Ford says he ‘won’t hesitate’ to implement another lockdown

Ont. Premier Doug Ford says 'everything is on the table' and he won't hesitate to implement another lockdown.


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Ford says he 'won't hesitate' to implement another lockdown


  1. Shut down all the Canadian small businesses, restaurants, gyms etc. Keep the Walmart and Costco open. That’s intelligent.

    1. Who needs gyms now…apparently can exercise infront of somekind of mirror thing…and it talks to you like the mirror talked to Lord Farquar in the Shrek movie! 😳..Made in China🤔…make home made xmas stuff…don’t allow China to be…Santas new home…wake up…Santa lives in China🤔😳

    2. costco and walmart are govt owned thats why. they want to get rid of all buisnesses and make them dependant on Govt

    3. No! His lockdown is when he goes into the donut store or all you can eat buffet and locks the door and devours everything and everyone he can. He is a true beast when it come to chomp chomp chomp…

    1. His lockdown is when he goes into the donut store or all you can eat buffet and locks the door and devours everything and everyone he can. He is a true beast when it come to chomp chomp chomp…

    1. @Bảo Đinh Vietnam did early travel ban just like Taiwan.

      South Korea and Japan is at the point where virus broke through in their country. You can’t really compare lol.

      Every country should follow Taiwan and vietnam model. Just travel ban the hell out of everyone

    1. Another lockdown means another YEAR with no new doctors or nurses. Think about it. Nobody talks about it but just think: Hospitals are overwhelmed right now… and they’re going to lose about 5% of their existing staff to RETIREMENT. There’s nobody coming to take their place because nobody else is being allowed to finish school right now.

  2. Doug isn’t just doing this to you he is doing this to his children and grandchildren. If Doug Ford can’t protect his own family don’t expect him to protect yours.

  3. We waited so long for a conservative leader in Ontario and he is throwing away his opportunity to act like one

  4. lockdown, we already did that. flatten the curve was like april? We all wear masks and stayed home. You keep schools open and say this is a pandemic
    top experts in Canada are clearly morons

  5. He wont hesitate, sounds like he already made the decision. These politicians overstep their positions every time.

  6. this never ending lockdown, run and hide non-plan will go down is history as the worst, most destructive decisions the government have ever imposed on it’s own citizens. Doug Ford is not your friend…Doug Ford is Doug Ford’s friend and although he might think he is doing you a favor, he most certainly is not…he and other leaders have caused far more harm than the covid 19 virus could ever do. we are at peak hysteria.

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