Former NASA Astronaut On How Long Term Space Travel Affects The Body | MSNBC

Former NASA Astronaut Peggy Whitson explains the negative effects of space flight and how the body needs to recover and relearn to do things after returning to Earth. » Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Former NASA Astronaut On How Long Term Space Travel Affects The Body | MSNBC


    1. @Vince F: Well, you need a few kilometers in diameter, so it can be fairly hard, but mostly extremely expensive. Other than that, sure, O’Neil cylinders should be used and can’t come quickly enough.

    2. @Jo-Erlend Schinstad – Easiest to start with is a design of two habitats attached by wire, spinning around a central point. Both would have propulsion, and can be detached at any time. The length of the wire makes the diameter, and make it really long to avoid the Corrolus effect (where, in a too small diameter, the head spins slower than the feet). There could even be a central pod (that has no artificial gravity, being the center point) that functions as docking station. For transport among the pods and habitats: Either the wires have elevator shafts in them, or there is an outside transport shuttle to move around.

    3. @Jo-Erlend Schinstad – The Lagrange points are the best. But I guess that having these rotating stations floating at the same height as the ISS is just as well.

  1. NASA: “It is impossible to land someone on the sun due to how hot it is.
    t’rump: “What if we did it at night?”
    NASA: “Sigh.🤦

    1. @Dench2020 Tip, if you want to insult someone, first make sense. We are guessing that you are not 8 years old.

    2. @Paul Interics You mean like when t’rump claims Biden “isn’t cognitively there” so he harps about that test all the time? Or do you mean like how Don Jr says Hunter Biden won’t be where he is without his dad, while he hawks a new book because he’s daddy’s little boy? 🤔😆😅😂🤣

    3. @Ro G My friend, Mr. Biden is clearly confused. For example, his handlers will not allow him to be interviewed by Chris Wallace. If you can’t see reality, that’s OK. But, Uncle Paul is done for now. Good Luck, Ro.

    4. @Paul Interics Go back and watch t’rump’s interview with Chris Wallace. You wouldn’t let him watch your kids let along run a country. And do you know how little t’rump cares about being president? Let me draw you a picture.

  2. Great!! Now lets hear about the ‘negative effects on the body’ of a viral pandemic allowed to mushroom out of control in a country unequalled for its barbarism and hypocrisy, the USA.
    158,000 dead so far, eight months in and no end in sight. All that “freedom and liberty,” all those “rights”, are really paying off!!

    1. Hey Jim, we can appreciate the stories of people who have been to space and risked their lives for the sake of knowledge AND try to deal with the pandemic. They are not mutually exclusive. Save your ire for the governments around the world who are making a hash of it.

    2. @mcfahk
      Sorry, I’ve been listening to “we are the greatest country in the world” all my life, it isn’t and it never was. The attitude of the American government is not a lot different to that of many of the American people, “my ignorance is the equal of your knowledge”.
      The hypocrisy of the USA is eye-watering.
      I’ll save my “appreciation” for governments (and people)around the world that *aren’t* making a hash of it.

    1. @catsintexas Judging by your syntax and general command of language, I judge you haven’t been early for or with anything in your life.

    2. Isaac, he is right about your syntax. I understand your point. just do a bit of studying. then show people what you have learned. Ignore the critics. Okay, so you need to improve english. but you have the right to communicate and their is no proof that you haven’t been early for anything.

  3. Fascinating….I had no idea! I can remember years ago when my husband and I went on a cruise ship for the first time. The weather was rough and I was sick but he wasn’t. When we returned home, I was fine by then but he got really sick. He went to the doctor who told him that his equilibrium was off. Same kind of thing I suppose only a lot worse I’m sure.

  4. There is disgustingly little coverage of Peggy Whitson. She is a two time ISS Commander, the first female and non-pilot Chief Astronaut, had the 8th longest single space flight in history, and 9th most total time spent in space, more than any other NASA astronaut, enough to make a trip to Mars and back. She also had a PhD in Biochemistry, and does weightlifting, biking, and basketball.

    If you want to interview the pinnacle of humankind, you gotta give her more than 2 minutes!

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