Justin Amash, a former Republican congressman, discusses the future of the GOP ahead of the midterm elections with CNN's Jake Tapper.
#CNN #News
Former Republican on why he doesn’t think GOP winning in November would be a good thing

Justin Amash, a former Republican congressman, discusses the future of the GOP ahead of the midterm elections with CNN's Jake Tapper.
#CNN #News
I love Justin Smash! I have not stopped thinking about him! keep fighting for Democracy! Speak truth to Power Justin!!!
@Michael BoanoBYE BUTTNUT
@Chris your insults
@Michael Boano read some of your other comments… you really are a tool!!
@Chris said the trump supporter. Lmao
You know how brutal the Democrat side of the debates were when CNN doesn’t overwhelmingly focus on them.
How to “fix” congress? Remove the financial incentives.
Term limits. No more than 2 terms for anybody
Last fight https://youtu.be/7Gf6-IgljyE
Get rid of trump cult and get people who love the poor unlike Trump and the cult who just care about the rich because if your poor people are not doing good your country is not doing good
@Super Scary Russian Bot no moron. They mean reverse Citizens United.
I agree that systems need to be tweaked in most of our government. That won’t happen if the republicans win this election. A message needs to be sent. I voters can see beyond the inflation which would have been no different had republicans won last time. It would probably be worse because there would not been any stimulus and more tax cuts for business and the rich.
what a fake sham you are.
Stimulus made inflation a bit worse. Nobody seems to understand how anything works. This is bad.
Finally someone making sense!!
We need more of that please
Vote Blue in every future election!
@Pulita42 So you want ppl to vote blue in EVERY FUTURE election? Don’t even have to know the candidates or what they stand for? Team politics are why we are so divided.
@Jill Featherman Have to oust theTraitor Republicans because they are at war against America and our rights. They have done NOTHING good for the country or the people in 45 years and counting! They are only out for their own political and financial interests and their corporate donors.
I kinda feel bad for Mr. Amash. He got eviscerated for not going along with the mob. He must feel deeply saddened that the Caucus he founded is no longer conservative..
I hear you. He had to be the lone man with integrity in a nest of vipers. But I think he would see all this as an opportunity although no doubt he wishes things would have been more reasonable, less partisan and more truly representational. He’s a pretty positive, though realistic, man.
I love that he took a stand, stood his ground, showed everyone how things SHOULD be and that he STILL works to serve his country and her people by educating us and continuing to stay true to his high ideals. I’m so proud he was once my Congressman. Best one in all my 56 years.
@DeftRose I bow to your more expansive knowledge. I’m not familiar with those folks, though Jeff Flake does strike the memory bells. Glad Amash wasn’t alone. Bummer there weren’t many more like those brave few.
Well done Jake Tapper!!! This is EXACTLY the kind of substantive political conversation we NEED, and my former Congressman Justin Amash is 100% the best man to talk about these things. He is NOT self serving, he has been saying this all along, even as a Republican and he is 100% honest and trustworthy. Please interview him regularly! He’s a voice we can rely on to give us the truth at all times.
@FarmerGiles the DemocRats is the party trying to destroy the Constitution and the foundation of American democracy.
@Mr Damage I hardly think she’s that!
@Caskas Oh. Thanks for clearing that up. God bless.
@FarmerGiles “well done jake tapper” is a dead giveaway. Nobody thinks jake does a good job. He’s probably next to after lemon.
@Mr Damage Those were not my words, and I credit them to A Andrus. With my endorsement. And yet more credit to former Rep. Amash who make so many good points. Nothing dead about that giveaway. And nobody believes your “nobody” is any more than propaganda.
These Lincoln Project people need their own party.
I suspect they may just form one if Trump gets the GOP nomination in 2024. I think that’s what Liz Cheney means when she vows that Trump will not be President again. I think she intends to launch an Independent spoiler campaign if necessary.
@Star Shake Republicans are hoping Cheney does that. That would insure a Trump victory. Republicans ran Cheney out of their party. The only votes she’d get would be democrats who worship her, and the disinfranchised Republicans that wouldn’t vote for Trump anyways.
Another thing too is people always complain, but they never talk with their Congress people, or don’t even know how too. Teaching or at least spreading awareness about this should be very important. One commenter on her said that she is voting red because she thinks Dems aren’t doing enough even with a super majority. First of all, you have two senators that act like Republicans in disguise, Dems don’t really have a super majority. And quality of life is more than just politics. Too much corporate greed in the world. And republicans wouldn’t do anything about that. And someone else said that inflation wouldn’t have been different if repubs had won the last election, and possibly it may have been a bit worse. The richer getting richer and the poorer getting poorer has long been here, before the Dems had a “super majority”. But all of this is beyond just politics.
Republicans have withheld their support and voted no to pretty much every bill that was helpful to non rich Americans too. So if you think Dems should have done more, remember that Republicans stopped participating in the democratic process and instead focused on breaking every norm in US history. Vote blue all the way down ticket this time so Republicans get the message that this is not what the majority of people want. Cheers
I’m so glad I voted for Biden. <3
This is the rational kind of information that all news networks should be sharing, especially the giant companies where most Americans get their info. He is explaining the real problems and not just fighting against the opposite party or using scare tactics to frighten and divide Americans.
Completely agree. It’s nice seeing someone that actually understands the overall issues. Not just infighting.
THE majority of AMERICA knows this!! However, with the way that the Republitaliban Party has gerrymandered their voting districts, eliminated voting days, making it harder to vote, and trying to get mail in voting banned, has made it hard to win elections – where they should be losing!!
Both sides support gerrymandering, just want it favoring themselves. Ranked choice voting would help.
That’s the whole point of gerrymandering. It strictly an anti-democratic practice, once considered so crooked that it was considered criminal. As far as I’m concerned, it is criminal. Only, guess which two parties would never pass a law. Lock ’em up? Better yet, vote ’em out, both sides. At some point, you just have to say “no more”.
We need at least 2 more political parties recognized nationally.
It won’t happen though. Both parties will fight to not allow any new parties to form. They will fight it on the state level. That’s where that idea will die.
@The Majority Speaks We already have many other parties! Green, Libertarian, Constitution etc. They just never get any traction!
@The Majority Speaks Exactly. Whenever a popular third party candidate seeks to get on the ballot – doing all the necessary paperwork and collecting required signatures – both parties play dirty to get them off the ballot. It’s just like most ppl think that members of congress shouldn’t be allowed to own stocks in things they are also legislating on, but banning it would have to come from the same ppl it benefits. Something that will never happen because that would require principled politician’s which are pretty much nonexistent in Washington.
@Stacey Cramer These are fringe parties, often one-issue parties. Not really parties, but issue groups. I should qualify that. Libertarian is a real party, just not mainstream enough to get attention across the current headwinds that are set against them. What is being discussed here would be two *more* major parties. There’s room in political opinion for two more, and then Libertarian in addition. Or however many Americans decide to vote for, which is something they’re locked out from right now. Which is why the current two major parties need to be forced to move over, for elections laws to change so that they cannot dominate, for campaign funding to be reformed, for gerrymandering to be criminalized formally, and for repealing all the other abuses that allow them to be the only two choices. A majority party should only be in the majority if it earns the right by means of the election. And even the two “major” parties we have right now can’t do that. There are too many people who refuse to commit to a party line. Freedom for America!
@The Majority Speaks Your idea should die. It’s defeatist. Dear me! “Both parties will fight!” And your point is? Mine is that we have a constitution that says “government by the people, for the people”. The constitution is only paper until the people stand up to support and make use of it. It’s we Americans who have gone mushy and think democracy comes easily. I say never say die! If you can’t say that, you’re already dead, or out of commission.
Citizens United has messed up this gov.. Get rid of it.
If Amash is reporting accurately, he’s right.
Does ANYONE admire McCarthy?
The guy who help form the Freedom Caucus.

Always had a good sense of Amash. I don’t agree with him on much regarding policy, but it _is_ actual policy with real conviction behind it, the guy has a solid spine and his head screwed on right. He’s trustworthy and he earned that the proper way. He has my respect.
Damn it a forward thinker no wonder why he’s out of Washington. There are so few in Washington that are forward-thinking too many just wanted to go with the flow grin and Bare it this is how it has always been. The old people that have been there for 20 plus years or the ones that would have to make the changes and they’re not going to sacrifice themselves to make that change
It annoys TF out of me when Stacey Abrams is mentioned in Election denial… The guy she ran against also ran the Election as Secretary of State. Completely unacceptable!
I never liked his politics but I alway admired his love for his country