Shortly after resigning from the House of Representatives, Chris Collins has plead guilty to insider trading in New York. MSNBC's Ali Velshi has details. Aired on 10/01/19.
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Former Congressman Chris Collins Pleads Guilty To Insider Trading | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Corruption here and well.
All of Congress is guilty of something to do with money.
This is why we need term limits.
No. We need hangings.
How would’ve term limits prevented this?
O. the great maybe not in this particular case. But term limits are needed in all forms of government.
@Jared Smith They make mid $100k’s. Considering their short terms and the amount of travel it takes back and forth for a lot of these people, I’d say that’s a fair salary.
This is why we need to take money out of politics.
Drain the Swamp hey!
J. H Collins is a Republican….
Who cares if he’s democrat or republican. He’s a criminal either way just like lots of other democrats and republicans who have not been caught yet
I wonder how many t’rump rally folks have investments where they could lose $750,000 on a single tip? And yet here they are – always ready to defend people like Collins.

Like a slug leaving a slick trail of slime,
*The Swamp* follows *Trump* all of the time.
Lock him up!!!
Upto 250k in fine? What a joke.
And why tf is his sentencing on January 17th? Just lock him up already and let him pull an Epstein if he so wishes.
Paul Ryan did the same thing during the end of his term probly even before that the only reason this man got caught is because he did it so blatantly that 1.4 million shares.. if he is that stupid then I cant believe that information or any other information gotten form insider knowledge wasnt used by other congressman or senators or anyone on a energy panel or commishing one
Now we wait to see if he’s locked up like Martha Stewart, or whether the double-standard for politicians kicks in.
I was just thinking the same thing re: Martha stewart!….these crooks should be hit hard, too many crooks, need a good deterrent….put them behind bars for maximum time, maximum fine…set the example!
Those eyes are soo big I thought they had a filter on the thumbnail hahaha
Jimony Flip! What’s gonna happen next!
He plead guilty to insiders trading…and now he will be sent to overnight camping at Club Fed… because after all he has a magic R after his name… Now he is really qualified for office in Trump’s camp.
Commits a crim to avoid losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, fined maximum 250k. Sachlers make billions profiting off an opioid epidemic they created, fined millions of dollars. Why aren’t fines calculated as a percentage of a person’s wealth? This is ridiculous, wealthy people are never held accountable
They are but when you have hellacious lawyers…
While I agree.. pharma didn’t create the opioid epidemic. Drug users did. A majority of pain medicine is used responsibly. Plus it’s a god send for those with chronic pain.
Someone who actually gets it. Most will just see what party he’s in and if it’s the one they don’t like they run with it. What this guy did was the equivalent of intentionally committing a pass interference foul because the other team getting a first down at the spot of the foul is less worse than them potentially getting a touchdown from the catch.
@Bob Loblaw Too many ways to hide wealth.
Another one bites the dust…. But hardly makes a dent?
@Sophronia Mason
bot alert
@Sophronia Mason Thanks for responding to my post. As you are well aware, every post to a video promotes it within Youtube. The more you comment and dislike, the more people end up seeing the video. Congratulations for a job well done!
@fredy gump No, I did not know that! Thanks for sharing. What does that comment in between with “not alert” mean? I’ve seen several like that.
@Sophronia Mason Ha! You really don’t know? If you are a Bot, you aren’t self aware…since you are a computer program designed to disrupt ideological rivals. A Russian troll is another possibility, but that isn’t technically a “bot”. We have come to expect disruptive comments around here, and yours was a good example! But every comment promotes the video, so it is all good!
@fredy gump No, I really didn’t know, haven’t heard it. And I’m a real person, and I’m from Tennessee, nowhere near Russia.
off with his head
He actually said it was “fake news.”
The swamp is loaded with alligators
Anyone ever seen a poor politician after leaving office? I’m guessing most are corrupt.
Cyber Farmer
Trump is the only president who made his wealth before taking office, and is worth less now. Now look at Obama, Biden, and the Clintons.
“This is a political smear campaign against me.” – Collins in 2018

“I plead guilty.” – Collins in 2019.
Like a slug leaving a slick trail of slime,
*The Swamp* follows *Trump* all of the time.
You’re actually going to talk about somebody’s son without mentioning Hunter? really? REALlY???
“The general population doesn’t know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know”–Noam Chomsky
5 years ago this would have been huge… today it’s just “That’s it?”