Ford calls out testing levels in Ontario: “Pick up the pace.”

Ont. Premier Doug Ford once again called out the level of testing in certain areas of the province, saying they have "got to pick up the pace."

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Ford calls out testing levels in Ontario: "Pick up the pace."


  1. Can you please tell families how the group homes with special needs children and adults are being taken care of. That’s also long term care. Thank you

    1. Maybe a better question is how they are taken care of AFTER the economic collapse we’ll have if we don’t stop the lockdown .

  2. All that tough talk. and ZERO results
    what happened to your ‘iron ring’ around care homes. as all our seniors die.
    what happened to comparing our industrial might to anyone on the planet as the test made in ontario fail.
    what happened to opening based on science as we open with high number of infections and deaths daily.
    I used to think you would get ahold of the situation with your talk. but sir you talked a tough game but failed miserably.

  3. My Buddy live across the road from a test centre and there is nobody there and hasn’t been since it opened.

    1. Can we have or trust test kits? you know to make sure that their not contaminated?

    2. @Phix We might not agree politically, but I’m glad we agree that there really isn’t a place in this for tinfoil hattery.

  4. Some labs are running out of materials needed for testing on this scale and are out of needed supplies. Also testing has a 36-37% false negative result. Testing is needed but it cannot replace quarantine. We have to kill every last stinking bug. Don’t allow it to have a host. We don’t care about the economy out here in Alberta. We haven’t had an economy for years. We can handle this.

  5. Yes, test test test, gotta find some way to pad those numbers so you can justify suspending everybody’s charter rights.

    1. @Varan Khurana Well the number of deaths are not real.If you die getting hit by a truck they will test you and say you died of covid.A lot of death are not even tested and padding the scary death clock rolling on TV.

    2. @Varan Khurana Tyrants and authoritarians will always use some noble sounding excuse to take peoples rights away weather its gun rights due to “mass shootings” or freedom to assemble with covid. Our rights should always be the #1 priority not a government promised security or safety which never ends well.

    1. Jeannette Grondin He’s promoting country wide tracking and calling protestors who can’t feed their children “yahoos”. Far from impressive.

    2. @Nutsilica: Renaissance moving comix ….You should see how how impressive the Ontario Provincial election results are gonna be in 2022 when we send him back to Etobicoke One Way!

  6. “What could possibly be holding up the testing that I cut the funding of six months prior”

    1. You believe we had co-vid testing 6 months ago? You are using this crisis to confirm your biases through selective thinking.

    2. Maybe if the Liberals didn’t empty all the piggy banks the Conservatives wouldn’t have to keep stepping in to balance the budgets. Funding isn’t unlimited and I doubt “pandemic response testing kits” were even an item line 6 months ago.

  7. Maybe it’s because it isn’t so accessible? I think everyone is doing a great job in the med field, but getting assessed is pretty dangerous where I live. And it’s in Ontario.

  8. Is anyone else wondering how all the temporary workers at meat plants all got sudden testing or is that just a universal union thing

    1. The companies would pay for that or their insurance companies. They would probably be onto the virus knowledge as a natural course of operating a meat business. There are always new diseases and viruses they have to be onto.

    1. It’s called a Chief Medical Officer and we don’t need 34 “chiefs”. The very name suggests there should be one.

  9. Why are we sitting at home if you haven’t tested so you can determine accurate the mortality rates. Only stupid ppl aren’t questioning anything.

  10. We should be able to sue the government if it opens everything up and we get the coronavirus. But, of course that won’t happen.

  11. The fact that they are still trying to push this lie with a straight face is just embarrassing at this point.

  12. Can someone tell this gut hydroxychloroquine +zinc has over 90% success rate to cure covid 19……its a malaria drug thats cheap

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