MPs Michelle Rempel, Lenore Zann and Jenny Kwan discuss the priorities outlined in the Liberal minority government's throne speech.
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Michelle for PM! Lol…
He hates Alberta , what else did you expect ?
It was just a show same old same old
Jenny Kwon, Go back to China and talk to them about climate change please.
Newsflash!!! Climate hasn’t changed
Curt Thompson Actually it has in just the past 9 years
Truth is the climate has always been changing … warm periods, cold periods……
Climate change and C02 became a problem of “epic crisis” levels some 20 years ago +/-…. you know… when they attached a way to leach money out of it buy way of finding lemmings dumb enough to fall for it.
Martin P The climate has remained relatively stable for thousands of years until now
Cliff Suddaby Because my facts make you uncomfortable so you just tune em out, I guess that proves i’m right. But remember, you can only deny reality for so long
WORDS, WORDS, WORDS time for action.
NS MP… please show the data that proves the Water level is going to catastrophically rise.
They won’t, look who’s been buying up ocean front property.
If they do show it, it will be doctored data
They dont care…they think tmx will fix it…we are past it
Canada’s climate change global impact is 1.4%. If the liberals want to hit their climate change goals, it can happen very very easy. Wexit. If Alberta and Saskatchewan exit, then Canada will meet that goal. Wexit is a win win.
The only thing left to do is WEXIT, WEXIT, WEXIT,and what I mean by that is EXIT confederation, January 11 2020, Edmonton legislation

there is no middle class with the liberal government.
indigenous issues are the indigenous nature
and should not be disgust until
the Indian act is throw in out of government.
paid in full long time ago
Nova Scotia taxes. Highest provincial income taxes in Canada. She’s barking up the wrong tree. And NO More FAT drilling season checks for transient NS oil workers from Now empty Alberta oil camps.
I have personally seen one Alberta oil worksite go from a high of 5500-6000 oil workers to maybe 750 peak of so called drilling season. That’s a lot of layoffs !
The alberta can no longer wait anymore or the west .
Weeeell you’re going to have to! Stop that whining right now grow up! Or go to your room & think about what u r saying.!.
Looks as if Trudeau is going to have a really rough go. But he′ll get no sympathy from me.
Liberal concerned about a little piece of land surrounded by water. Piece of advice….move to higher ground. Nothing we can do about that. It’s called erosion.
Wexit. Simple.
The blond gotta be a liberal or something not a conservative.
If the Government could have prevented the Cod fisheries from depletion, it would have been prevented and those jobs saved … but why is the Government ok with not preventing the Alberta and Saskatchewan Energy Jobs leaving ?