Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham tells CNN's New Day that she finds the call gaps in Trump's records during January 6th "odd". Grisham further explains Trumps call practices that could lead to the missing records. #CNN #News
Former press secretary breaks down Trump’s call practices

Putin, if you’re listening, I hope you can find the thousands of documents Trump flushed down the toilet
@J C.right…
Bellevue Hospital, if your listening, there is another wacko loose with Trump Derangement Syndrome using one of your public computers.
I have never witnessed in all my life the absolute desperation and lying immature laughable joke insanity as with CNN and MSNBC since 2016. Every dumb screwball lie they babble about President Trump in their incessant Trump Derangement Syndrome insanity NEVER HAPPENS.
This is what I post on CNN and MSNBC videos on YouTube. You can imagine they absolutely LOVE THIS!
“I know you are not going to listen to me and you refuse to change and you will keep lying about President Trump.
I will keep on not listening nor believing your lying, wacko stupidity and I will keep doing what I am doing.
So, you just keep doing what you are doing and I will keep doing what I am doing and when all is said and done, WATCH WHO WAS RIGHT!!!
No, President Trump was not “wrong” Mike Pence. You could have done something but did not. Actually it was all part of God’s Plan for you to not act and do the right thing so all the corruption including Smartmatic and Dominion and mail in ballot corruption could be allowed to go it’s full route so The Father, Son and Holy COULD DEAL WITH IT ALL IN THE RIGHT TIME!!!
That’s all you’ve got? Oh, come on. Your empty, meaningless, lying schemes and weapons are wind!!!
Satan and fallen angels use CNN and MSNBC to propel that never ending fog of satanically inspired lies through these Godless liars. FOX is no different in some cases.
With that in mind. That’s it. Come on. Bring it on! Form all your schemes and weapons. Keep it up! Let’s see whatcha got President Trump and Rudy Giuliani haters!
The only reason this laughable joke constant attacks against President Trump, Rudy Giuliani, General Michael Flynn and a host of others is because Satan is pulling out all his stops to try to stop what The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are about to do in restoring our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.
Guess what?
You are never ever ever going to stop President Trump with all your formed lying weapons.
However, if you MUST beat yourself silly on that brick wall of futility be my guest.
Oh I know. You don’t like caps.
Too bad.
Be Glorified Lord Jesus!!!
“Now I will arise! Now I will lift Myself up!”
“The Lord LAUGHS AT the wicked, for He sees his day is coming!”
President Trump had ZERO to do with the January 6, 2021 Capitol raid.
The REAL Insurrection took place on November 3, 2020 when the corrupt powers STOLE THE 2020 ELECTION.
We must AND WILL see “democracy” wiped clean from OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.
We in The United States are NOT:
A Democracy
An Aristocracy
A Monarchy
God is dealing with BOTH the Democratic AND Republican parties in The United States.
God is dealing with BOTH Liberals and Conservatives.
The Father, Son and Spirit is neither democratic or republican, liberal or conservative.
Enought of this.
I absolutely CURSE in The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ this spirit of false witness, character assasination and murder against President Trump from the far left liberals and the far right conservatives!!! I say that NO FRUIT GROWS FROM YOU EVER AGAIN.
For those who think that you can “rebuke” this or that this “will not come to pass..” you have a wake up call and another thing coming!
“My word will NOT return to Me empty, but it will ACCOMPLISH THAT WHICH IT IS SENT OUT TO DO.”
ANY real Word from God that He speaks WILL COME TO PASS.
Any word that did NOT come from Him WILL NOT.
I don’t know who these liars at CNN and MSNBC think they are or who they are fooling, but they are not fooling any of us who laugh at their daily, constant lying and black hole of stupidity.
President Trump had zero to to with January 6, 2021 and they know it.
ALL your endless lies are not working CNN and MSNBC. The election was stolen in 2020 and you know it. President Trump had zero to do with January 6, 2021 and you know it. Your laughable constant attacks against President Trump since 2016 are a joke. Michael Avenati did not work. Robert Mueller did not work. 2 laughable bogus “impeachments” did not work. A Ukranian phone call hoax perpetrated by lying Adam Schiff did not work. “Russian collusion” fables did not work. Cyrus Vance Jr. and “taxes” did not work.
All this from “the most trusted name in journalism.”
Satanically devised lies and schemes cannot and will NOT WORK.
“NO weapon formed will PROSPER.”
I support President Trump contrary to every single laughably stupid babbling liberal or conservative who stupidity and with that screeching screwball wackjob idiocy says that I “worship” Trump. That’s typical for the laughable jackasses that infest this wacko media both liberal AND conservative today. I laugh at them all.
Lord Jesus, show these liars Who YOU are and rise up in Heaven’s Defiance and Resistance against this wicked, evil spirit in our Nation and world and bring Salvation to many and deal with these satanically inspired liars before ALL.
Put President Trump back in Office as the rightful President and rightful winner of the 2020 election and they will KNOW YOU DID IT!
“I will OVERTURN, OVERTURN, OVERTURN!” says The Lord!”
“Listen to Me you mockers, look and die! For I am doing a work in your day you would not believe if it were told you!”
“The Lord LAUGHS AT the wicked, for He sees his day is coming!”
I know. God “doesn’t get involved in politics.”
Sure. Tell that to Pharoah. God got actively involved in the political arena in Pharoah’s day didn’t He and He didn’t wait to ask Pharoah’s consent as to whether He had “permission” or not. Thats just more stupidity from mindless liars who just do not WANT The Father, Son and Holy Spirit involved in politics. Well, God IS ACTIVELY INVOLVED WHETHER YOU WANT IT, LIKE IT OR NOT AND HE WILL NOT AND CANNOT BE STOPPED.
I completely stay away from both liberal and conservative “news.”
I’ve been ignoring liberals and conservatives for YEARS as all they do is to try to one up each other with useless babble.
Only dumb, stupid wackos believe and listen to both far left liberals like CNN and MSNBC as well as far right conservatives, but far left liberals ARE THE STUPIDEST AND GREATEST LIARS ON PURPOSE ON PLANET EARTH.”
Probably how he communicated with his handler.
@Allen James I report it for spam.
@JGAB1618 Report that slop, don’t ask it questions, ffs.
From Europe: In most of our European countries he would have been in the slammer for quite some time. Why is he STILL roaming the eighborhood?
@So Proudly We Hail due diligence, pea brain. tell your human it’s due diligence
@unaffiliated043 did someone give you permission to speak? The dunce cap is yours until further notice.
@So Proudly We Hail is your human a dunce?
@unaffiliated043 I think I deserve to be called “sir” by you. You’re my property.
@Rafael Dias The first part is true, but USA being the MOST dangerous land in the world? Worse than North Korea?
Trump couldn’t be reached on 1/6/21 – he was busy flushing documents down the toilet.
Why did we trust this fool. I certainly didn’t.
@Charles A Smith
Libtards stormed the Capitol on jan 20th, 2016. Or did you forget about that?
Just stop.
Nixon’s ghost can finally rest in peace. Because Nixon is no longer the most corrupt president in American history. What Trump did during his time in office is far worse than Watergate.
oh god David….the midterms are gonna be awesome…and you’ll ask your friends what went wrong with e dems…Everyone hearts hillary…would someone tell him?…anyone?
@Jose Fernandez it’s crazy people love each other…crazy…
@Daniel Ee twitter must be awesome
too much?
@Daniel Ee if i can save one..mconnell comin
“He always tore everything up”. Yeah that sums him up pretty well.
“it didn’t ring alarm bells at the time because I was used to it”…sorry, but that alarm should have been going off at the first incident. Nothing but an apology tour for people who should have spoken up with it mattered
iQ-45 the destroyer of reality and everything decent.
He tore this country in two so what’s the big deal about Top Secret documents.
He did not want people to know the Intelligence Report he tore up is because he has not understanding of it’s content. So tearing it up can be construed as lost, or I didn’t see it or receive it and that event has since past and of no use anymore.
He sure tore up the country.
I can’t believe we leaving Kellyanne Conway out of all this mess and was in it big time… look how quiet she’s not blabbering on tv…. She’s the mother of backing Trump’s lies and one year her name out of the limelight shocked
She has been in mourning due to the recent anniversary of the Bowling Green massacre.
I think the only reason is, she was long gone bfor Jan 6, and that’s who they’re going after!! Just my thoughts

Yep, she’s guilty of violating the Hatch Act multiple times, for starters.
@Julie Stanfield You’re bonkers if you’re suggesting that clown. Holy F.
There is no way he was not communicating with someone during that period.
Yap, his son in law
“The first indication of stupidity is a complete lack of shame.” -Sigmund Freud
@Jose Fernandez you need to lay off the drugs, dude.
Well ignorance can be cured, Stupidity, it’s forever.
@Adrian Pallis You mean Democrats firebombing capital buildings and court houses for months.
Good point. Democrats are incredibly violent and childish.
“I wonder why that’s going in his pocket but didn’t think much of it at the time…”, because she was in enabler mode, not cya mode like she is now.
Exactly. Why should we listen to her? She was an enabler and is a liar. I don’t believe a single word she says. She is just as bad as everyone else that worked in the Trump administration.
@PatD Correct
! She is the second coming of Omarosa!
Grisham had plenty of time to tell all this, among others. Oh yeah… she’s got a book to sell and the title is just another poke in America’s eye. We paid her almost a year for her press secretary job, which she never performed.
they are all cashing in$$$$$$$
“Best people”
Looks like she spent that money on botox.
@Gibson Les Paul he’d do it to his own kids if he had to ,the big orange loser….he lost so big
A nervous tick is when a muscle contracts in your face or you tap your fingers or tilt your head every few minutes…not tearing up documents when you clearly know it is illegal to do so.
Yes, technically it’s probably “nervous behavior” but it seems a minor point. Let’s not call the Grammar Police. Maybe the Gespacho Police?
@Jeffrey Photonboy lol
At this point it might be easier to list the things he didn’t do that were criminal.
@C10wiremantaw Wallace it’s because Don Trump is a lifelong criminal. Only the truly ignorant among us have yet to realize that. Here’s your sign.
@C10wiremantaw Wallace it’s not called spying. It’s called a federal investigation. Donny was under one then and is under one now. It’s because of his many crimes. You don’t need a PhD to figure it out, but Donny courted you folks in the ged crowd.
@C10wiremantaw Wallace Hillary had nothing to do with the origins of the Russia probe. She was just a citizen when it started. You turds will believe anything as long as it’s stupid.
@Neil Lauritsen Robert Byrd got an award from the NAACP. How many registered democrats do you think you will find at your next clan rally? In guessing zero, Cletus.
@Neil Lauritsen Nice little letter. But there’s a lot of gaslighting and really a waste of my time. Go to Fox site, you will be a big hit.
Where’s the “lock him up” chanting from the republicans?
Because its okay too break the law if you’re a republican?
I love you
They should have already subpoenaed every phone record for every phone in that room on January 6th. Who called who, and when.
The balls it takes to call your book “I’ll Take Your Questions Now”, when she never took anyone’s questions. lol
Well, that’s why the ‘now’ is there in the title
@Lovecatx Hahaha, good point.
Deny, deflect and blame, the trumpian way.
Didn’t have the IQ
“I didn’t think working for a paranoid megalomaniac was a problem at the time.” Grisham
I guess a time machine has been invented
following you on twitter
Feigning ignorance is so lazy. Why he placed torn pieces of paper in his pocket???? This was not alarming. Come on!
I’ll be glad when Trump is sent to prison because I’m so tired of hearing about that lying crook.
Even if convicted. He will get pardoned. Just like Nixon!
Waste of time. It’s all money for legal teams. Every time they have some big hearings. Both sides’ lawyers get paid. Hence why Rand Paul has put Fauci in front of the senate dozens of times so far. He can bill the treasurer’s office.
During the second impeachment. Jamie Raskin’s opening statement thanked the treasurer’s office for the money to fund the hearing (aka tax$).
They know they couldn’t get a conviction during the first, and second impeachment. When half the court is on the defendant’s friends’ list. But they got paid to try anyway!
Now you know why Republicans had Hillary/Benghazzi hearings for 5 years. Money for their “legal fees”
I’m tired of hearing Chump, seeing Chump, hearing about Chump…
@S W
Nobody is scared of Trump’s little gang of goofballs. If they ever try to pull another stunt like the one they pulled on January 6th, they will definitely meet their fate. Their blood will run in the streets and their bodies will be buried in piles.
@Ulysses Grant they understand the big guys can get away. What kind of law is this?
@Ulysses Grant
LOCK HIM UP and all the treasonous racist insurrectionists
Confederate traitor racists are the biggest threat to America
Every time I hear the title of her book I’m disgusted & repelled anew. “I’ll Take Your Questions Now,” from a US Press Secretary who did _ZERO PRESS BRIEFINGS the ENTIRE TIME SHE HAD THE JOB!_ I hate that she’s being put on tv now, but her experience is valuable now, and let’s face it. You had to be a pretty terrible person to be working in that White House by that point, so for the news to get information from that point in the term means they’ve got to talk to terrible people on tv
Well she probably hate to go up to the podium and lie for trump that’s why she never gave briefings
Do we really need these enablers and their books? No, drumpf and his filth do enough to lock anyone else up, on camera.
“Stephanie when you were committing crimes under the federal records act how did you do it?” STOP REHABILITATING CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IN OUR PUBLIC SERVANTS.
Did she get her lips injected, they look extra full.