Ont. Premier Doug Ford said there would be 'severe' consequences coming for the convoy protestors in Ottawa and Windsor.
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It is also illegal for a government to bypass and break the charter of rights. Not just once but time and time again.
You’re a legal scholar? Congrats? Funny how they did none of that.
Yup they used a lot of loopholes to bypass the charter for their own using. I even watched the conferences where they are trying to finds way to enable the “state of emergency” to force policies otherwise illegal to do normally unless under extreme consequences, like WAR. Lots of hearsay and gray area tiptoeing to get it enabled.
@M Mac They did . Definitely don’t need to be a scholar to read lol
@M Mac so you are a legal scholar then right
@King of politicians they definitely didn’t….your facebook opinion on the matter means literally nothing
“we hear you, now go home so we can ignore you”
Never a truer word said. They say F.U. And make another few laws to make anyone protest. We must resist like it’s our last stand.
Protest a different way.
Go home Doug Ford… peacefully leave this office… you have disrupted our lives for 2 years!
but Dougie has been raking in millions since covid started and doesn’t want it to end.
He’ll probably be reelected too.
@k123dev lick de bow sac
It’s a bit ironic complaining about protests in the capital isn’t it?
I think you need to look up the definition of “ironic”, Alannis.
@xyzzygroff I have and I believe you’re referring to the wrong definition. There are words with more than one meaning when used in different context.
sure is amazing how easy it is to implement “emergency measures” these days…..
Hell yeah.
Here do we toil, that we might remember.
Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak.
Now it’s a super duper state of emergency though. Lol
Lol nice
@Sperg Nation LMAO
Pretty sure he is talking about government mandates and restrictions?
Everything is a emergency.
Or for public safety.
I thought a judge deemed this protest legal ??
@DiVetoWn troll
@King of politicians Just speak the truth my friend. Thought this is what it was all about.
@DiVetoWn trollololol
@DiVetoWn Then stay home .
The protest is legal, but blocking off roads is not legal. Also honking your horn at all hours of the night is disturbing the peace. Just go see interviews of residents of that area, and you will see how they feel.
Since when is it illegal to fight government overreach. Time for you to go home Doug and take Justin with you
This just out, Dougie caught sleeping with Justin Trudeau.
@METALIC EH! Heavy Metal Detecting I I knew there was something going on between them.
@METALIC EH! Heavy Metal Detecting if dougie is on top he’ll crush the part time drama teacher.
What would ANY other protest group be labeled as then? your right to protest doesnt stop with the size or impact of your protest…. at least in a democratic country
Your right to protest does end where other people’s rights begins. The barricading of critical infrastructure isn’t a protest.
I didn’t realize the convoy had circled an entire city and held all of the citizens hostage. It must be must larger than anything shown on line or on TV.
pretty impressive for a “fringe group” These news outlets need to stop pissing in my ear and telling me it’s raining.
GREAT JOB!!!!!!! GO TRUCKERS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@MrSmokeyJoe NOT MINE BOZO!!!
Only one side of the street is blocked. More misinformation being spread.
@Robert Muckle then you’re a criminal and you’ve given up your rights willingly, otherwise, sit back and enjoy others doing the work for you. in 5 years time you can thank the truckers, that you don’t plow the field for a single corn on the cob as a reward
The fact that politicians didn’t listen to “hear” anything from day 1 is the reason why this one-and-done is ineffective. Vent and go home is the message from Dougie and friends. What should they go home to? The same ole?
That’s the part, they seem to miss. Intentionally of course.
It’s sad how they always accuse others at what they themselves are guilty of.
@Ben B Govt: wait we did that…are we the bad guys?
Right! The hypocrisy and gaslightinhg is disgusting.
Everyone in this thread is my kind of person
That’s what a Narcissist does.
The government never does anything illegal, they’re all saints.
@M Mac troll
@King of politicians

They will burn with the earth. It is written.
Take every word that he said and replace “truckers” with “politicians”. That is what the politicians have done not just to a city but an entire country!
So if it’s wrong for politicians to do it, why is it right for the truckers to do it?
@H.B. except they’re not doing it. the politicians are though
“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes our duty.”
@King of politicians sounds like you chose that for yourself.
@k123dev No I chose not to inject drugs. The tyrannical government decided to punish me for that.
@k123dev This is why Canada will be shut down. You don’t deserve comfort.
@King of politicians you chose to exclude yourself. That’s your choice. Sure, I’ll enjoy the comfort of living in one of the greatest countries in the world.
@k123dev The government chose to exclude me. You also choose to support them. So now we decided to shut down the country.
It might be “illegal” but it sure isn’t unlawful. Corporate policies apply to corporate entities.
Ford has declared that he would never use cocaine despite loving the smell of it.
If they go home it would be like nothing ever happened the government would completely ignore it stay strong Truckers and everybody that is involved
Incorrect. The account has been frozen and prior it was all open sourced.
Double edged sword… companies impacted may now choose not to hire owner operators
Health professionals have already been thinking about releasing the mandates and restrictions for awhile… lol they were waiting to see the wave of Omicron and how deadly it was going to be. This trucker convoy is all for nothing.
@kevin bobandy correct & now they want to crush them. How was it legal to take their fuel?
@Bootz OIF I guess they got mad maxed.
It is more convenient for politicians to declare a state of emergency than end the mandate. The purpose is to retain control.
Serious question as I can’t find the answer anyway: how is this illegal? If it’s illegal, why isn’t anyone arrested? Truly want to be informed.