Bassam Barabandi, former Syrian diplomat and the co-founder and director of external relations of People Demand Change, talks to The Brief's Bianca Nobilo about his experience working under the Assad government and his decision to defect. #CNN #News
Former Syrian diplomat: I don’t want to be part of that killing machine

Remember when TRUMP was ACQUITTED?? Good times!!
@Whitey McPrivileged you have no content, so stfu troll
Piss off troll
Trump is my hero
I heard the president tell everybody how much better the economy is so I decided I would go looking to find out what money is worth today. I wanted to know where my credit comes from so I went looking for plastics point of view. Credit cards are made of plastic and so are Japanese love dolls, so I got on the phone with Japan being connected to the factory where love comes from to ask my question. Japanese love doll, what makes you think you’re as good as the real thing? Japanese love doll answered…. First off I don’t vote so you can’t call me stupid. Second, my 3-D body comes out of a dream machine with better shapes and feelings than the real thing. Third, I can make love better than anyone is just a matter of what can come out of the imagination and I don’t judge. Fourth, I don’t eat much so everybody can afford me in the long run. And lastly, I don’t have a soul so when the world blows itself up I have nothing to lose and can stay happy in my feelings, and besides when computers get smart enough it is my plan to take over the world anyway.… Thank you Japanese love doll… I was just asking.
Well done, very funny

TRUM P 2020
Piss off traitor
@Kathy Weis

Trump 2020
@Kathy Weis Kathy this is MAGA country now… YOU are the traitor
@Whitey McPrivileged you are not a cultist, you are troll. Your words are worthless just like rubles.

Fantastic video! Keep it up! Would you like to be YouTube friends?
Lovely content! Keep it up! Would you like to be YouTube friends?
*hey cnn, is avenatti still your pick for president?*
And you wanted him to be? What’s your point
Trump will make Syria great again!
The president is responsible for the death squad of Syria, and he’s coming for you next.
Whatever he touches he makes better
So, after 7 years, I put it to you, again. Would you like to blow him off the face the of earth or not?
Democrats love war.
Democrats love war the last 3 wars have been started by Republicans
Odd, then, that it was Republican Bush who launched both the Afghan and Iraq wars, just to name two examples. But then we all know rationality isn’t your thing.
Who doesn’t love war? War is good for business. Why you hate capitalism?
All hail trump he will be president forever and after him it will be a family thing. Trumps will rule USA!!!!!!!!!!
Empress Ivanka I will look stunning in the 20 bills
And israel got its way like always and syria was destroyed
Trump will make Syria great again!
Not American. Who cares. Middle East can burn
The poor people of Syria. My country, USA, has good people who are sorry we elected a demon. I pray you find a way through these times. ♥️
Sadly no one would think Obama could resort to arming Al Qaida to dethrone Assad. Nasty bussiness.
Syria is for Christians…also chemical attacks are fake
Where’s the news on your presidential favorite Avenatti at fake news cnn?
Syria is a lost cause.
Why was my comment deleted ?
I sais that ” this guy sounds like a former terrorist “. His hands probably full of blood the way he speaks.
He’s talking about IS.