Former Deputy Attorney General Donald Ayer discusses AG Bill Barr criticizing Justice Department prosecutors. Aired on 9/17/2020.
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Former Deputy AG: 'We Just Have A Rotten Group Of People In Power' At DOJ | MTP Daily | MSNBC
That is an understatement.
Trump is the tool, barr has an agenda!
Anne, hello they are all tools of very wealthy aholes.
I am not American, looking in from outside 8000 miles away . He scares me more than anybody else. He is the power.
Their both tools!
@Beagle76 not for long
When a man’s ears drop down to his shoulders, he should be put out to pasture. Same for Giulliani.
”Do you think the rules surrounding our people in power might be in need of some tweaking?” they ask on the dawn of a new Dictatorship.
@Mainely Very true. They don’t seem to grasp the magnitude of the problem at all. Still talking about protocol and duty and the constitution, like extras in Mad Max, still wearing a suit with one sleeve and a slightly baffled expression.
@Mainely How many rubles for that post?
@Verruca Excellent analogy! I’m looking at Trumpists advocating for armed violence against the left , a POTUS and his administration gleefully stomping on every norm, law and convention and these little b*tches sit around and clutch their pearls about decorum.
It’s like closing the gate after the horse has bolted.
All the more reason to vote straight blue.
crispycritter223 Hillary still living rent free in the heads of Trumpsters lol… you gotta love it!

@crispycritter223; Not even, but what do you want, are you paying attention to any of this? Have you heard Barr talk the last few times, I’ve never heard anything so abhorrent from an AG in my life! trump needs to go to court and he only wants to be elected to avoid that!
@R Thomas You must be news illiterate, because it’s been in the news. Then again, you are a Democrat, so the illiteracy is part of your package.
@Guy North Barr is doing his job. The Democrats are also doing their job, which is all the arsons, rapes and murders they’ve been committing. Did you run out of matches yet, Guy?
@crispycritter223; Could you be any more delusional, I see the ‘confirmation bias’ has hit you hard. Good luck with that, seriously you talk so childishly stupid, much like that ignorant trump fool.
“the only way to tyrantproof the presidency is not to elect tyrants to the presidency”
..too late!
@wiremantw Freedom & Liberty Forever
You are not only suffering from “herd mentality” you are going beyond.
Developing conspiracy theories on the fly! It’s never happened before, why would it happen now? There is no way to know what the political party affiliation is of a absentee or mail in ballot. Not without opening the envelope and that is a felony offense. And since the postal worker who committed the offense works for the USPS which falls underneath the executive branch of government, that would mean that #45 is guilty of tampering with the Mail and engaging in voter fraud expo facto.
Orange county Registered voter turnout was 56% not 112%. You really didn’t think this through did you? You have now been exposed.
You not only suffer from “herd mentality” you are a fraud!
Because you are a fraud nothing you say matters!
You are a fraud!
Ta da
@Jacqueline Jacobs Exactly
@MSL: Oops! Too late. Trump will probably win and America seems destined to fall to a second rate country in less than a decade. China, perhaps Russia too, will exert its authority and military power all over the world–they are doing it now. Russia is very experienced at it; China has a very brilliant and powerful government and is a quick study on mastering the world. China will never ever be ruled or intimidated by the West again, not in a million years.
Greed and loss of the little moral values it has is why America is on a rapid decline. Any country is only as great as their top leadership and right now America doesn’t have any. Trump is America and America is Trump. If we are not the same collective persona as Trump, then how can you even explain the closeness of the election? Trump will more than likely win the electorate college, and nothing against white people by stating this, but he win with majority of the white votes, of course adding about 11 percent of blacks and more than a usual high percentage of Latinos voting for him–55 percent.
There will be a lot of hate and distrust among the races; America will certainly be hated overseas and many countries that feared America before will hope for her quick demise under Trump. Communism, as much as I hate it because I was in the military during the latter part of the cold war, is starting to look like a winner!
Exactly, it is too late and if Americans believe all they have to do now is vote those tyrants out of power then they are in deep deep denial.
And the saddest thing is, the warning signs were all over the place.
Lying Donnie says to his staff you got the drink more Kool-Aid you’re not stupid enough yet
Trump is a demagogue who appeals to the lowest common denominator.
But they are stupid enough….they voted & back Trump.
When you hear the president of the US using the phrase “drinking the koolaid” he loses respect worldwide. We all know the type of person that uses that phrase.
Trump fans have actually drank clorox becaus3 of trumps stupidity and ignorance on national tv
The fish rots from the head, DJT.
It’s funny because it’s true.
Trump had four years to fix whatever he had an issue with.
I certainly hope so…
John Smith,
If you believe we don’t have a democracy then there’s no reason for you to vote.
@John Smith So why do Americans keep claiming they are ‘ The World’s Greatest Democracy’?
The trump demon probably considered being made president to be a reward for a lifetime of scumbaggery.
@Verruca Because America hasn’t been tested militarily. Not REALLY tested. America is like the bully in class who everyone is afraid of because he has big muscles, even though he also has a glass jaw.
40% of your population is rotten…
@timething Foxwashed nitwits.
@Noreb 40% of the voting population are complete brainwashed fox watching morons, is that more correct?
@Noreb “1/5th of the population” elected Trump???
@maxhugen yes. If you actually do the math from voting results in 2016 less than 1/5th of the population of the US voted for trump. If you break down that number farther and account for people who just hated Hilary clinton, people that no matter what will vote GoP, people who just wanted “change” or to burn the whole thing down and you get the actual base of support trump has and its tiny…. 70k votes across 3 states is the only reason trump fluked his way to victory. Its also why hes so ineffective because he has no real support.
@Noreb See your point. In AU, voting is mandatory, so we get 96% or so off their butts and having a say. This time it may be the “AnybodyButTrump” vote in the US.
Barr is beyond just bad. Barr is corrupt to the core. Impeach Barr!
got to get that lawless insane criminal “trump” out first and them all those Republican criminals must be brought to justice for treason
There’s a dog kennel cage in Podunk waiting for him.
I’d say they need a better bipartisan vetting and interviewing system but that didn’t work with Kavanaugh!
Godfrey Daniel : I agree . It would be a much better world minus religion. Btw, Federalist Society doesn’t have many atheists
Barr is a bad guy, yes he is.
If Trump’s administration looks, sounds, and moves like a criminal organization, it’s because that’s exactly what it is.Trump’s administration is built for criminality, and not by accident. Trump designed his administration to operate in the same illegal manner as his fake university and fake charity foundation.
The Republican Party is now led by a kleptocratic crime boss who rules over the most scandal-ridden administration in history. Many of his closest advisers and associates have either been imprisoned or are facing prison time. Trump himself is trying to cheat in this election in order to stay in office and avoid prosecution. Nixon’s administration may have been riddled with criminality—but in 1973, the Republican Party was still a somewhat normal party, that still played by the rules, so Nixon was forced to resign. But not anymore. Those days are long gone.
The corruption we see in the Republican party today can be defined as institutional depravity. It isn’t an occasional failure to uphold laws and norms, but a consistent repudiation of them. It isn’t about dirty money so much as the pursuit and abuse of power—power as an end in itself, justifying almost any means.
@Mungo Munro Just about everything you said is a projection of Republican policies rather than Democratic policies. Trump begged president Xi to support him in the next election. Trump has colluded with Russia. If you had ears and were listening into the joint conference between Trump and Putin, Trump believed Putin over the US intelligence agency. Hillary did not buy and sell uranium. That allegation was fictional and disproven. The Steele dossier to which l think you are referring was originally ordered by the Freedom Caucus. It did not include what they wanted and they sold it to the Democratic party. Steele was a good friend of Ivanka Trump and was motivated to produce a document that praised Trump but his research did not conclude that there was much praiseworthy about Trump. I have rarely heard a more inaccurate, slanderous comment about those who defend their cult leader.
@Nancy M Ross the Republicans aren’t ruling in Congress right now. The Republicans are ruling in the Senate. The Republican Senate has been blocking the work of the Democrat majority congress
@Shellie Wolske You are correct about the Republican Senate. It is controlled by the Republicans. However, Congress is composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House has passed multiple, bipartisan B
I am not great at typing on this thing! To continue: the House has passed many bipartisan measures that Mitch McConnell has refused to bring to a vote
@Mungo Munro The Dunce who pretends to be be POTUS with the help of his best friend Vladimir.
also do that for the Supreme Court. apolitical judges.
“I don’t think science knows” -person who claimed there were airports in 1776
Even the Egyptians have models carved of air planes. Just dropping knowledge.
@Dwayne Joseph So ???
@Dwayne Joseph You should flag your comment as #sarcasm . There are people who will take you seriously, and worse, some will even believe you!
I like the part where t’rump calls himself the “law and order” president yet his whole inner circle is in prison for breaking the law.

Trump isn’t leaving after he’s elected out watch he want to be a dictator
He can’t leave. What’s in store for him after this gig? Possible legal woes and hawking Trump steaks again? No bank is willing to lend him money anymore. He threw enough people under the bus, for all the world to see no less, nobody trusts this guy aymore. He’s desperate. because he’s done. This is all he has left. Well, that and maybe a nice Trump tower in Moscow. We’ll see.
@Arthur Dent I agree 100%
@Arthur Dent Exile in Moscow, though I doubt Putin would have him once he stops being useful, or maybe Riyadh? I have no doubt he would desert his supporters in a minute if he loses and has to take a hike to somewhere else to avoid spending the rest of his life in court or prison.
History repeats itself: Vote for a failing business man expect a failing presidency!!!
*We have a “”Rotten Group of People” in the White House AND the Entire Republican party…*
Electing trump president will have severe consequence for years.