Former GOP congressman says this was the ‘weirdest’ thing about House speaker election

Former Republican lawmaker Joe Walsh joins CNN’s Jim Sciutto to discuss what’s next for Congress after the vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy to become House speaker. #CNN #News


    1. @Azrael Demuirgos Whoever they’re for they’ll be legally collecting taxes so if you’re not behind this isn’t your issue.

    2. The rich don’t have enough wealth to fund the trillions the Democrats want to spend. So therefore the 87,000. It’s easier to go after the middle class. I will add that the IRS is shorthanded too but still to fill those coffers…….

    3. Check dons taxes and payed taxes to foreign countries and a nothing burger here and had a china bank account and Biden supporting our troops on his big time. Insanity!

  1. You’re damn right, Joe Walsh. The world was watching in real time, and has been waiting for indictments ever since.

  2. You have to feel for Scalise…

    He was conservative before he was shot. and then since that point in time, he’s gone completely off of the rails.

    He needs some serious medical help.

    1. If you jam the irs so much they do not have the resources to investigate, If you pay your fair share in taxes and the rich do not. is that fair. or you prefer people writting off 750 million and you the poor guys pays that.

    2. @Billy Bob We should all files our taxes this year indicating a $20M loss and see if the IRS sends us a $5M refund. Just joking, of course. But this system is totally messed up. Trump is probably one of the worst but he isn’t the only one. It’s a good thing we went to an electronic system as it saves some poor IRS agent from retching as he/she approved that return.

    3. @Uncle Charlie Yes, It is a total cluster and the rich or want to be rich use it. Just overload the system with information to the point they walk away from it. A scam. of course the well funded right who get their money from these billionaires change from No funding the police to over funding IRS who will be smashing in your door. People swallow this .

    4. Scalise is disgusting. His life was saved by a Black lesbian, and yet his attitudes have never changed.

  3. “Woke” used to just mean “alert to racial or social discrimination” and I do not for the life of me understand how that’s a bad thing, or how it’s been twisted to be an insult that nobody who uses it ever defines.

    1. All the negativity that exudes from the Republican party and it’s base, is the sole reason that “liberal, woke, and other terms get twisted.

    2. “I love the poorly educated”. – tfg

      Being WOKE is a good thing. The Grifting Oligarch Party is comatose.

  4. As a Conservative Independent and Discerning Christian, I say the DOJ needs to indict Traitor Trump immediately, before our country and the world goes into chaos!!! DO YOUR JOB DOJ!!!

    1. @Richard L: The downside of tax exemption for a church is the stifling of free speech if that speech goes against government mandates and laws that are attached to tax exemption rules. God has a law too about tithing, have you read it? Have you read what God said to the Israelites when they wanted a king to judge them like neighboring nations about them? God granted their desire with a warning. 1 Samuel 8. Two wrongs don’t make a right but that was how the people wanted to solve a particular problem.

    1. @Jillionairess and remember Trump accusing Biden of being in bed with China? Don’t think so, it was TFG all along, just projecting, like he does.

  5. None of this should even be an issue. Lock Up All the CRIMINAL”s in OUR Government!!! We the People are sick of watching and listening to ALL these CRIMINAL’S go after each other. Do your damn job’s that you were elected to do!!!! If you broke the law, INDITE & GO TO JAIL, Already!!!! PLEASE!!!

  6. After years of showing that he has no balls, no spine and no guts, he can now wreak his spoils of being almost absolutely powerless. It takes a very special politician to put so much effort to reach your life’s dream and ending up with a win that just signed on paper for the sell of his soul.

    1. It’s what these devil’s do and been doing for a very long time now in America, where have you been, smh .

  7. Take ‘em away Jack Smith and dump them all together underneath the nearest prison!
    The sewage stinks!

  8. « We will reinforce the power of subpoena » saying someone who obviously defied the subpoena issued by a committee created by the same institution that he is the speaker today. Kevin McCarthy.🤔🤔

  9. It’s true Matt Gaetz sent out a fundraising email after every time he voted against McCarthy in the House vote. What a con.

    1. Matt Gaetz wasn’t the lone grifter. Several of them did it. Even Senators. Never niss the opportunity to grift.

  10. The Brazilian “protest” just shows how important it is there is accountability here in the US for 1/6.

    1. @vertigo20001. I totally agree! And if Brazilians see that justice is holding in the US they may follow the same path.😀 4:14

    2. Hopefully thry learned from our j6 and rounded up those ppl and jailed them. Unlike us, just let them walk away.

  11. I was happy with how the election process went. All members had to listen to speeches they would have otherwise avoided, McCarthy made some good agreements with the holdouts, and yes, that was democracy live in action, real, down to earth debate, real debate, in the Halls of Debate!

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