Former FBI Official Discusses The Assassination Of Iranian Scientist And Iran’s Response | MSNBC

Former FBI Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi, talks about the assassination of the Iranian scientist and Israel's role in the attack. Leading nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was killed near Tehran in a roadside attack on Friday, a day after Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed to retaliate and pledged to continue Iran's nuclear work. Figliuzzi says, "Israel realizes they have a few weeks to get done what it is they need done, with the President of the U.S. likely to allow them to do it."» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Former FBI Official Discusses The Assassination Of Iranian Scientist And Iran's Response | MSNBC

Former FBI Official Discusses The Assassination Of Iranian Scientist And Iran's Response | MSNBC


    1. @Katsy Kline oh so trolls so is that a insult to Irish who was slaves or are you insult a what you call incompetent either way you should know better

    2. @CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL how sad and empty is your life that you spend time trolling news sites from ANOTHER country?

    1. The Trump did mention about bombing and I think he has something to do with it. The guy got mad because they talk him out of it and find his way to assassinate someone. This guy should be put on investigation and jail time after Jan 20

    2. @Carol Rapson Trump is a rather odd duck, but President Johnson is the one who sent 400,000 US troops to Vietnam and the the Republicans gave up on the war so they sort of cleaned that up. Republican messes were made by pa and son Bush in the middle east where we should never have gone, but that is not cleaned up yet. I am still waiting for someone to say why we attacked Afghanistan and Iraq after a bunch of Saudi Arabians pulled off 911, why didn’t we attack Saudi Arabia?

    3. @Sunday Dishman Kinda like the Hatfield & Mc Coy’,s, The Bush’s & Hussein’s, But who’s blood & money was lost in that feud ? OUR deficit is STILL climbing from that, The begining of this one, Which started after Bill Clinton left office .

    1. ISRAEL and SAUDI ARABIA can only exist with the assistance and support of USA money and weapon
      Saudi Arabia without USA support can’t exist as a kingdom
      Israel without USA money and weapon can’t exist as country in the middle east

    2. Margaret, just in order to get the truth out there, Israel gets $3.8 billion dollars a year from the United States. They signed a $38 billion dollar/10 year deal in 2016. 15 seconds on google will confirm this to those who want to know. I was only interested in setting the original post in this thread straight.

    3. @TrappenWeisseGuy ; Try again genius- the aid is in the form of military credits, not funds. You can Google that as well numbnut

    1. @Julie Sczesny we know for a fact the poor Joe has cognitive issues. The man has suffered to bring aneurysms in his life and is on powerful medications. We recall the late Robin Williams talking about Joe Biden being like an uncle who is on medication‘s that have not yet been adjusted. Joe isn’t stuttering. He is not the same band that he was years and Yes issues are becoming more and more obvious. During his first real interview after his victory the media tried to protect him by aiming their questions and Kamala Harris rather than Joe. I hope I am wrong. Like I said though one of my clients has been doing research on the 25th amendment.

    2. @Julie Sczesny Well we know from John Brennan’s hand written notations when he briefed President Obama, VP Biden and Susan Rice that the Russian collusion thing was dreamed up by Hillary. This was in John Brennan’s own handwriting in documents that were recently declassified. When an acknowledged rotations were his but he was outraged that the documents were declassified. So your Putin thing is a fallacy.

    3. The Republicans were cowards, they saw Trump’s crimes but dud exerthing to cower them up just to keep a fake Republican in office. Sad.

    4. @88marome OK, what crimes? Please be specific, let’s not use generalities please be specific as to what are the crimes. I am hoping you have some inside information that I can share with our DNC. But I do need to know what crimes you are specifically talking about.

    1. @James Bohnenkamp The Sedition Act of 1918 (Pub.L. 65–150, 40 Stat. 553, enacted May 16, 1918) was an Act of the United States Congress that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light or interfered with the sale of government bonds.[1]

      It forbade the use of “disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language” about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt. Those convicted under the act generally received sentences of imprisonment for five to 20 years

    2. @James Bohnenkamp
      Firstly, you failed to address my question as to whether acts of sedition does not hold one accountable of sedition as long as he is not a former president. Which brings me to my next question.

      Why do you want to have a new definition of sedition? Does your lack of education entitle you to it?

    3. Imo, this all goes back to Mitch McConnell. McConnell’s a TREASONOUS TRAITOR that has & is calling ALL the shots.

  1. Another Conservative Administration another landing square in the sewer for the USA ,

    1. The scary thing is I do not even think they want a different result, America always needs to be at odds with another country in order for some people to profit.


    1. Incorrect – Kennedy and Johnson took the USA into Vietnam. Truman took the USA into the Korean War. The Repugnant Party are quite possibly the most despicable and incompetent political party around today, but don’t ascribe untruthful historical events to them.

    2. @Ian Chandley YOU ARE WRONG

  3. he did it to sabotage the Biden administration. If you want the Chump to get it, you’ll have to write it on a golf ball. Let’s hope his caddy can read.

    1. He made a ridiculous speech at the G20 but when the others got back together to discuss how to solve the planet’s problem where was Trump? Yep – he went golfing!
      Talk – fine! Work – run a mile!

  4. Trump projects his future actions. Trump wanted a bombshell to destroy the incoming Biden administration. This will backfire on Israel politically and strategically.

    1. No israel want to stop iran getting nukes at all costs. This is good for all of us. Hope there is alot more. Hope all iran’s nuke facilities get bombed

    1. yeah and the Obama/Biden Iranian deal = worst deal on Earth. No security for our TOP ally Israel, and FUNDED terrorism that killed Americans. You liberal fools.

    1. Iran takes Revenge and US + Israel don’t do anything why ?
      Cause if they respond , hundred of thousand missiles from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and ,Yemen pound Israel and US !!
      and this time there will be no mercy and warning it would be an attack for killing them !

    2. @ali Dehyari Iran can blast US air force base off the map , thats 10 000 dead Americans , it can torpedo all US ships near its waters , not to mention they have also subs … Iran did send a message after US hit that general , they did show that they can hit US base deep in Iraq and USA did not even see it coming .
      But maybe better is to wait that T-Rump is out of office and then hit all his resorts in Philippines , Saudi Arabia , Turkey and Malaysia … harder to blame Iran .

  5. Ted Cruz was a disgrace to the state he is representing with. He behaves worst than the politician from the Third World country.

    1. CRUEZ Is Discrace. RUBIO. He Still thinks In His Warped MIND The Moneg Give To IRAN was there’s. Held For Sanction For 10yrs. It Was IRANS Money

  6. Haha Ted Cruz should stick to retweeting memes like a friggin’ teenager lol he’s MUCH closer to their intellect level, than he is John Brennan. 🤣

    1. Search for “Donald Trump’s Worst Deal”
      It’s a 2016 New Yorker article about Trump International Tower Azerbaijan
      One of only two properties the Trump Organization divested from between the election and the inauguration.
      It makes a convincing argument it was an Iranian Revolutionary Guard money laundering scheme.

    2. Who else wouldn’t be surprised if Trump was in on this hit??? He’s going to do as much as he can to sabotage the incoming administration… He’s such a LOSER…

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