Elizabeth Neumann, former Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy at the Department of Homeland Security, responds to Georgia voting official, Gabriel Sterling, calling out the president and senators for not condoning the violent rhetoric against election and cybersecurity officials that has emerged in the wake of Trump’s loss. Aired on 12/1/2020.
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#DHS #Election #MSNBC
Former DHS Official On Violent Rhetoric Aimed At Election Officials | Deadline | MSNBC
Thank you, Mr Sterling! Outstanding! Elected officials, encouraging violence against other ELECTED officials is NOT what the US is about. It is NOT acceptable! And it MUST BE CALLED OUT FOR WHAT IT IS! Thank you!
It’s truly disgusting that we’ve gotten to the point where Sterling had to step forward as he did. January 20th can’t come soon enough.
@low key I hear you, my friend. That you, I and anyone else reading this right now should ever HAVE to read/watch something like this, or even THINK about such a thing in the United States, is beyond comprehension.
The 1st Amendment does NOT protect speech that incites or encourages others to acts of violence. The DOJ needs to pull some honorable soul out of it’s core to start leveling charges against the politicians that make such statements, up to and including Trump. Our laws are meaningless if they don’t apply equally to ALL of us.
Arrrggghhh! I’m SO freaking angry about this! This is NOT the United States I’ve respected and lived in for my 55 yrs!
I don’t remember this even being an issue prior to 2016.
@Dan Clarke Exactly. It would have been inconceivable at any point prior to 2016. This is the kind of thing we’d watch on the news in developing countries that are either pulling away from a dictator, or being overcome by one. But never HERE.
He is absolutely right. Ga. has someone of whom to be proud. We all need more leaders willing and able to speak the truth.
@CG34 wow bro you should take that evidence to court
@Trump! The Socialist destroyer fact moron
WOW…Joe is really screwing over Bernie and the Left…how quickly they forget. Where is the contract they signed?????
Or so many who believe what they say. He who controls the media controls the mind – Jim Morrison
He speaks the truth
Absurdities and Atrocities
Republicans will not support our democracy, they will only humor trump who is a loser.
Speaking of that…WOW…Racist Joe is really screwing over Bernie and the Left…how quickly they forget. Where is the contract they signed???
@Yvonne Tomenga oh you mean people that have been enabling trump until the get a little bit of what they help create? Any republican crying because now they are getting bullied by other republicans is a joke. All is fine when your on the side of being a pos. Beyond pathetic
President Trump’s supporters in Georgia know the Senate runoff election will be rigged
@Ron K I’d be skeptical about a Republicans hat votes for tump claiming they “know” anything. All that really shows to the rest of the world is how little they actually know about anything.
Drop dead you laughable evil frauds at MSNBC!
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are vindicating President Trump and demolishing all the weapons coming against President Trump and dealing with all those who perpetrated this voter fraud as well as dealing the fake news soon enough!!!
Jesus Christ IS LORD!!!
Go cry on Michael Avenatti and Robert Mueller’s shoulder’s you stupid dumb laughable irrelevant screwball jokes!!!!!!!!!
Bravo sir, trump gop I’m sure you would be screaming if the shoe was on the other foot. Is there not a way to prosecute trump and anyone that uses this rhetoric!
the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure. You are the tyrant
Speaking of that…WOW…Racist Joe is really screwing over Bernie and the Left…how quickly they forget. Where is the contract they signed??????
The right starting to eat their own!
Let’s just hope they’re ravished!
Speaking of that…WOW…Racist Joe is really screwing over Bernie and the Left…how quickly they forget. Where is the contract they signed??????
You can thank Trump for this violent speech, remember Trump at his Nazi-hate rallies? Trump is to blame!!!
@Night Reapers Hoed that communist democratic party working for you.
@Cre80s All your gonna do is hide behind your keyboard.
Lack of education is to blame.
@Bob Davidson well biden won, so we basically shifted from a wannabe fascist to an 80s Republican.
Would LOVE to meet you in person….
Trump the only real threat to America.
https://www.infowars.com/posts/firm-that-owns-dominion-voting-systems-received-400-million-from-swiss-bank-with-connection-to-chinese-government-before-election/ An investigation into SEC filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.
The investigation centers on Staple Street Capital, which acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018.
@John N. No fraud, no stealing, so you’re going to have to get over trump’s BS. oR YOU CAN KEEP BEING STUPID AND PEOPLE KNOW YOU’RE GULLIBLE
Trump will pass. Progressive’s march toward bureaucratic socialism will not. THAT is the real threat to America.
@Brian Nave infowars LOL!! Are they looking to get sued again? How would that low budget fars get that info.?
Why is law enforcement shirking their responsibilities?
Silence is complicity!
@Debra Smith I’m sure your the brainless, propaganda eating machine. My TV and phone told me it was true so it must be.
https://www.infowars.com/posts/firm-that-owns-dominion-voting-systems-received-400-million-from-swiss-bank-with-connection-to-chinese-government-before-election/ An investigation into SEC filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.
The investigation centers on Staple Street Capital, which acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018.
WOW…Joe is really screwing over Bernie and the Left…how quickly they forget. Where is the contract they signed????
@Think about it He got a little reminder of that last Saturday when he “fell when playing with the dog”. (edit: typo)
The police are Trump supporters. That is why you don’t hear from law-enforcement.
Death threats? absolutely pathetic.
That’s how they are. Oh why weren’t there death threats when Russia helped trump cheat? What a bunch of snowflakes. There the biggest cheaters!
the only legacy trump have when leaving office is a divided country, corpses and washed up careers
And lots and lots of obvious criminal activity.
Don’t forget, he nearly took America from being a country that was respected to a cult dictatorship, with people listening to his inarticulate boasts about how Amazing he is. We find that nauseating in Europe and we see through him why don’t so many Americans.
@Forest Walker … unfortunately so many Americans and foreign adversaries want this kind of destruction, Trump is the true macharian in their eyes to get it done
But he will be #1 in something – Worst president/ruler in world history.
Moscow mitch only cares about his Senate majority ,don’t expect him to say anything before the runoff election on Georgia
Bet ol Mitch boy is sweating buckets with the runoff election not looking so good for the GOP. Both GOP senators are crooked as they come and should be held accountable for their insider trading bs! Let’s get then gone too!
BIden will be a terrible President… he’s a weak,feckless old racist… he will sell us out to China,again…he represents no one ….
I’m pulling for all Georgia residents to vote blue for the sake of our democracy- please! Trump has somehow mesmerized & terrorized our Republican party- their silence is complicit & enabling. Make no mistake this is a cult of division, hatred & violence & no- it’s not OK to participate in a sloppily executed attempted coup! Ignoring this for the sake of “unity” will backfire,, prosecution of all involved will be appropriate & necessary for our democracy to survive.
He better say so after it’s certified!!! Gawd he’s way past due. If a dem did this he would never let them live it down.
WATCH: Highlights from Michigan Hearing on Election Fraud
Everything Trump touches dies.
@Zach Wells And you open your eyes ,you don’t need to see it on the news Trump is saying it , its coming from that mouth full of….i will stop here…lol
@Brad M Oh I hated him for his fascist rhetoric in the years before Covid hit.
Bob Davidson political trolls are so 2016, get a life, your just embarrassing yourself
@Katherine Raven Actually no, clearly you have no seen what really happened in Portland and cities like Portland. So be sure to look up a few videos of live footage on what the aftermath looks like, during the “protest”, and look at the reactions of minorities. Come back to me and tell me again that’s it’s out of context if you’re blatantly ignorant enough.
@Bob Davidson How is Trump’s fascist regimen working for you? Are you aware Trump is going to pardon his family members? Those dictator friends like Putin and Kim Jong Un must be proud of him.
Why aren’t they arresting these people making death threats?
@White Fox Trouble is, on the internet people in the know know how to use proxies and more to hide their IP address, and they know how to use anonymous remailers to send untraceable emails, a disposable trakfone can be used to make an untraceable call.
@Victorian Sculptures I know but people that do death threats aren’t usually that smart.
https://www.infowars.com/posts/firm-that-owns-dominion-voting-systems-received-400-million-from-swiss-bank-with-connection-to-chinese-government-before-election/ An investigation into SEC filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.
The investigation centers on Staple Street Capital, which acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018.
@Brian Nave Oh STFU it’s over stop being a fool!
@Victorian Sculptures absolutely guarantee that not everyone making these threats is that IT savvy, sure some will be, but go after and make an example of those that aren’t.
He is so correct.. The so called drainer of the swamp has in fact turned the swamp into a septic tank of corruption.
When did democrats renounce ANTIFA and their brutal violence when Trump won? They’re violence was not just rhetoric.
@high voltage LOL, that was some election head guy who said that the elections were totally 100% and completely the most reliable and trustworthy signed sealed and delivered effing elections EVER!
@GreenBean Provide credible sources of “ANTIFA” violence. Spoon-fed BS. Christ.
@Thorman LOL, so do you have any evidence, any evidence whatsoever that, that is NOT the case? LOL
@Thorman No thought not, LOL
About time someone told them off
Thank you Sir
This IS what America sadly has become
Bravest man I’ve seen in 4 years. Now if elected officials could grow a pair and speak out against this illness we call Trumpism, I would hold hope for our future.
This is really getting out of control , you lost, go home
This is 2016 calling….
“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”
― Isaac Asimov, Foundation
WOW…Joe is really screwing over Bernie and the Left…how quickly they forget. Where is the contract they signed??????
So true! ANTIFA was financed by democrats.
Wow, I didn’t know that one yet, thank you. So true.
Their incompetence is why I walked from them, when they went cuckoo over HCQ in March or so.
Have you seen the USPS truck driver’s testimony of today? His professionalism truly unveils their amateurism and arrogance.
leftist suppoted antifa, blm come to mind