CNN’s Pamela Brown asks Chad Wolf, former acting Homeland Security Secretary under Donald Trump, what more could have been done in the days leading up to the January 6th riot at the US Capitol.
#CNN #News
Former Trump Homeland Security secretary on Capitol riot security failures

“i don’t see your exact point” = actually “i don’t want to hear anything other than what i want to hear”
Which is what happened in 2016 with the Cnn Russian hoax
@Big Red_71 well what about Hillary?
Republicans are good liars ,deflecting and denying..
@Big Red_71 what hoax would that be? The one were trump asked for help with the election?
Dude, you missed this year’s Reichsparteitag. They had a golden calf, an orange cow, and everything!
@qjtvaddict I voted for Jorgensen after we kicked Tulsi out. Anti corruption is not a Trump only topic.
@J Ownin’ tha Libs!
@Captain Win that’s the end. A lot of bad stuff happens first
Homeland security was no where to be found on the 6th.
Trump probably call them off along with Republican Congressman.
@X2 GI it was Senate that was off all though they are part of Congress to .
This guy doesn’t know what he is talking about, he is covering up something!
with both hands.
States changing their laws and people following those laws is NOT fraud. There was NO fraud. This is ridiculous that they keep trying to equate that to “fraud.” My goodness!
It pisses me off and makes me sick.
They’re mad because they got outsmarted.
@Telicia Benson The goal should not be one party outsmarting the other.. the goal should be to create laws and processes that makes it easy for every of age citizen to vote. And yes, it should be secure. The parties need to compete based on policies and ideas, not how to rig the system into their favor.
@William Hunt I said what I said.
Oh God. Seeing this man makes my stomach churn
Where is our current president anyways? Must have lost his cheat sheet again..
“Stomach churn” sounds like indigestion
I’m with ya on that one . Couldn’t stand him even on The apprentice
All I see is one man struggling to be accountable. Instead of saying that the election was a fraud, perhaps the American people got fed up with an impulsive president.
When the BLM movement staged their protest at the capitol (where Trump holds the Bible up) there was plenty of protection. And then some. Jan 6, the security should have been twice as ready. Hard to see any evidence of preparedness for the worst.
it was a setup trump knew what he was doing even some of the police men letting the riots inside

Esper was Sec. of Defense. He quit and Trump appointed Miller who would play ball. The guard used helicopters earlier in the year, but the guard is activated by the Secretary of the Army and he is under the Sec. of Defense.
Hope this Wolf joker gets investigated.
He’s right tho
@Big Red_71 his not right, I have evidence that trump is gay.
@Salvador Trevino congratulations you’re homophobic
So he’s saying he understood the magnitude of the event but did nothing. hmm…
Oh they sent an email…
Don’t you love watching him pass the buck?
What event?
This guys very first comments told me all I need to know about him .
This guy is guilty as hell.. Out in the open lying is still guilty..
Hes still lying for trumpee what r these people afraid of hes gone
Yea like the Russian collusion
The buck clearly did not stop with this one. Too many people are getting away with murder…
Literally look at January 6 !
The only thing that’s NOT rigged is Trumps descending into Hell when he dies, he still has time to repent his sins. He incited the riot that killed 5 people and justice must be served.
He wasn’t a secretary. He was just an “acting” one, because, like most of Trump’s nominees, Wolf would never be able to be confirmed for that role.
Is that the same as pretending? He sounded like a faker.
What a bunch of bullcrap!
@Generic Dragon so he was confirmed by the senate and was not working in an acting position? Can you share with us the date of his confirmation?
Like how it was so easy to overturn trumps policy “accomplishments” because most were just executive orders
Now it all makes sense he was doing what he was hired to do, Exactly what ever Trump and his regime told him to do and that was absolutely nothing, So he let it just happen and he should be held accountable !
Yo some big thinking action going on here
Was the Homeland Secure? No. What is your job again? Sit down bro.
We are a Republic. A homeland is where the inconvenient indigenous people get sent to.
This guy is not going to admit his failure. He keeps double talking. Clearly, as head of Homeland Security he should have been the person to sound the alert and had the Capitol secured before the protesters arrived.
He is a snake that’s why
She’s too soft on this dude…. He’s the problem not a solution
Trump: “If you only count the votes that were for me, I win easily….by a landslide.”

Or just simply varify Joes votes that they refused to verified
@brutalnatas np
You mean verify them a 4th time. Because they had already been verified 3 times.
She’s got him backed into his lying corner. Defending the ex-guy still. What a waste of space he is.