For Trump, Climate Change – Like Everything Else – Is Not About The Facts, It’s About The Fight

In today's #Unbelievable, Katy Tur explores why President Trump continuously ignores the science on climate change. Aired on 9/15/2020.
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For Trump, Climate Change – Like Everything Else – Is Not About The Facts, It's About The Fight


  1. If you defend lie after lie after lie from a person you call ‘The Chosen One’’ …

    … you are probably in a cult

    1. @OlderG0ds It’s funny how Obama is ranked in the top ten Presidents and Trump is dead last, and you were saying? Bwhahahahaha Feeble attempt at trolling. You need to try harder or your troll farm will fire you.

  2. The science of Trump, nothing that’s what’s in his head. Let’s get rid of this joker. Dump Trump Go with Joe.

    1. Joe Biden called Obama the “first African American who is articulate and bright and clean” and said “poor kids can be just as bright as white kids” and called the African American community monolithic and that if they didn’t vote for him then they weren’t black. He also said that if the Republicans won then they’d “put them back in chains” to a group of African American supporters. We can also talk about how he opposed school integration many years ago, voted for the Iraq war, sent all of our jobs to China, how he assaulted a woman (just ask Kamala), only talked about violent riots when his polls went down (riots that are hurting small businesses and especially minority groups such as Hispanic Americans and African Americans), and to top it off has to read from a teleprompter because of his dementia. Come on mannnn

    2. @Jennifer Quinn
      Yall ignorant racist GOP magats can’t get over Obama’s big dk energy and chocolate smoothness can you? 😁

      Extreme Climate Change: The 1933-1938 Period Was One of Very Severe Weather Events, Including Global Heat Waves
      Taxpayer funded climate-doomsday scientists and the mainstream media ambulance chasers perpetuate the myth that today’s severe weather events are a result of human-CO2 caused extreme climate change – actually, today’s bad weather seems rather mild to similar events decades before large human CO2 emissions.

    1. @Jennifer Quinn Joe Biden was never outsmarted by an umbrella. Or tricked by toilet paper. Or tried to Nuke a Hurricane.

    2. Ian from FNQ we have different interpretations of mentally unfit. I’m talking about a cognitive decline as a result of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease possibly due to his old age or brain surgery in 1988 due to an aneurysm. Let’s take a moment to go through his many mishaps: “we chose truths over facts”….”you know, there’s a uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with the thing uh”….“We hold these truths to be self evident. All men and women are created, by the… know, you know…..the thing”. We can also talk about how he keeps reading things from his teleprompter that he shouldn’t be such as “end quote” and “top list.” It’s elder abuse what the Democratic Party and his family is making him go through.

    3. Ian from FNQ Look nobody wants Kamala Harris as president. If you actually looked at her policies it’d ruin the United States. Just recently she said “her administration with Biden.” Even she doesn’t believe that Biden will make it the 4 years. Even Biden said “Kamala/Biden administration” by accident.

  3. We have a president who believes that the dumber you are, the stronger and more patriotic you are. And his followers have completely bought into his reverse logic.

      Extreme Climate Change: The 1933-1938 Period Was One of Very Severe Weather Events, Including Global Heat Waves
      Taxpayer funded climate-doomsday scientists and the mainstream media ambulance chasers perpetuate the myth that today’s severe weather events are a result of human-CO2 caused extreme climate change – actually, today’s bad weather seems rather mild to similar events decades before large human CO2 emissions.

    2. @Michael Whitted …”Jennifer” is all over YouTube copy and pasting the same altrightwing cuckservative snowflake nonsense…

    1. What preventative measures has California taken to combat these fires that are not in any way new to us? If you want to make change, let’s only buy American products made from recycled American products. China and India aren’t on board with either climate change or, at least, going green.

    2. @Julie Frazier which science? The “boys can be girls” science? Or the “climate has always changed since the creation of this planet (intentional or otherwise) and no matter to what extent we combat it, it will still happen as an inevitability” science?


    1. @Willy fister Bottom I believe you meant to say, “How do you explain this in your infinite wisdom?” Now go back to the first grade and learn how to write.

  5. Quit saying he’s the leader of the free world, he’s the leader of nothing, he couldn’t lead his way out of a wet paper bag.

    1. Planet G . He is a NARCISSISTIC sob for sure. I can see him qualifying things like that. Hes like a child that always needs attention and a pat on the head

  6. The smug look on Trump’s face & the sarcasism in his voice says one thing, Trump knows he has California, Oregon, & Seattle on their knees. They need Federal help with these fires. He’s enjoying their devastation. What a sick SOB.

    1. @Vlad5903 Gaming
      I follow the science pretty closely, and while there are certainly some scientists who feel that climate change will end up being mild enough to deal with, there are almost none who think that we are not affecting the climate at all.

    2. @Jock Young i dont follow it, its what i do. i research and study climate based phenomena, including climate change. the number doesnt necessarily matter in the scientific world. im sure youve heard this before but science is not decided by popular vote or opinion. it only matter weather the findings and tests come to a correct outcome. the tests and finding in every major study on it comes to a fair outcome based on what was found. they all conclude with a correct hypothesis. they cannot logically all be right however. which is a problem. either it does or doesnt exist and we currently lack the amount of required information to say for sure.

  7. It is about the facts. The climate has been changing ever since the earth was new. The Arctic was at one time a tropical forest, Kansas was a swamp and the Sahara was a sea. Science can prove that climate is driven by solar, Astronomical and geological events. Science can also prove that CO2 is not a driver of climate change but follows natural climate change. Science can also prove that 95% in the last 10,000 years the earth has been warmer than today.
    The models have proven to be wrong. The most ridiculous prediction was that the Arctic would be ice free by September 2013. That really worked in it? Science and facts are important.

  8. This POTUS is the same man who said that his own “Vietnam war” was dodging STDs from unprotected promiscuity. So it’s not surprising he says he knows more than science 🤣😂

    1. @Sans lies, rumors and misrepresentations led to even the persecution of Christ. The media has divided us. They have convinced the public to divide themselves. Convinced the public to hate a man they never knew and were told lies about. Jesus loved tax collectors, murderers, thieves and prostitutes.

  9. “Do these things that the Prophesies are fulfilled.”
    Trump’s HOAX? Judgement Day. For our religious extremists.

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