We here china know use weak spineless liberal democrats to infiltrate America. They not smart and willing sell USA to china.
The true cancer in this country are the people that use all their free time(and they got loads of it) to protest and regurgitate a racist/hate filled narrative on anyone who is dumb/scared enough to listen.
Biden is not the President-elect, but he should resign because he’s incompetent.
Sure she was a Trump supporter, we believe her.
Love it…

•Joe pretending to be President.
•Jill pretending to be a Doctor.
•Dems pretending they accepted Trump’s 2016 victory.
•Media pretending they are journalists.
That’s too light!
Making sure everything is legit is destroying democracy. I’m sure!
In 2024 if he loses he’ll say election fraud again lol
Why is this considered news?
This is 4 old women arguing politics who may not have any experience in the subject at all? I’m no right wing news station lover, but this is ridiculous.
She is no trump supporter she is a paid actor
She also a Democrat. I dont know why they quoted the white lady in the back. They even call her one of the two democrats in the video. Clearly the women on the sides are the Trump supporters.
Was this interview conducted in a nursing home, dementia wing?
Why, yes it was.
Hoh yes
Any party that aligns itself with Christian evangelicals is corrupt period.
“How many people have to say, everything wasnt done according to the law and was a total fraud! “ What a stupid wahman.
The real problem is America’s education system.
She (DeVoss) is going along with the “pac” to dumb down the system. The less educated, the easier manipulated. (Edited because I posted before thinking. Apologies)
True. And that blame falls on the politicians doesn’t it, which makes them the real problem.
@Maggie S
If you research the school carriculum you’ll find that the problem for many years has been Common Core.
Guess who’s brainchild that is
Bill Gates.
@KELLI KELLI You are right. I totally forgot about Common Core. What was he thinking……
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!! And what states have the worst test scores, and under funded school systems?
THE SOUTH! Where the “Red States” reside.