Former NFL linebacker Emmanuel Acho talks with CNN's Alisyn Camerota about his YouTube series "Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man," and one of the questions he discussed with Matthew McConaughey.
#CNN #News
Former NFL linebacker Emmanuel Acho talks with CNN's Alisyn Camerota about his YouTube series "Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man," and one of the questions he discussed with Matthew McConaughey.
#CNN #News
This conversation is all right all right all right
@Terrell Spivey just watched it. Amen brother. Your words speak volumes.
@self discarded king of ruin 72 *humbled* To God be the Glory! God bless you my friend!
okay I know it . so WE MUST GO to plan B vote ON JOE!!!
Black Lives Matter is a Marxist institution. WE MUST DEFUND black lives matter and Metoo. I think its time for the great American patriots to rise and protect our country. the left is shredding our country and nobody is doing anything to defend it. Next think they will be tearing uo our flag and replacing it with a black fist.
Sincere question…. should rappers be hyping “thug” life if they dont want to be associated with the connotation that it brings? I honestly never associated race with thug.
@Terrance Jones Not sure. Maybe find a guru? Ritalin maybe?
@In CogNito as soon as you find a female companion
@Terrance Jones How’s your welfare and my tax dollars?
@In CogNito
@Din Du nuthin Was I too hard on her?
“…The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other.” James T. Kirk, (Star Trek)
Black Lives Matter is a Marxist institution. WE MUST DEFUND black lives matter and Metoo. I think its time for the great American patriots to rise and protect our country. the left is shredding our country and nobody is doing anything to defend it. Next think they will be tearing uo our flag and replacing it with a black fist.
Disappear? No, they’re set aside for conversation knowing problems (annoyances) still exist.
@Tiger4james 2020 Sorry, you are correct, I should not say all black people dislike and resent white people but you know as well as I do that the majority do. Until they move past their hate and resentment for whites there will never be any healing, we will remain divided.
@The Choice Voice Your anecdotal evidence does not make my statement untruthful.
Which episode or movie is that from?
Mathew is the man, I love when people use there voice and platform to shine a light on racism in American. I’d love if more white celebrities took the time to help others!!
@Christopher Moltisanti I agree lol
@marly nope, you’re wrong…and im mixt BTW
@Christopher Moltisanti straighten up Chrissy
@0 0 they deleted my comment that totally agrees with you. have a nice day
It’s true, I’m an old white guy who lives in Oakland CA, downtown. I look people in the eye, I resist bias I learned growing up . It took some of my neighbors effort to accept me. I love my diverse neighborhood
Defunding cops is misunderstood. It simply means using some of the money to fight crime in more effective ways. I am a retired criminal lawyer. When things got slow us guys used to sit around at coffee time and say, “damn they need to hire more cops”
Living in Oakland you have no other choice but accept how blacks are.
It’s called survival.
@tgoodson2 BS. It simply means defunding cops which means less cops, less training and more crime. California already has one foot in the sh!t hole by not prosecuting petty crimes and downgrading serious crimes with Prop 47. We did this kiss assing criminals in the 1970s. Everyone went out and bought guns so after 20 years of nonsense Democrats passed the Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989 and then Violent Crime Act of 1994 . Democrats have been in apology mode and soft on crime ever since. Democrats remove laws, degrade laws, ignore laws and pretend their is less crime. It’s a lie. There’s just less people upholding the law.
@Robert Clawson Gee I grew up in a metis community in the north. I never saw a policeman till I left the community when I was 15. We did just fine without them.
Notice the word “community” and not to be mistaken for gated community.
tgoodson2 LOLOL
White man??Black man??Or rich white and black vs averige JOE,MIGUEL OR JAMAL ..we ordinary citizen doing ok,us 90% Americans
Respect brother and thank you to CNN for allowing him to explain this properly and the way it came across and was explained really made me fewlnlolenthere is hope
“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”
– Joseph Stalin
“The easiest way to gain control of the population is to carry out acts of terror. The public will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened.”
– Joseph Stalin
“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.”
– Joseph Stalin
“If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.”
– Joseph Stalin
“Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
– Joseph Stalin
“Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party.”
– Joseph Stalin
“How do you expect the Germans to revolt when they don’t even dare walk on the grass?”
– Joseph Stalin
Hurry up! Quit Stalin!
I have no idea what you are even trying to say. But it sounds like you are siding with Hitler over Stalin.
Thanks so much for this wonderful and heart-warming interview!
Wonderful interview
Thank goodness it’s finally begun. It’s been so long coming . I pray for peace
What? You aren’t getting peace idiot
Agreed. Stay safe Greta.
Peace.? You getting more cops.
Just call me by my name that’s all.
Hi Melvin Owens
Hello Mr. Owens
History has shown that it’s easier to control and remain in control of a divided society.
I figured the libs here might need to know since cnn does not cover much
Seattle ‘autonomous zone’ has armed guards, local businesses being threatened with extortion, police say
I love how these idiots stay quiet when confronted with the truth.
@Cocoabutter *_”businesses are in support …?”_*
You lie and do not speak for or have talked to all business owners.
Business owners told Seattle neoLiberal media businesses are being threatened.
Antifa and anarchy leaders are asking for _protection money.”
@William S
cocabutter the commie on suicide watch rn
Rick Nash Yes, when citizens have a problem, they don’t call Antifa. They dial 911.
The real “uncomfortable” conversation is black on black crime – that one gets pushed to the side
White corporate crime isn’t even a conversation. Look at the POS criminal Drumpf pretending to be president.
Mic drop.
Even more uncomfortable is Bk on Wt crime. Last year, for example, Bk people killed 514 Wt people, but Wt people only killed 234 Bk people. Nobody will talk about that.. in fact it’s a miracle if my comment wasn’t blocked by YouTube.
Also, nobody will talk about the high rate that Bs kill cops. For example, of the 54 cops murdered in the line of duty in 2018, twenty five (46%) were murdered by Bs, but only nineteen (35%) were murdered by Ws. This despite the fact that Bs are only 1/5 the population of Ws.
@Robert Johnson HAHA – Nice fake stats – GTFO. You sound like a frickin’ nut-job, and are obviously ignorant of many facts.
Yea, I’m sure you know all about it. You are describing apples and oranges. The crime you describe does not involve figures of authority who are provided immunity from any type of civil action against their abuses. I bet you’re pretty pissed about the NASCAR decision, too. Why don’t you enlighten us with some more awesome commentary about societal issues of which you lack any understanding… please?
Love how no one cares.
Are we living in the twilight zone ?
JUst called yourself an American.
I’m loving this moment!