Ont. Premier Doug Ford continues to warn about the dangers of an approaching COVID-19 second wave and the province's preparations.
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Yeah you get yours first Mr Ford!
Mr Ford, oh my,,
Lol the hospital here couldn’t diagnose covid if it slapped em in the face
russian minion…make putin proud
Pandemics aren’t defined by infection rates. You going to start tracking the common cold too?
“It starts with the flu shot” …hope you all open your eyes now ..
It’s Very Scary
What ever go wear your mask. And keep your drugs.
Second wave is coming. Get your flu shot.. Sounds like a commercial. Does he get a royalty at least
Better extend the cerb if there’s another lockdown or there will be hell to pay
they are out of money.. bet they are out of that special paper they print it on too../s
they can always print more it seems.. i just see taxes going up 5-10 years from now and being that way for the rest of eternity.. just what i need as im getting into the work force huh! great gift for the younger folk they want to convince to stay inside doing nothing for years
Do what I say but not what I do. The rules apply to the public with all the fake numbers we are selling and we are also now going to use the flu shot to ham up the need for control. We like to use tag lines like “front line hero’s” to remove all suspicion as what we are doing is logical, safe, and very suspicious as none of this adds up. We love to gas light as much as possible and go along with what the rest of the world is doing: selling out its citizens for cash payouts.
There is no 2nd wave unless you consider a few spikes in positive tests to be a wave. More like a ripple if at all. Deaths still very low and only a tiny uptick in hospitalizations. Test more = more cases. That’s the simple fact that seems to be lost on Professor Ford.
i see you have been drinking the Trump Kool-aid
Nope, just paying attention
you all best run and stock up,, or open fords garage and steal his,,
compensate victims of sexual abuse
Wtf there really trying to delete the older generation omg.
All hail Doug Stalin!!!
The daily death rate steadily fell to an all time low in July, where it has remained stable to this day. I guess he needs to find something to keep everyone afraid and to justify the increased draconian policies, lock downs, and fines. The the wave that there’s no evidence will happen, and no evidence that it’ll be worse IF it does happen.
The first wave didn’t go away
Should’ve kept it all closed till it was gone. Guess big business won with dollars and wanting their economy before health.
OK OK I’m at the phone Mr. Ford is flu shot saving me from Covid could you please confirm that
Its called the flu. Happens every year.
USMCA is the real reason for the adjustment to the economy. Our life.
O’Toole 2020!
Ford for PM
Every one from that guys not to make a right things they just in panic