Ont. Premier Doug Ford announced that parts of the province will now move ahead to Stage 3 of reopening on July 17, but Toronto, Windsor-Essex and the GTA are all being left out.
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Toronto watching everyone else go to stage 3: 𝙇𝙀𝙏 𝙈𝙀 𝙄𝙉, 𝙇𝙀𝙏 𝙈𝙀 𝙄𝙉𝙉𝙉𝙉𝙉
Morning Star I BE THE I.G.G.YYYYY
Tu Yup
Me who’s in Toronto: Might as well die and enter heaven then be in stage 2 all my life
Nope….. It’s letting everyone else out of Toronto
, Cuz they don’t mind to drive an hour for a beer Lol.
@Tom Varrette He obviously wasn’t talking about square mileage; do the population comparison and burst your own little bubble.
Build a wall around the GTA
@Annette Smith Yeah keep them so the rest of Canada doesnt have to keep bailing you out of financial runes.
@Andy C I agree. As the GTA’s population is half of the province, the rest of Ontario would be kind of shell shocked if that were to happen. Seems like the rest of Canada dislikes Toronto. I can’t imagine why (really).
r a c i s t
I think they are going to put that in GTA 6, whenever that comes out, eh?
me being in windsor: gAwSh dAng iT
Me too
ur a wasteyute
Same! So pissed
How many stages are there?
At least four Waves planned by The Illuminati.
Calgary opened up eons ago.
@Jamie Ellis In reality, it is those who receive vaccines who are shedding viruses. The risks do not outweigh the benefits.
6 hundred and 66
I was told school will be voluntary
It will be voluntary to go to school in class. If not then online school. School will still happen regardless.
Toronto has disliked this video.
From Toronto. Im okay with it. Better than opening too fast.
Torontonians can’t even read so they’re oblivious.
Doesnt matter, nobody in Toronto is staying home they go all over Ontario every weekend.
@Anarchy the ironic part is your name is “anarchy”!!! glad you do as the government tells you … HAHAHA. let’s just hope you’re trolling …
William Gates yeah im laughing so much
@Anarchy LOL, have you googled the definition of Anarchy??

@Stewie G Yes I know what it means or else I wouldn’t have picked it lol, I also use it as my gamer tag on console.
@William Gates Don’t let the name fool you and i’m not trolling I don’t do that. This is a name I use for my gaming accounts.
“Regions are reopening fewer than 5 cases a day?” facepalm… what a shitshow. Just wait until the evictions begin.
It took just one person for over 100,000 dead Americans. Five cases a day is still a huge risk the community, especially with idiots not wanting to wear masks properly. Here in Durham, the numbers have been going up again and we aren’t even fully reopened. The second wave is expected in just a few months… this isn’t going away.
@InvisiMan No, but our mitigation, tracing and containment strategies are getting better.
I feel like we’ve turned a corner.
If we can keep this momentum we might take the steam out of the second wave.
*Ford begins his ninja training*
60,000 manufacturing jobs! Yay, bikes are gonna come back
Those r jobs coming back, Donna trump says same thing and he not new jobs u idiots..it’s old jobs and I don’t believe any of this bs.
Translation: Everyone from Toronto will go to stage three places every weekend to get out of the city lol.
@DRSlit we have just over a thousand deaths in 5 months… Sorry Torontonians want their freedoms and rights upheld
@On Point yea i get that but the fact that toronto has about half of the cases in ontario and is funneling it into smaller cities is the problem, they were told they were not able to open as fast as the rest , not to leave and go make it worse for others
@On Point Then protest in toronto!!! You voted the azzhole in!!!
@warren gress Actually Toronto didn’t vote him in. None of the major Ontario cities did.
Enjoy the traffic
Just over here on the west coast like “where is Toronto anyway?”
Everyone in the entire country knows where Toronto is. Everyone in the entire world knows Toronto. We’ve won countless major championships and have countless celebrities from the city. Now be jealous.
@Mark Leviathan Ya but it is in Canada so know one knows where it is
@7878 stew r/whoooosh
You live on the west coast not under it…I hope.
Randy Marsh what’s the west coast?
Coming soon to a theater near you,…..COVID 2, THE SECOND WAVE.
Late fall-early winter who happened watch
Once all their contact tracer spies and enforcers have been TRAINED, this will get ugly.
@SayYourSomething Research it you might like it.
Not a theatre, more like a DVD.
Then three and four already planned by the Js.
You unlock this door with the key of imagination…
Everyone who doesn’t live in Toronto h8’s Toronto.
Jealousy is such a childish and petty emotion.
TheReccher jealous of what, unapologetic social decay? Get real
@David Forbes Social decay? We clearly define the term differently.
@sharper68 is that so? Despite being anecdotal… I can attest that social interaction is really not the same as it used to. Sure it may not be isolated to Toronto only… But it’s most prevalent in Toronto.
Bars, gyms, casinos, etc. all opening up… but somehow university is online until May 2021… i don’t know who, but somebody is confused….
and masks are mandatory…. lol think of all the trash. How do you eat and drink with a mask on and not suffocate?
@Mike McGlock simple u take it off before eating
NO worries you can go to Night clubs… but Not Canada’s Wonderland.
Sunny Then what’s the point of wearing it in the first place?
@Sunny Then you are handling it more which defeats the purpose of wearing one
There’s a lot of Stages left to complete for this *pandemic* story mode. We haven’t even completed all the side quests yet to unlock the true ending. Also a Hard mode playthrough is required. But then there’s New Game Plus. We’ve got quite a ways to go!
It’s dead in the water if Rockstar is in charge of it.
I don’t know what level you are but I’ve finished the game. The upgrade modules have become lame and repetitive
@Tamara Rogers Completionist content will guide you back into COVID-19: Under the Mask. One never simply quits.
Yep… They got the sequel all lined up for this winter followed by the mandatory upgrade (called vaccines)
Don’t worry folks, it’s just a bit of ink, it’s not a microchip.
where is the job??? we try to apply everyday online sending lots of resume and we do have excellent experience but we can’t get any opportunity. YOu will get a job in Toronto only if you have someone referred but if you don’t have anyone you will not get a job this is funny.
I’ve been applying for months now. Not a single interview
apply harder
Ontario didn’t create shite. Every one I know is hard pressed to find new jobs right now.