Former DC Metropolitan Police Sergeant Mark Robinson tells CNN's Don Lemon about his experience working in former President Donald Trump's motorcade during the January 6 riot. #CNN #News
Former officer in Trump’s Jan. 6 motorcade speaks out

Former DC Metropolitan Police Sergeant Mark Robinson tells CNN's Don Lemon about his experience working in former President Donald Trump's motorcade during the January 6 riot. #CNN #News
To all trump supporters:
Who you wish trump was and who trump really is are 2 different things
@L!beral Moonbat 23 people in the comments agree with your reply but over 780 people agree with the original post. Do you Trumpers ever get tired of losing?
TY Officer Robinson for being Truthful.

The only thing Trump has ever truly accomplished in life is having gone through it without someone knocking his teeth out good and proper.
@Lucas Jasche that is hilarious “yesterday…? “
@M Hall really what is wrong with you people we all American f**** a party affiliation we’re supposed to be one day she’s not to God not Democrat or Republican but Americans. I hate how that guy separated us from one another. United we stand divided we fall. Neither side is better than the other but we must stick together to keep our Country Strong
He 100% wanted to walk into the Capitol building and into the room where Pence was certifying the votes, and stand there with his mob to try to force Pence’s hand.
I like presidents who try to protect the capital with the national guard. I don’t like Speakers of the house who refuse to protect the capital.
@Bill Soderholm He’s got to weigh more than 230 lbs.
And, he failed
Just imagine what would have happened if Trump had joined the riot. I’m sure he would have entered the Capitol and the police would have given up when they saw him.
Also imagine if he’d Tweeted that the Secret Service was physically preventing him from going to the Capitol. The riot would have taken an even uglier turn.
There’s be a riot,,,Oh wait,,,there already was,,,,,,,
You know what will happen if he tweeted that Secret Service people are preventing him to go to Capitol, right?
I love seeing all these upstanding men of service showing amazing strength and integrity! Unlike Trump.
@I’ll play my part.. are you playing with little boys .. again?
@I’ll play my part.. playing with your little boys?
@DAMON MARCUS Did you log off yet, boy?
@Let the redeemed say so. “Unlike Trump”…and his enablers.
“The truth is the truth “ What a great quote. If only Trump and his minions believed that
@Ron Black Is that the best you can come up with? No wonder you believe the Big Liar
@Joseph F how about the benghazi scandal the uranium scandal the burisma scandal the China scandal the Russian scandal and more!
@Ron Black Okay, now what is the subject? Can you say “squirrel”?
“I don’t like Presidents who try to grab the steering wheel. I like Presidents who don’t try to grab the wheel.”~ Capitol Police
@TiredPatriot You notice that there’s an open invitation for anyone with information to come forward and give their side? Sure, the committee is making a case, because what they have points that way (and politics, of course). However, it wouldn’t take many people giving evidence (under oath) showing the opposite was true to derail the committee completely. So, where are these people with “the truth”?
I like presidents who aren’t in love with Kim Jong Un!
He loves grabbing, don’t you know?

I think that lunatic actually saw himself marching in to the Capitol right into the main room there where they were assembling to do the actual certification like, you know, the Red Sea parting. This guy could literally kill people with his ego.
Oh wait…
He already has.
@PeaceLoveHarmony I bow to your superior taste! Haha!

And, I also really love your handle
@bruman2002 truth
He has.
This man is a true professional. I appreciate his honesty.
@JUSTiN BiDEN the secret service probably deleted that too during their little delete fest
I like this man. No need to sensationalize or downplay. The truth is the truth.
CNN viewers are my Entertainment. They don’t even realize they are the Gullible
@ThruAWiderLens Trump might announce his candidacy and be back in Fox’s graces but it’s not going to stop the Department of Justice from prosecuting him if they choose to do so.
I believe that you are confused.
The Secret Service and the Central Intelligence Agency are different agencies with different rmissions and different responsibilities.
@Duane Carroll I agree with you generally, but it more or less got OJ off. It goes to the veracity of the witness’ testimony.
You can tell by his body language and him just being cool and collected that he is telling the truth.
@Dave Zwick Tony won’t because he won’t man up.
@Zennbubba one more thing and I’m done. It might serve you well to look up the definitions of “riot” and
@Nancy Krawczyk I know them …. but are u aware not ONE person has been charged with insurrection not ONE…. kind of hard to have an insurrection with no insurrectionists’ don’t you think. Nice chatting with you .
@Doogie Bear Did you know Trump was lying?
SGT Robinson. Thank you for your service, honesty and integrity.
You are a wonderful role model for all decent people wherever they are from.
Hey Mohamed don’t appreciate your foul language your post has been reported
Former Officer said “the only description he received” He was not in the car to hear it first hand, so he is spewing hearsay!
@Lawrence Harris your source please
It’s finally here
It’s insane that we even need to be having these discussions about what really happen and the seriousness of the situation. This was criminal on so many levels.
I have a high level of respect for you sergeant and ALL cops with integrity like you. Salute
It’s finally here
@Lawrence Harris Committee Hearings are not trials. They are hearing testimony and fact finding for the record before charges are even made. Hearsay does not apply here.
@Lawrence Harris So Trump should never be believed when he says: “Everyone is saying” or “I hear people saying this or that” that are actually the voices in his head?
The honor of this sergeant so exceeds the those of this disgraceful “president” … I am thankful for men and women such as this
It’s finally here
Can’t imagine what everyone endured working for this lunatic!
Blimey!!! What’s a woman??? The democrats don’t know!!! Cheers
@Wee Bit Boyo Joined Nov 11, 2021
Trump didn’t think twice about putting the lives of the secret service agents at risk just to satisfy his own ego. What a guy.
@Carol Hill
Doesn’t every politician ask you for your money? Lol
@Mary Elizabeth BINGO! Right there.
He’ll start looking like Mohmar Khadafi.
@Jay Mass You think he’s a real jerk??? Have you ever seen him on TV?
Wow this man is the most credible witness I have ever seen. No hesitation. You can tell that every word he said was the complete truth. We need those text messages to show what else happened and further corroborate this story.
Yup. What hasn’t it happened?????
The texts were found. Turns out they were “deleted” when requested but then when a criminal investigation began , they were “found”.
Yes and he is not a psychopath
Thank you Mr. Robinson – for coming forward to tell the truth.
1 JM M Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Thank you Sargent Robinson.
It’s great to have you on the right side of history.
A slap of truth, although painful, is always better than a deceptive hug.
Deceit has no purpose here.