Former Trump DHS Official Backs Biden; Cites Racist Trump Policies, Divisiveness | MSNBC

Elizabeth Neumann, former senior DHS official in the Trump administration talks about how Donald Trump's racist and divisive rhetoric encouraged racist groups, how Trump undermined the response to the coronavirus, and her role in the newly form Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform, which seeks to recruit former Trump officials to support Joe Biden's candidacy. Aired on 8/26/2020.
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Former Trump DHS Official Backs Biden; Cites Racist Trump Policies, Divisiveness | MSNBC


  1. It’s incredible how the Republicans let one man, a former democratic donor, destroy their entire party over the course of 4 years. Was it worth it?

    1. I have 2 points about this:

      A.) Someone is controlling Trump.
      B.) His filming a reality show.

      It’s gotta be one of the 2. This madness is ridiculous.

    2. @David Andresen It’s nice to be reminded that there are others out there wrestling with the same issues. Appreciated!
      Was it rational to add one among 2000 comments on a random video? Probably not. I just can’t help but try to make sense of what’s going on. Let’s work our way to the end of the tunnel. Cheers!

    1. @Montauk Long Island fair enough. There’s no cure for either asthma or bone spurs. Let’s ask them BOTH for proof. One simple X-ray for Trump. I’m sure you’d agree that’s only fair.

    2. @Montauk Long Island my sister has asthma she joined the army went to boot camp and was medically discharged. You can not serve with Asthma!! Even if you want to serve they can not. And btw his son did serve. Donald Trumps children are spoiled entitled children.

    1. Well Bush has a big baggage hanging over his head – The Irag war – so I don’t think he’ll be publicly rebuking anyone ever.

    2. xlioilx : Obama and Biden are much better than Trump. They operated with integrity, something Trump sorely lacks.

    1. @Chris Thompson mrs. tomp— very well said; of course every comment on utub is true; nobody ever lies exept truetrump “Lives Matter” those who put a color at the beginning are the racists! and you have what evidence?
      The CDC recently revised its infection fatality rate estimate down to just 0.26 percent. For those outside of nursing homes, the infection fatality rate is estimated to be just 0.13 percent. One percent of counties in the country account for roughly 40 percent of all Covid-19 deaths nationally. Ten percent of counties account for roughly 80 percent of all deaths. Roughly 25 percent of the counties in the country haven’t experienced a single coronavirus death. Nearly half of all coronavirus deaths have come in nursing homes. sourse { washingtonpost(.)com/news/powerpost/paloma/the-health-202/2020/07/10/the-health-202-why-determining-the-coronavirus-death-rate-is-so-tricky/5f0727f088e0fa7b44f711fd/

      was supposed to be 2.2 million dead but trump got in the way. once again, Trump was correct just like thousands of times if only Trump had done these necessary things on covid— like sign a $2T spending for covid dems refuse to extend relief… trump provides protection from evictions… suspension of the 28% payrol tax …employees pay 14% of their income and now they get to keep it and 14% paid by employers and they get to use that to hire more Americans. ..i mean very little so far-{source msn(dot)com} you know like in Jan: have HHS declare the virus as “a very big deal” or Jan. 6- issue a level I travel notice Wuhan, China or b4 Jan 20 have NIH begin development of a vaccine for the coronavirus. pay halyard to make over 100 N95 Million masks; Operation Warp Speed +
      sourse imperial(.)ac(.)uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020(.)pdf

    2. @Elizabeth Cunicelli its amazing how the party that downplayed the Chinese Wuhan virus in order to indulge their impeachment obsession:
      Biden: “The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate [by us], fear [by us],… But neither should we panic or fall back on xenophobia ” Obama health advisor Ducklo: “US needs to ‘stop panicking and being hysterical’ about coronavirus”
      “Mr. vice president would you ban chinese travelers from arriving in the united states” >>” i wouldn’t!”
      –mask_less-new_hair-let-them-eat-ice-cream-Nancie:”we must ignore President Donald Trump and listen to the scientists.” ““you should come to Chinyn towen it’s ve ri sa yfe to be in Chin-towen …I say to people, ‘Come to cCHin-ayttown. Here we are. We’are sa fe. joyn us. Everit hyng is fine heare” [note: nothing about protecting chillen, noting about wearin a stuped mask
      mask_less-new_hair-let-them-eat-ice-cream-Nancie: “we must implement the No Ban Act now, so that i can allow travelers from Wuhan, China”:
      hashtag # walkaway

  2. In all my years (70), I’ve never seen so many Republicans endorse the opposition party’s candidate. This means their own candidate has major flaws.

  3. You don’t have to be brave to walk away from tRump. You just have to be human with standards and knowing what is right. Thank you for your move! 🌊🌊🌊💯

    1. @stephen glover how so his approval rating is worse than it ever has bern for villifying blm. He polls at 8% within blacks and 26% within us Hispanics. No gracias

    2. @stephen glover thats why he’s trying to gwt Kanyw on the ballot in swing states to sway away the black vote cause he knows he doesn’t have it and does poorly with them

    3. @stephen glover dont know what poll you’re looking at but he’s still at 8%. With Kamala as Joe’s Vice President it now puts him in the best position among blacks

  4. Better late than never… Greater efforts required to make inroads into the 35% core base that’s still blindly following the Corrupt Buffoon!

    1. 900 people willingly drank the poisoned kool-aid when Jones told them to do so. The 35% are his cult and will never see the light.

    1. Under Obama you mean? Never forget hunter biden taking 1.5 billion off the chinese. A vote for Biden is a vote for China

    2. we were on the fence until we saw all those capital letters (aka screaming) so now we know who to vote for.
      The so-called “cages” being used by federal immigration officials to detain child border crossers in detention facilities are the same barriers that were used by former President Obama’s administration. breitbart(.)com/media/2018/06/child-detention-John-MooreGetty-Images-640×480(.)jpg

    3. but there were children in cages with Obama – it’s okay different rules for him, same as Pelosi not respecting lockdown – this is the problem with these rich democrats – they are the greediest people alive but someone they deflect this onto the republicans and their base fall for it every time

    1. And a 5 time draft dodger and 6 time bankruptcy.
      I couldn’t forgive Republican party let him run for office.
      Hope USA finally can end it by voting, because GOP’s could get him out of office when he was impeached.
      Vote blue and get rid of those senators, but first of all this moron in office

    2. DNC activist late night S. Tyrone Colbert is making a non- political statement to the social -injustice in Kenosha. DUE TO COVID-19…..WE ARE ASKING RIOTERS TO WORK FROM HOME AND DESTROY YOUR OWN PUBLIC HOUSING.!

    3. …and you have to consider WHO hired him for that game show; one of the most right wing publisher of PAP and fake media in the world.

    4. Game show host, conman, snake oil sells man, draft dodger, failed business man, wow what a resume, only thing missing is televangelist to complete his resume

    NOW…WE NEED TO VOTE HIM OUT!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😷🇺🇸

    1. There is no line it being erased 3 years ago trump say stop fighting the virus dont count as they died 180.000 we need prayer for this nation America is in grave trouble 4 more years you wont have no more laws

    2. At the convention no one has mask on at the white house that it not normal to have his convention on the white house ground but I guest everything he does it’s normal even to grab a woman

    1. Please don’t associate the “Moron n chief” to clowns!

      They deserve better representation than him!

  6. I respect this woman so much and it makes me feel safer knowing the DHS are divorcing themselves from the Trump Administration.

    1. Ben Moyers, sorry, but what makes you think the DHS are “divorcing themselves from the Trump* Administration”? His henchman, and deputy henchman are still in charge at DHS, in fact he’s looking to make Chad Wolfe permanent instead of Acting. We saw how DHS behaved in Portland, and I see no grounds for feeling safer, just because 2 brave former officials are speaking out.

  7. “Christians” ✝️ can’t be Christian if they do not follow The Golden Rule: Treat Others the Way You Want to be Treated #BidenHarris 2020

    1. @jessica straub Love you too Jessica – Good to hear that you are continuing to make progress with your work as so many are struggling right now. Stay positive and keep your heart open to new opportunities , corruption has long been a barrier to those who have a conscience. Sometimes it’s possible to live with a compromise and at other times it is too much. Corruption has become a global problem and it becomes more and more dangerous by the day.
      I have been very lucky (in an ironic sense) to have been able to take early retirement and thus able to pursue what was for some years a hobby of mine.
      These are very disconcerting times full of insecurity and some dangers, so stay alert and aware, ready to act. May you and your loved ones be safe and healthy. God Bless 🙂

    2. This is the same thing I’ve been trying to explain to other Christians, especially on social media. But all people care about is abortion. I get it, I honestly do. BUT, what’s coming from the White House is total CHAOS. What we need to do is pray, not just for Joe Biden to win, but pray that after the election, TRUMP LEAVES THE WHITE HOUSE. He’s not gonna make that easy, and we all know his gonna cause a major problem if he loses.

    3. Jesse James I TRY with younger generations, but I get SO frustrated, I mean, I always kinda knew racism was big in the south still, but after my parents, the civil rights movement, and at least where I grew up we Didn’t judge people on anything but how they treated people. Obama was in office…. How did it get THIS BAD THIS FAST?Someone fell asleep at the wheel.Its just depressing.
      I WAS the kid that fought with my teachers when I was little saying “you can win the popular vote and still not win”? And I remember them telling me it would never happen.

    4. @jessica straub Note that this chaos and craziness is happening worldwide Jessica. Not only America. The fact that it has reached this far is the most disturbing factor. I have learned so much more about America since Trump came to office and it seems that this perhaps is why he has succeeded in bringing chaos and division to your nation. America was born as a Nation of diversity, with the many different states being remnants of diverse origin, Spanish British, French, Mexican etc but also of course the original indigenous populations, many of the migrant peoples became a part of the Union after the Civil War and increased after the ending of slavery with African Americans. It would seem though that some of these states were not fully integrated into the Union.
      Many of the other nations of the wider world also have such varied histories.

      We have been seeing such Union states demanding independence or autonomy. My own nation of Britain is one older example, but many others most recently; Spain, Yugoslavia, India, have followed the same path.
      Of course its all a whole lot more complicated than I have the time or energy to describe here but I sense there is some truth here.I just hope that America can work this dilemma out before Trump can destroy your nation entirely.

    1. Harris is just as bad. She locked up over 1900 people for smoking weed and then laughs about it when asked if she ever smoked. She also mocked protestors who chanting “build more schools build less prisons”. She likes to lock people up and wants more prisons. She also wants to lock up parents who’s children aren’t in school. I don’t see how that is going to help poor families do you? She said all of these things on video you can watch them here

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