Former Defense Secretary Hagel on Trump’s comments: It’s degrading and despicable

Former defense secretary Chuck Hagel talks to CNN's Jim Acosta about President Trump's remarks about former White House chief of staff John Kelly at a White House press briefing.

#CNN #News

Former Defense Secretary Hagel on Trump's comments: It's degrading and despicable


  1. As a German I hope Joe Biden will become the next President of the USA! I miss the USA I’ve looked up to once upon a time…

    1. @Puck Daily Well, today Germany has strict laws against any kind of Hitler endorsement. But in a way you are right: Trumps German ancestors did endorse Hitler. And interestingly: the Neo-Nazis in Germany actually endorse Trump.

    2. Trump thinks American soldiers are disgusting. The veterans that gave their lives for the country, calling them losers and suckers is disgusting. And yet Trump calls Putin strong. Trump didn’t want any veterans that were wounded or amputees in his parade. But Trump wanted tanks and choppers North Korea’s Style parade. This is coming from a sitting president, a commander in chief. Trump has changed America in so many ways, but not for the better. Americans are losing their Democracy bit by bit. A large portion of America has their eyes wide shut. Trump is taking America in the direction of a dictatorship little by little. It’s what is happening from the start. Americans can’t allow Trump to remain in power, must vote Trump out…

    1. Fake news, the media is going crazy as baby Biden is slipping in the polls. Trump built military and gave our heroes pay raise.

    2. @Think Twice
      Trump thinks American soldiers are disgusting. The veterans that gave their lives for the country, calling them losers and suckers is disgusting. And yet Trump calls Putin strong. Trump didn’t want any veterans that were wounded or amputees in his parade. But Trump wanted tanks and choppers North Korea’s Style parade. This is coming from a sitting president, a commander in chief. Trump has changed America in so many ways, but not for the better. Americans are losing their Democracy bit by bit. A large portion of America has their eyes wide shut. Trump is taking America in the direction of a dictatorship little by little. It’s what is happening from the start. Americans can’t allow Trump to remain in power, must vote Trump out.

    3. From simple reading and video, the matter of the Clinton’s ? Their contempt for the military, and the others gathered by cnn to support a story. A story built of lies, where cnn would …. oops technical problem …connection lost…..

    4. liberty Ann FAKE NEWS CNN, disinformation and enemy of the American People. CNN IS HELPFUL TO CHINA MORE THAN THE US. CNN = CHINESE NEWS NETWORK.

    1. Major Minor . Let me guess, you’re in denial, even when the truth slaps you in the face. Try some soul searching

    2. @Rita Review Let me guess, you actually believe CNN is about truth. Hahahahahhaha that is rich. You nut bags are delusional.

  2. You know if tRUMP was on the Titanic he would be the guy shoving the woman and children out of his way so he could get a lifeboat for himself.

    1. Exactly as he called them names and used some colorful langu. Punk Thrump at your disservice America. Vote Blue!

    2. And then when he reaches shore he tells everyone how he saved many many lives by being calm and not causing a panic.

    1. @viewome Some of them are safe, because all they need is to keep Trump from sending out a tweet against them and recruiting primary opposition. Some, however, like those in competitive races this year, have painted themselves into a corner by having no backbone. They cannot win without Trump supporters because they have never built up a reservoir of accomplishments and goodwill among the voters themselves. On the other hand, they can’t win with Trump supporters because the rest of the electorate is appalled by Trump and anyone who makes excuses for him. That is why Gardner, McSally, Tillis and Collins are going down the drain at the moment, with time running out to reverse their fortunes. May they take Ernst, Perdue (or the other GA seat), and the big enchilada, McConnell, with them. A McConnell loss would shake the GOP to its bones more than whatever happens to Trump. Not that I think McConnell is going to lose. McGrath couldn’t win her local congressional seat in a landslide year for Dems in the House. Prove me wrong, Kentuckians!

    2. republican senators are gutless cowards. trump should have been IMPEACHED, but did anyone of that republican group step out of line, HELL NO, they followed like lemmings!

  3. This probably won’t change the mind of any Trump supporters. However, they can no longer credibly call themselves “patriots.”

    1. @Wendy Anderson, you are absolutely right my sister. I am a Christian, ex military and a conservative. It is so not funny that the Republicans pride themselves on being so patriotic, but yet they worship a 5 times Draft dodger, coward and and an anti soldier. He hated John McCain so much his cronies cover the McCain name up on a naval ship. He absolutely called John McCain a loser. Trump is 1 of the biggest loser ever. But at the end of the day the Trump cult loves him, they are hypocrites. I have no respect for anyone that supports this loser.

    2. @Vincent L Jordan you are no Christian, you are no patriot, you are a brainwashed libtard. P.S. ENJOY THE NEXT 4 YEARS OR THE CIVIL WAR

    1. @donald kepple Do you like ANONYMOUS sources who (more than likely) don’t exist? Would you like it if an ANONYMOUS source said something about you and it ruined your reputation? Would you like it if the media jumped all over the allegation and caused great harm to you and your family? Would you like it if you asked that ANONYMOUS source to come forward to face you and they refused?


    1. Palmdale Monty ohhh .. now that you’ve provided evidence I see that he def said they were suckers and losers . Thanks for clearing that up 😓😂😂

    2. Palmdale Monty , oh wow ! You can name the names on war mongers that many disagree with ! Any other insightful statements that have nothing to do with Trump saying military men and women are suckers and losers ? You guys make this too easy 🤦‍♂️

    1. @Vincent Viscardi
      You mean an honorable war hero disparaged an obvious con man, a tax cheat, a bigot, sexist, lying fraud? Lol, nooooooo, you don’t say…

    2. Trump thinks American soldiers are disgusting. The veterans that gave their lives for the country, calling them losers and suckers is disgusting. And yet Trump calls Putin strong. Trump didn’t want any veterans that were wounded or amputees in his parade. But Trump wanted tanks and choppers North Korea’s Style parade. This is coming from a sitting president, a commander in chief. Trump has changed America in so many ways, but not for the better. Americans are losing their Democracy bit by bit. A large portion of America has their eyes wide shut. Trump is taking America in the direction of a dictatorship little by little. It’s what is happening from the start. Americans can’t allow Trump to remain in power, must vote Trump out…

  4. I’m British and I can safely say that I personally, am not laughing at the USA.. I’m no longer laughing at trump.. he’s gone beyond the limits of decency with this.. he’s a disgusting human.. he deserves everything he’s due.. 😔

    1. Thank you. Melanie. It is not easy living with this corrupt president and how he is tearing us apart. We will vote Trump out. He does not represent us.

    2. I’m British too I’ll second that there have been American presidents before I’ve not agreed with but the present occupant of the white house is beneath contempt he’s dragging his country through the gutter trust the decent majority of Americans will reject this cancerous growth in November

    3. Melanie Richards Thank you to one of our greatest allies, I’m just sorry he has treated you like he’s treated everyone of us here in the US! We will return to be your friends🇺🇸‼️🇺🇸‼️

    1. And he should say “screw any code of honor.” DUMP has no honor and shouldn’t be treated with any respect, much less honor.
      On second thought, after Chloe’s reminder, maybe Dump has something on Kelly that makes him shut his mouth?

    2. blackprix He May be concerned for the safety of his family, as well as himself. The Army had to do a security assessment on Lt Col Vindman’s home, after he testified in the impeachment hearings, due to threats from Trump fanatics.

    3. John Kelly will not say a word against America’s Commander and Chief not because he is defending Trump he is respecting the position, not the man in it!

    1. Are so much respect Alexander Vindman!! It is my hope, sincerely, that he will have a place in the Biden administration with regard to foreign affairs! He deserves that honor👏👏👏👏🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. @blackprix I would be just as happy for him if he was a medium-paid prison guard holding the keys to Trump’s cellblock…

  5. He openly criticized McCain for being shot down and captured, calling him a loser. “I don’t like people who are captured.” He said it openly!!! Even the Vietnamese captors came to respect McCain for his courage and camaraderie, after beating the shite out of him for years (for invading their country). 🤣

    1. @Vincent L Jordan Trump is not owned by Putin. Trump has put their economy in the tank. Unlike JOE BIDEN. HE WENT OVER TO RUSSIA AFTER HILLARY’S RESET AND PUTIN PLAYED OLD JOE LIKE A FIDEL. HE TALKED & TALKED & TALKED. THEY GOT SO BORED, THEY TURNED THE LIGHTS OUT & LEFT. jOE HAS SOLD THIS COUNTRY DOWN STREAM. Hillary even tried to sell them our Uranium and our electrical grids. How stupid is that.

    2. Earl of Mar, seven of the ten highest crime cities are in red states, none of the ten poorest states are red states, an Trump actually increased the trade deficit with China because of this stupidity, while costing American farmers their overseas markets, and forcing companies to open factories overseas because of reciprocal tariffs and closing factories here. He also caused companies like Electrolux and BMW to cancel plans for factories here. His tariffs actually taxes American consumers for products we aren’t even manufacturing here. But he and Mitch McConnell did lift sanctions on Derepaska so he was able to invest $200 million in an aluminum plant in Kentucky. It was supposed to be all American investors for it’s approval, but somehow that changed. So I guess catering to Russian oligarchs is just a fallacy. Regarding China, Trump lifted sanctions against ZTE for a loan of half a billion dollars for a golf resort in Thailand. ARE had been sanctioned for selling American technology to Iran and North , and I guess the millions that Trump had already owed China, due in 2022, and Ivanka’s seven patents didn’t hury. Trump has made us subordinate to Russia, and has done a better job of selling is out to China than any previous president, whether due to incompetence or corruption is irrelevant. You’re just stupid enough to believe his lies.

    3. @John DiGiacomo Communist China targeted our farmers. tRIMP knew it would happen. BMW makes crappy cars anyway, so does Mercedes. He put tariffs on them b/c they put tariffs on the US. Fake story…Trump did not owe any money to China. Ivanka makes women’s fashion. Not like Joe taking Hunter on Air Force Two, 132 times. And every time Hunter walks out with sweet heart deals. In China is walked out with 1.5 BILLION dollars. Then he camE back over here & bought up military grade secrets and farmed them back to the Communist Chinese Military. That’s why the jumped ahead. Have you seen their armaments. Look like ours??? IT’S BECAUSE IT’S A CARBON COPY. HUNTER SOLD IT TO THEM.


  6. We’ve all seen the way he talked about Senator John McCain. So that definitely gives this reporting enough credibility!

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