Ford: Restrictions aren’t fair, but big box stores help to ‘limit’ making multiple trips

Ont. Premier Doug Ford says it is 'not fair,' but big box stores prevent people from making multiple trips to pick up goods.

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  1. What a crock!
    How come that logic does not apply in other regions of the country? One or the other is out of step…guessing…

    1. I’m going to spank you for every birthday Canada has had. How old is Canada? Ouch. You know you deserve it;)

    2. as if a Liberal in power would be any better… they ALL would do the same thing… it’s recommended by the health minister who they conveniently cut off…

    3. Bud, if Wynne was re-elected things would be just as bad- if not worse. Ford is a huge let down; I will never vote liberal and I certainly won’t be voting for Ford.

    4. @begley09 yeah I totally agree. I but i dont want these Rhinos thinking my vote is validating their liberal in a blue suit policies. I want them to earn my support. And i wont be supporting anyone besides the CPC from now on

    1. @s jive why does that even matter – lets be constructive here with solutions and not just whining around

  2. I went to canadian tire today. 7 cashiers but only 3 open. BTW I dont have internet im a chef out of work

    1. @g00gle minus he might be using Tim Horton’s Wi-Fi. There open now. Weird how corporations are okay to open but not small business owners.*

  3. All he had to do was stop at “it’s not fair.” That’s the definition of being ruled by fiat and not law. If you’re going to impose a law it has to be applied evenly.

    1. Everyone isn’t that smart they are rules by fear……I wish everyone would just stop listening and the government could do absolutely nothing about it!!!

  4. This is the worst logic I’ve ever heard… So make everyone got to the same place. Yeah, that will stop the spread.

    1. @malihrv look up Great Barrington Declaration and see for yourself what top doctors say, the ones that are not poloticised. And try using common sense for once by analysing statistics that is open for public.

    2. @Matthew Renaud look up Great Barrington Declaration and see for yourself what top doctors say, the ones that are not poloticised. And try using common sense for once by analysing statistics that is open for public.

  5. Folks, when I was doing a line off the back of a crackhead I swear I said this isn’t fair for the small businesses!

  6. So unfair. Let all retail stay open. Limit capacity based on square footage. Hold store owners to that restriction.

  7. Fords neighbours are executives and upper management of the big box, corporate Circle.
    You didn’t really think he cared about the little guy did you?

  8. “We may be all in the same storm, we are NOT all in the same boat.”—some smart guy
    Rob is cursing you and Tory every second of every day.

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