Jiang Zemin, the Chinese communist leader who paved the way for the country's emergence as a global superpower, has died, state-run Xinhua news agency announced. He was 96. #CNN #News
Former Chinese leader who made country global superpower dies at 96

He was only 96, Very suspicious

Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Chang ping Deng did not kill himself…
To accumulate virtue and do good throughout one’s life
It’s nice to watch these videos and not hear Don lemon’s voice #fireDonLemon
His death may singlehanded quench fire of the recent protest. Perhaps he saved China at death on more time on his way out.
May his soul rest in enduring peace
Would you wish the same to Adolf Hitler? Both committed genocide
@snipman 80 The U.S. has committed several genocides in the past few hundred years, yet people still treat it as the “beacon to the world”, so what’s wrong with people condoling a Chinese old man?
@Hugo probably because he ordered numerous genocides and violently suppressed a protest? No one really looks up to Andrew Jackson as a great leader in the US. Not to mention, the last genocide committed by the US was 200 years ago, the last genocide committed by the CCP was less than a decade ago and is still on going. Jiang started the genocide of Falun Gong, a religion that was practiced by millions in southern China. If reports and survivor stories are accurate, the people sent to the concentration camps in Xinjiang province are used as slave labor while the women are gang r*ped by guards. Children are taken from their parents and tortured until they believe their parents are evil etc. If you want to say “oh, poor Jiang! He was such a great guy that he let PLA goons r*pe women and torture children and enslaved an entire religion! Oh bless his heart!” Then by all means, do so. But don’t be surprised when someone says that he was a monster and doesn’t deserve anything more than hell for his crimes against humanity.
@snipman 80 source trust me bro your so dumb learn your history and stop comparing everything to hitler to prove ur point
@King so Jiang never started a genocide against Falun Gong? Go back to Beijing China bot
“Say nothing and you’ll make a fortune.” – Jiang Zemin
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Obviously, Xi doesn’t buy this.
He wants to get fxxk like Saddam one day
And to think it was only a week or so since he was physically removed from Congress and disappeared.

that was former President HU Jintao been removed at 20th CCP congress, totally two different people.
Wrong person
He probably died because he couldn’t bear to watch how badly his successors are failing, and how quickly they are destroying his legacy.
@G G
yes! Great use of sarcasm which I am sure many will miss. I did not miss it and it was appreciated.
then the same thing can be said about the queen
He was old enough is true, he may felt strong anger was also true. Even the CCP was ruled entire China they had three different political factions and could prevent one man dictatiorship. But Emperor Xi eliminate other factions from political stage and destroyed China’s balanced system.
So being today superpower is fall down according to u? Keep brainwashed by our medias folks !!
Now China ranks second in the world.
He’s the guy who mocked the reporters. That video is legendary.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
we were too young, too simple, sometimes naive to judge him compared to the current winning the pool.
all Chinese people think well done.
Xi “The Terrible” Jinping!
– You will be remembered forever as *the mastermind* of the Uyghur genocide.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Sorry to hear I hope all Chinese get well don’t have Covid-19’s god bless them keep well
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Could we let Fort Detrick being examined by WHO, first?
There are over 1 million of your people died because of covid, yet you ask god to bless us? Really?
congratulations on a wonderful life
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
When a dictator dies, that is good news for the world. Even if it is a dictator who no longer was in power.
sorry,man,your mother is dead
So are we supposed to be sad, or what? I mean, Gorbachev was much loved by the West for his role in bringing down the Berlin wall and the USSR, thus freeing the many people from oppressive Soviet control. Jiang Zemin is remembered with some fondness, perhaps, for implementing capitalist reforms, without which China wouldn’t have become the powerful rival it is today, given the superiority of capitalism to a tightly government-controlled economy. I remember Tiananmen Square, though. I was just getting out of high school when that took place. We were very hopeful then, and even for several years after, that democratic reforms were inevitable in China. Perhaps they still are, but it may take a significantly longer arc of history to bring them about than we had expected at the time. So Jiang Zemin wasn’t directly responsible for what happened to those brave and hopeful students, but he wasn’t exactly apologetic or remorseful about it either. I’ll remember him as slightly more enlightened than some other communist leaders, and important in terms of the success he had in bringing some capitalist reforms to China’s economic system.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
RIP my president
It is enough to see three things before I was born. 1. Landing on the moon; 2. Chinese World Cup champion; 3. Opening the Qinling Mausoleum
Rest in peace …
God bless his soul
He lead the Falun gong crackdown and organ harvesting from disidents, he may be the guy who rose china, but he had an unsurprising bitter heart
People under rated him ! He did modern Chinese + made traded agreement around the world
. He wasn’t a bad leader for China. Alot people can learn from him .
He didnt died, he was mur…
96 is a good age. I hope Putin doesnt live that long