Former Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah dies at 88 in Salt Lake City | USA TODAY

Hatch served 42 years in the Senate, including time as the president pro tempore of the chamber, where he sponsored or co-sponsored nearly 800 bills.

Orrin Hatch served in the Senate, from 1977 to 2019. He was known for working across the aisle, and the late U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., was one of his closest friends.

Of the nearly 800 bills he sponsored or co-sponsored, the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Children's Health Insurance Program are among his top bipartisan accomplishments.

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  1. An 88 year old shouldn’t be managing a retail store let alone running our government. We are so doomed with this nonsense country

    1. @lar ryder actually he announced in 2018 he would not seek another term. Clearly too much time in office, but that is another issue. He was not making decisions in office at 88 years of age as the original poster stated.

      Again, I agree that he was in office far too long, but he was absolutely not in office when he died.

  2. His death saddens me deeply, truly one of the best politician that Utah will ever have, Utah will miss you. R.I.P Sen. Orrin Hatch

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