Former Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham for the Republican party following the 2022 midterm elections. #CNN #News
Former Trump aide has a message for the GOP

Former Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham for the Republican party following the 2022 midterm elections. #CNN #News
I live on Social Security disability. The definition of a fixed income. Inflation is a big issue to me. Inflation comes and goes though. This country has been a democracy for 246 years. Once democracy is gone, it isn’t coming back. Which do you think is more important to me and every other American?
@Pat Jager what a trashy comment.
@Wokeisajoke worldwide
Very well put, thank you.
@Joe Blow They keep so many of the older voters hanging on by repeating phrases like “traditional values” and “honor our veterans” and “God Bless the United States of America.” And by using the occasional political “dog whistle” in reference to black Americans.
Trump got his fair share of the senior vote because he promised to make America 1958 again. Where every family could have a Ward and June Cleaver, a Wally and a Beaver (or an Andy and a Barney and an Aunt Bea).
What a Joke you voted to have your democracy stripped away all they need is to have total control of the senate & house you’ll be seeing laws changed in a hurry marshal law will be enforced 😂😂😂😂😂
I really hope democrats get 51 for the Senate.. I’m sure the vice president doesn’t like having to constantly break a tied Senate
@Sinette Iversen If Warnock wins, it will only give the Democrats 51, so Manchin and Senema is still in play, plus if the GOP takes the house, then we are back to square 1, nothing gets done like always, and other countries can continue to laugh at the US.
Also there are two democratic Senators who feel like right wingers Manchin
Manchin and Synema are DINO’S. We NEED a win for Sen. Warnock to keep the Democratic majority in the Senate, and hopefully the House!!!
@Sinette Iversen something to aspire to for 2024 but sadly not possible this year
I sent some $$ to warnock last week. Contribute if you can!
When people say that the “GOP went down to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the ring”, they are being exactly accurate in what happens.
The thing that people don’t realise is that they are NOT talking about a ring that is worn on a finger.
That is so true, and on a clear dark night, you can actually see Mitch McConnell’s head within an eclipse of TWITTLER’S
sphincter! 😳🤣
i love it.
kevin on his knees kissing the ring and swallowing the load😂
@Stirling Fletcher – And who can forget Kurt Vonnegut Jr’s * ?
@Jamie Thomas spun barrel to put the lines in it. You can send it to a lab for ballistics matching.
🤓This Ahole DEFINITELY fired this torpedo.
Probably should be prosecuted and put in jail. Everyone knows he had a part to play in the insurrection.
Everyone but the Republicans
Everyone involved should be thrown out, yet they are still there. This is the problem, it’s not about justice and truth, it’s about how much money and power you have so you don’t have to be held accountable.
@Milton McCarroll they know, at least those in office (many of the MAGGATS) are ignorant enough to truely believe otherwise
What is so surprising is how obvious this has to be before half of this country gets a clue, it should have stopped at “I grab women by their pu….” That should have ended it right there but the disgust runs much deeper I guess to a whole host of attitudes and actions that simply shows that too many people have no real understanding or compassion.
Or the fact that he tried to deny friendship with epstein;
Or “wished well” ghislaine maxwell;
Or that he’s known to prefer Ivanka’s bed to anyone else’s.
I knew we had a serious problem after he made fun of that disabled reporter on live TV and didn’t lose support.
Yeah, I agree Trump said “I can grab women by the…” also this pervert was great friends of Jeffrey Epstein and G. Maxwell. Even said he wished her well. Also, he would sneak into the dressing rooms at Miss Teen American watching the girls change. He never denied that. This lowlife has always been a disgusting person – people voted for him – I don’t get it.
@Fabio Fox Music or when he dissed that Muslim american war hero.
Americans want two parties that can debate, agree to disagree then solve problems. Anyone that has something else in mind for our country will be given a pink slip. Josh Hawley is just one who sees himself being retired, that’s the only reason he’s tweeting contrary to everything he’s done and said for years. It won’t be forgotten.
Those days have been over for some time now. It use to be that when a party lost the house, Senate and/or The White House they licked their wounds and planned for a better result in 2-4 years but now the new strategy after losing is to sabotage the other party while trying to make it look like incompetence and it doesn’t matter of the sabotage hurts the country, especially when it comes to the GOP. The GOP spends all their time after a loss blocking legislation even if it is good for the country. Their is zero bipartisan effort on the part of the GOP and this has been the strategy since Obama became President.
@Chevy Chase
Choosing a dog to be the president of the United States is better than Biden being the president of the United States. Dogs are definitely more loved by the world than Biden. As for governing? That’s not the president’s business in the first place, that’s the deep state’s business.
Absolutely 😊
@angelika opland
Dems have consistently questioned every Republican presidential election besides Regan’s second win, since 1968. Eisenhower was the LAST Republican to win both times without any Democrat skepticism. Republicans never did with any clout until 2020.
Who is making it difficult to negotiate and compromise here?
The center is a ball that fashionable regressives won’t share and always kick to the left making negotiations meaningless.
“We’re not a Cult” Hilarious.
…they say while gagging and bobbing their heads.
How hard is it to find a guy who will take all the credit and none of the blame. Ever!
Isn’t that Putin’s usual reaction ?
Maybe he meant we are not The (rock band) Cult, but are “a” cult.🤷♂️
I am just soooo surprise this guy is not in Jail already, after all his wrongdoing I am baffled, just so tired of him, lock him up ASAP
I can’t agree more. When is Trump going to prison for his manifold crimes. Now that E. Jean Carroll is going to go after him for allegedly raping her, it would be aweosme if the thing that sends him to prison (first) is his sexually assaulting a woman (as we know by his own admittance on audio, he rampantly sexually assaulted many women and got away with it due to his fame and power).
Your problem is you watch too much MSNBC you don’t know what’s really going on. Keep in mind they lied to you every single night for two and a half years about Russia collusion so did CNN that’s why they lost half Their audience at least CNN is trying to turn things around to be an incredible news Outlet we’ll see what happens there
Biden is a criminal
Yes – he should be in jail
He is a crook – a traitor – a criminal.
“Say that”..
Every journalist/broadcaster/pundit and politician should all be mandated to say “global economy” when speaking about inflation and gas prices. Because this is NOT limited to the U.S. It is so much better here than every other near peer nation of ours. We need to be thankful it’s not worse, instead of 24/7 bitching.
It could be made better by stop the subsidies for oil companies to drill. They made Billions in Profits – they are no longer a start up company. Now they need to be TAXED.
Nonsense .. Potato Joe said loud and clear he was going to shut down the production of oil and gas in America because of some green baloney, what the hell does this fool think the world runs on, grape juice?
Thanks to Joe Biden Superior leadership will get through this I’m just kidding it’s because of him we are in this mess
“Clearly said”..
I heard someone say, “If Trump wants Biden to lose so bad then he should endorse him.” And I’m thinking it’s pretty much spot on. 😂😂😂
Duh, really? Which way did he go George, which way did he go??
Donald did predict the Republican Party would “get tired of winning”. He was right!
This was one of the best interviews I’ve seen…no bs, just the facts & so reasonable & comprehensive! And no one yelling, hate talking, or belittling anyone in making their point…thx all, Great Respect for you 3!
Olivia Troye strikes me as a decent person who is truly disturbed about her association with the Trump Administration and is working to make amends, and I have respect for her for that.
We really need to recognize this as a referendum by Republicans as a whole. They are not voting for MAGA politicians. True Republicans are shining. They are quietly standing for democracy and a peaceful society. I for one recognize them, and realize how important they are to keeping our country whole. Thank you ✌️.
They forever have the taint of Trump upon them. If they really wanted to ditch him they would start a new party or something. They don’t actually want that, they just want to go back to the way things were without suffering any consequences. But the mask is off already, the whole party is corrupt and full of liars. Anyone who runs as a Republican at this point supports such behavior to SOME degree, and that’s unacceptable. It’s still just a ‘gimme tha powa’ party, nothing more. Never vote Republican, ever.
This defeat may be the best thing for the Republicans who want their party back. As a Democrat, I wish them the best because we need stable discourse in our politics. I sincerely thank all the brave Republicans who have stood up against the madness.
They needed this slap down with this mid term. Maybe some of them can shake off the effects of drinking the orange kool-aid.
@Rhaspun Don’t worry, by the next election the economy will be so bad people will be begging for Republicans. If you look at the election map, voting choice is geographic. Most of the map by far is red. The city people vote blue. The city people depend on the red areas for food and energy. The city doesn’t produce anything they only take. They are going to have a far worse time dealing with the crash that is coming. They voted for things to stay on this track we are on and now it will
Congratulations to these ladies that gave their opinion without being afraid of the GOP. 👍🏾
Are GOP killers? Why will they be afraid? Democrats💪
for the MAGA set, a “fraudulent” election is any time they don’t win.
I agree and MAGA is not happy about them speaking the truth!
I don’t congratulate them and I don’t thank them. if they’d been of any worth they would have spoke up when it mattered but they all stayed quiet until they were out of jobs. doesn’t’ take a brave person to speak out when they ain’t got nothing to lose. It takes a brave person to stand up when they see wrong when it cost them everything at that moment. That’s just like all the people that’s written books about all the wrongs they’ve seen they don’t care about the wrongs they care about the monetary gain from books they don’t care about the truth if they did they would have spoke up when it mattered. When it happened.
@Donivan Potter I have to agree with you, although I do believe Olivia Troye is sincerely unhappy about her relationship with the Trump Administration.
“The Republican Party needs to just sit and think for a moment” perfect summary
“I don’t think the United States needs superpatriots. We need patriotism, honestly practiced by all of us, and we don’t need these people that are more patriotic than you or anyone else.”
– Dwight D. Eisenhower
“Our American heritage is threatened as much by our own indifference as it is by the most unscrupulous office seeker or by the most powerful foreign threat. The future of this Republic is in the hands of the American voter.”
– Dwight D. Eisenhower, Speech to the New York Herald Tribune, NY, 10/25/1949
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As a Mich Democrat I didn’t agree with John McCain politically but saw him as an American Hero who suffered for all Americans! Never will forgive trump for disrespecting McCain! RIP American hero John McCain💙🇺🇲
In hindsight McCain wasn’t THAT bad.
Same here 👍
McCain was a dirtbag.
Trump attached gold star parents from the podium at the 2016 GOP convention, yet the party nominated him and the electorate voted him in! So who’s pathological, here? Roughly 50% of American voters, that’s who.