For Uber and Lyft, Prop 22 is just the beginning

Uber, Lyft and DoorDash spent hundreds of millions of dollars on Proposition 22 in California, a controversial ballot measure that prevents gig workers from becoming employees with benefits. CNN’s Jon Sarlin explains what its passing means.

Produced by Jon Sarlin and Zach Wasser


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  1. Ah yes the companies and their self serving lobbyists and media they push steam rolling the American public once again with the power of legal bribes!

    1. Isn’t it really the Anarchist Americans, Foreign Propagandists, Russia, China, Sex & Drug Traffickers, Progressive Liberals, The Republican & Democratic Parties Inability to Work Together, Destructive Marxist BLM, Racist Ppl Who Call Everyone Else Racist, Biased MSM Reporting, Bad Cops Who Give Good Cops a Bad Reputation,… isn’t it really all of the above who are really what is destroying America?

  2. A company making millions of dollars without investing a penny on assets used to generate their millions leaving workers using their cars with the expenses and cars with high mileage. Drives just quit these type of companies.

    1. Its not that simple, especially in California where the costs are high to begin with, we keep housing ridiculously high to satisfy the boomers, high rents where I know people who work multiple jobs with a friend or girl friend who also have a job or 2. I have a niece who with her husband shared a 2 room apartment with another couple and this even is not the bay area. I don’t like these companies but when people are in a bad spot they will pick the devil they know then the devil they don’t.

    1. Here the problem with the voter software
      The question is – if the data is process offshore is that violating any data security issues .

      I am not sure of the laws in the usa citizens must be process and stored within the country unless a consent form is signed from end person

    They cannot operate if they dont have people to work for them. That will make them want to negotiate.

    1. In the end the only people that get hurt are the people we are trying to protect, the best way is to do the damn legwork and not get swayed by a TV add. But let’s face it America as a whole is not getting smart for the foreseeable future.

  4. democracy: where millions of uneducated individuals that have been subject to months of propaganda make specific policy decisions by voting… the ancient greeks warned us about this…

    1. The ancient Greeks didn’t have a mass media complex run by and for the benefit of large corporations. Ancient Greek intellectuals were opposed to democracy because they were a highly stratified slaveholding society, not because the will of the people produces undesirable outcomes.

    2. It’s CUTE how you think the Ancient Greeks weren’t doing it too. Because they were. We have graffiti on walls, and they even had a form of jerrymandering. Ancient democracy was just as corrupt. It was possible to influence votes by bribery, direct and indirect. Nothing like giving the eligible voters some grain rations! Whoever gave the most grain, got the votes!

    3. Really its complacency that is biting our collective assess, our education system is said to be great for making consumers but every thing else is lacking, we ask people to vote educated but never teach how to vote educated.

  5. I wish every driver could simultaneously quit! But they need the money. Wage slaves? Maybe, and you have your illustration right there. It’s unfortunate because the drivers really carry all the weight and liability here, and get very little in return.

  6. So basically Californians got duped…Doordash, Uber & Lift just all shook hands and said “Those Fools🤣🤣🤣”.

  7. Part of the problem is a lot these drivers were never Taxi drivers and they don’t understand the system. Lyft and Uber never forced anyone to join up with them and the fact is if drivers got paid a pay check chances are most wouldn’t be able to afford gas.

    1. Exactly! IT Contractor does more work than some driver. They receive way too many benefits for just sitting in their car and driving. It’s not like UPS or USPS or FedEx either where the company is monitoring their every move and issues them vehicles.

    2. Independent contractor is a weird concept, you work at a company but you don’t work for that company so you are self employed. Which means you track your own logistics including taxes and expenses. It makes sense if you are a freelance journalist or artist where you work a few days or weeks on a project for a company and later you get another days to weeks contract from a different company. But Uber is one company who brokers a service people and many on the end serve longer than a few weeks.

  8. If these companies can afford to spend all that money to influence legislators and voters, they can afford to pay their workers benefits.

    1. Uber and Lyft are FAMOUS for losing money. $200 million more dollars is just a drop in the bucket. A drop well spent if it raises their stock value. This was never about “empowering” their “employees.”

    1. I read the arguments on my vote directory and also looked at where the money was coming from and who their supporting, I voted no.

  9. This happens when people see unions as “ a communist scourge”. One on one you will always loose whereas the big firms have massive amount of money ( and lawyers, PR people, lobbyists etc) to pour into a campaign. And where did their massive financial muscle come from? Right, the working poor….

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