A former Florida state senator who resigned in disgrace four years ago was charged with campaign finance violations related to a hotly contested state senate race in the 2020 election.
#CNN #News
A former Florida state senator who resigned in disgrace four years ago was charged with campaign finance violations related to a hotly contested state senate race in the 2020 election.
#CNN #News
Daily Reminder: Trump called Covid-19 a Democrat hoax that will miraculously disappear.
@Stephen Burke do you want to put some effort into adding something worth reading? Anyone can write insults, it doesn’t help anyone, you want to tell me how I owned myself and maybe we can get somewhere? Or can you not articulate that? a lot of people can only insult everyone who disagrees with them in some way, it means you have no argument, is that what you are doing?
@Jo Poveromo triggered and can’t spell despite edits ( probably from being triggered)
@Stephen Burke so what does triggered mean to you? Obviously the definitions are interchangeable with you people. If you think someone telling you something you don’t want to hear is then being triggered then you have a hell of a way of rationalizing the world, but it won’t get you anywhere, you’re just digging yourself deeper into your problems.
@Stephen Burke so you’re the type to just insult people even though you have no ability to verbally or logically defend yourself or your points? You can point out spelling mistakes but you can’t point out a flaw in what I said, as far as I can tell you agree with me.
@Jo Poveromo triggered snowflake ; why can’t you respond without editing your comment? It’s not asking a lot
The GOP will do and say anything
@magnum OK, Q-Anonner.
@Klumpy The Clown my bad bro respect

@Klumpy The Clown ok Blue-Anonner x2
They all do it ….
They are quite literally the party of treason.
So, voter fraud has again been committed by a Republican? These people are disgusting.
@Brian Jones yawn …
@Nera Kar I thought the courts of your land established there was no evidence of voter fraud. This shouldn’t be breezed over. Dont you Americans believe in the rule of law?
Big time f@cking hypocrites.
@Brian Jones Where did you go, To Florida ?
Now some of them are admitting that there was no voter fraud and that they made it all up. Not that it would matter to their voters. There is one person I know, who lost a fair amount of money in the Trump University scandal and still voted for him.
Funny how all voter fraud is committed by republicans yet they cry the loudest that the Dems are doing it
@Brian o neill
Is that supposed to make sense? I can’t really tell?!
@Dennis Feenstra
You’re trying to explain science to an idiot. Thankfully it still benefits others; so don’t stop.
@Harry Manilow
No. The Democrats were talking about Russia affecting how people vote by spreading propaganda and disinformation. No one has claimed any votes were ever changed by Russia. “Election fraud” is when an election is directly affected in some way; and that’s never been alleged of Russia.
@Titanium is Magical
Russia also did an extensive social media campaign.
@Alex Alex there is no crisis, stop watching fake news
the depth of disgust and contempt I experience toward these persons continues to affect my tolerence of them.
I can no longer wish them health happiness or peace.
“Election integrity?” Whatever! The GOP is despicable! They’re so entitled they feel it’s okay to cheat because nothing will happen to them. I’m so over them and their lawless behavior! They truly feel untouchable. Enough is enough!
By the way, check Rick Scott’s win! I remember him taking office before all of the votes between he and his opponent were counted!
I have no idea why Manchin thinks any of these people would do the right thing by working in a partisan way! They only care about power, PERIOD!
Joe, if you’re listening, abolish the jerrymander and filibuster please.
Surprize surprize. Yet again the only election fraud is by Republicans.
“Latinos for Trump?” Wow, that’s right up there with “Jews for Nazis.” Smh
. How can u be Latino and support Donald Chump who came out and said that Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers and separated children from their parents at the border just because he didn’t want them to come here.
That orange monster can’t stand people of color and the suckers still back hum. He won’t give you a glass of water to out the fire out burning there asses
It is springtime…
And that’s why I voted Republican… Trump 2024
@Tony Montana LOL
. Donald Chump will not ever be president again!! REAL AMERICANS voted him out of office and they will do it again but im quite sure Agent Orange
will be wearing a Orange

This is what these politicians do. The crazy thing that I just learned it’s not illegal to have a fake candidate just illegal to fund one. SMH
You missed a key word. This is what these ***REPUBLICAN*** politicians do. They can’t win election normally so they cheat their way to winning. Whether that’s through outright scams as they did here or through the voter suppression they’re engaging in right now across the country.
Until these people are held accountable, prosecuted and given long prison terms nothing will change. Furtherance of one’s own self greed is the main culprit.
@Virgil Romero well in that case saydnaya prison in Syria is the perfect place for them because it’s torture everyday there
@death sparrow I think sending them to the country (and race they hate the most) would be ideal. They don’t like Middle East, send them to the Middle East prison.
@Virgil Romero well saydnaya prison is the worst prison in the Middle East
@death sparrow theres an option
@Virgil Romero well saydnaya is the worst prison because the food there has insects and everybody’s crammed along with being tortured nonstop according to the survivors and because of that the Republicans should all be sent there
See, the fraud Trump was crying about was committed by his own party.
Hello my dear

The Republican motto is: “If you can’t win fairly, then cheat.”
@Yvonne Bousquet Frankly, I don’t care if you’re bothered or not.
Just like trumps call to Georgia wow
@Can’t get Right309 Trump needs to be (at the very least) indicted for his attempt to sway the Georgia election. If he isn’t indicted it will literally be LEGAL for anyone to run for office, lose and then call on election officials and demand that they change results to make them the winner.
@Mr. Mister yes indeed he needs to be indicted ,I agree .
Trump did say that Republicans wouldn’t win if they didn’t cheat.
Putting money into a secret account to benefit himself. This is how the Republican party stay rich. They never earned money themselves. They steal it.
There’s no possible way that Garcia didn’t know what was going on. She may not have been part of the game plan, but for certain she knew about it.
Quite right there’s no way on earth candidate’s don’t analyse their opponents in an election contest. Its a shame this wasn’t publisized prior to the election day.
Garcia should welcome revoting.
This is why republicans swear others cheat, they have always cheated. Esp in Florida smh
GOP can’t win elections without cheating, they are becoming more and more desperate as ppl are abandoning the party…
They even argued that before the Supreme Court recently, claiming that free and fair elections disproportionately benefit Democrats.
The corruption is worse than I could ever imagine.
It’s has no bottom. Ocean floor deep.
Republicans were right, there were people stealing elections. They just blamed the wrong party.
“fully intend to defend any charges in court”… He’ll quietly accept a guilty plea in a few months when this goes quiet.
The reason the GOP says there’s fraud is because they excel in it.
And assume the other side must be doing it too.