NBC legal analyst and former senior member of the Mueller probe, Andrew Weissmann, breaks down the New York Times' report that the New York attorney general is criminally investigating Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg. Plus, NBC's Peter Alexander shares his latest.
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Former Senior Member Of Mueller Probe Explains Investigation Into Trump
Time for one of the biggest criminals in history to finally face some justice for decades of crime. The system is broken when it takes this long for justice…assuming it will actually be done.
@jsean g
No he didn’t!
@jsean g
Dislodge the comedian from the otherwise vacant area between your ears!
Rich white man may never be held accountable! Black men, get brutal Street justice! Something needs to change!
@No Show Joe oh yeah! Trump had press conferences every day! Never had anything useful to say either! Blah blah blah! Dumbest most ignorant president we’ve ever had.
@Lightning strikes twice
“Black men, get brutal Street justice!”
Yep, killing each other right and left.
“Trump…Dumbest most ignorant president we’ve ever had.”
Says an anonymous dweeb…
Funny reminds me of how they finally could convict another gangster. Al Capone went to jail for tax evasion
It’s the same thing. fRump Organization should be called fRump Crime Syndicate.
Actually Capone went to prison on mail fraud
@rob smith Trump has a brain?
Donald Trump wrote a $25,000 CHECK from his former charity’s account to Florida AG, Pam Bondi, to squash a lawsuit over his sham “university.” (He was successfully sued in another state over Trump U, and his charity was shut down for what the NY AG called “a shocking pattern of illegality.”)
He ostensibly paid a bribe with a CHECK from a CHARITY. He’s not careful. The people in his circle aren’t careful. Look at Giuliani. “Hey, everybody, I’m off to Ukraine now to get dirt on Donald’s opponent from a foreign government AGAIN.”
Trump paid off two women to keep quiet about his marital affairs with checks. (The story had already come out years before, too). He directed his lawyer to set up a sham LLC in order to make the payments, committing bank, tax, and FEC fraud in the process. He couldn’t use cash? Jewelry?
I’d bet he left paper trails all over the place. He’s screwed.
@Carol Cisko No you are wrong. Google is your friend. Capone went went to prison for tax evasion
Trump will soon realize the reckoning that he never has had to face…..CONSEQUENCES FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS…..
Doubtful… he will die without realizing this.
This is a man incapable of learning lessons the rest of us learn by age 6, or of assuming accountability for anything whatsoever.
Sorry no, he’ll blame it all on someone else!
You guys start getting the popcorn ready the show is about to begin. You couldn’t make this up I think it will be an academy award.
Weiselberg: “hold my spade”

Weiselberg going to sing louder that Rudy and Joel Greenberg put together on karaoke night.
The Trump Presidential Library has burned down. Tragically, the fire consumed both books, and Trump hadn’t even finished coloring the second one.
@J Groovy I am WELL aware of THAT scheme! Trump is a snake!
@jones Again, that’s a good one!

@Okkie Trooy Can you even imagine?!
Neal Katyal………. along with…….. Glenn Kirschner………… amongst many others……… will be
indicted and charged with:
Criminal Conspiracy to commit Crimes Against Humanity.
They will be convicted and serve consecutive terms of life imprisonment.
Speaking for a knowledgeable friend.
Great answer to ‘It is what it is’ by Il Ducé Don, Alan spoke to the ‘Deal Maker’, by saying ‘You are where yo are’; let’s prey ‘You can run but not hide’!
Somewhat ironic that his kids did not want him to be president. Maybe he should have listened to them as they are all going to pay for it.
I am looking at closing also for Trump & his children (they now have proof of crimes) but not yet for the former AG but that will becoming later. I believe it won’t be a surprise at all for many citizens of the USA or even other world leaders but the huge bombshell surprise’s will come from others who are still inside USA Federal & State Government, etc. as highly respected citizens of the USA coming from also church, local law enforcement, news media & even other countries I believe that will also be charged that made it possible for Trump & his children to be charged with many crimes. It will be a real wake up call to everyone & especially the current Trump Republican Party that Democracy is still alive in the USA. The big question will be why didn’t the King & his children get out of the USA when they had the chance instead of just hanging around Florida & the golf course?
This is like déjà vu.
Same nonsense you America-bashing non-Americans were spewing when this channel had Michael Avenatti on for months almost every day. Avenatti was your Trump Slayer, your Crown Prince…
billycarson Hasn’t Florida kind of become a foreign country??
Jonathan Sterling Nope.
Methinks that Trumpy can NOT spin out this court case in the hope that the other side will concede thinking that its costing more than its worth!!!
His father told him not to leave Queens, Sheepshead Bay and Coney Island. Big doofus shoulda listened to old Fred.
@Woody Guthrie Word is that Fred Trump had similar psychological problems to Donald.
He was smarter though and more business savy.
Fred should have pulled out then we wouldn’t be talking about this tangerine con man.
@Erika Ives Woulda, coulda, shoulda. The Petulant Putz has benefitted from society’s negligence since he was born.
He is a disgrace to the U.S. and the planet.
He is a debit on the balance sheet of life.
@Woody Guthrie
I agree with you, no reason to be hostile about it.
@Woody Guthrie New York Military Academy was actually a very reputable boarding school at that time. I attended in the 80’s when it still had a decent name. My point being, it wasn’t a place where you sent anyone with learning difficulties and emotional problems. (Those issues were exploited by the student body). NYMA was considered a solid conduit to college. Having viewed Trump’s school photos, the first thing that struck me was his cushy rank and lack of any medals that demonstrate real achievement. In all likelihood, his father made things easy for Trump financially, allowing him to reach the rank of Staff Captain. My point here, is that he was likely silver-spooned and sailed along unremarkably within a pretty tough prep school that was very effective in bringing out the best of high achievers. (If Trump wasn’t Trump, guys like him generally didn’t achieve the rank of Captain, much less any officer).
They all need to lawyer up because donnie has ordered a big bus…
I’ll be the happiest man alive when they start investigating ivanka
Does Chanel make an orange jumpsuit?
And I’ll be the happiest woman. We can celebrate together. I plan on breaking open a good port.
@Stella Tomas Maybe Oscar De La Renta! or maybe Versace!
mario – I will be happier than you ! I will have happiness oozing everywhere. But I need to pace myself in happiness. So many crooks, so little ooze.
. . . And her brothers, Melania, her husband . . . there’s not a decent person among them.
Omg that photo of the three of them looks like a promotion pic for a really bad mafia B movie
Perfect description. And Weisselberg in that photo also manages to really resemble Grumpy Cat (anyone remember that?).
Justice Matters. ~ Glenn Kirschner ~
Dumpster is going to find out that you can’t buy loyalty forever, especially when you are well known to not give it back
And now he’s not in a position to give anyone a pardon…so why would anyone be loyal to him?
You called him, DUMPSTER?!! I LIKE IT!!
Dumpster’s whole life is turning into a dumpster fire
@Mister Flibble YESS!
Just wait till they get hold of his golf scores.
We love Andrew Weissman’s home as a backdrop to his pertinent information.
Allen Weisselberg is going to regret not having retired earlier. I can’t imagine how stressed he must be from the whole saga. Neither jail time nor stress-related heart failure is something to look forward to at over 70 years old.
It’s assumed wealthy developers are fudging their taxes but Eric Garner died for untaxed cigarettes.
Helped me to help my family, we are poor and I want to change our life, fund my transport project in my country please
or give me charity
don’t take me for a scammer I just need to be helpe
“those with nothing to hide hide nothing”-unknown
I would say claiming election fraud months before an election, would be ranked high up in the corruption department.