Former chief of defence staff Gen. Jonathan Vance has been charged with one count of obstruction of justice. Michel Boyer reports.
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Stop spending our taxes on overseas oil and put the pipeline into the ground.
please stay on topic
Well. If we are going to use it we might as well use ours.
Justin is at the top of the crap pile.
Justin is not in charge of the military. He is only responsible for the Department of National Defence, which Vance isn’t in that chain of command. He reports to the Governor General.
@silvslim facts.
It is what it is!
Obstruction of Justice lol probably won’t follow unlawful orders by supiorors
Instead of going after the military … go after the politicians
@Sven K If you are asking if I can speak from a point of experience and knowledge, then yes, I am a knowing person in this topic.
@silvslim no it was a simple question are you in the military.
@silvslim understood’ and thank you sir’
Canada’s Military brass are incompetent
@W L No one in a uniform is going to answer this question, and shouldn’t. This indicates you don’t have experience in this field, or you would know not to ask this question. You don’t have to be in the military to knowingly speak about this topic. You can be a family member, a spouse, a public servant, a contractor, a veteran, a witness, or a whole host of other exposures/experiences with the military culture.
Why isn’t Trudeau charged for all his corruption?
What corruption lmao
The Queen has the control that’s why
because he is a back door c0mmunist
@Edgar Foerster We all know who the boss is and it sure ain’t kabuki theater Justin.
@Geoffrey Hosein
You poor guy
General Flynn got set up the same way .
Flynn is a convicted felon that pleaded guilty.
@John Laing With 5 bronze stars and three purple hearts.
@Shlomo Noseberg I know he’s such a disgrace now.
@John Laing Did the system blackmail him like they did to Flynn?
But no charges for Trudeau? Lmfao ok
What about Justin Trudeau’s obstruction of justice in the SNC Lavalin affair. Oh yeah different Scandal, different guy, different rules.
we already have laws for all this why do they need to investigate on whether or not to produce more laws and why do they have a problem not producing actual evidence but making accusations
liberals deflecting their corruption onto a scapegoat.
Vance is far from being a “scapegoat”
Civilian courts? Not a military court? Doesn’t sound like something that happened on the job?
Civilian courts now, military courts after.
Charged meaning given severance and departing bonus.
thats a petty charge that means they have nothing to charge him with.
The Minister of Defence will have to be charged to.
They blame the army when we all know is a politic problem .
They r “blaming” a single person, not the military.
As a former military medic I can’t describe how dissapointed I am in Vance.
Rings a bell. Admiral Norman. Trudeau set him up, threw him under the bus in order to deflect away from the truth of his own involvement. Then paid him off big time to go away and shut up. Expect the same for Vance. He will hint at something bigger involving trudeau and sajjin, then his charges will be dropped and he will be provided with a “package”, and quickly disappear from the public, never to be seen again (likely set up in another country).
The PM got a pass on his obstruction of Justice when he fired Jodi Wilson Raybolt. Vance must be a conservative under a separate set of laws
How do these politicians get away with everything we need a whole New establishment. everyone needs to leave and we need to clean house, for new politicians that are true…