Italy won the European soccer championship in a 3-2 penalty shootout. Although the England team may not have triumphed on the pitch, as NBC’s Mehdi Hasan explains, the team succeeded in becoming unifiers, role models and inspirations.
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In professional sports I don’t think anyone’s proud of 2nd place
O yes there are professionell Sportsman that are very proud even to be part of a National Team! Ask Switzerland or Austria, or Usbeckestan!
@Wilfried Hölscher if you’re not first you’re last -Ricky Bobby
Obviously you’re not a professional sportsman. I rather think most Olympic Silver Medal Winners probably have a modicum of pride in their achievement, for example.
@NoneOfYour Beeswax still mad that your team lost bruv?
Forza Italia! Really great show England!
Viva Italia!
As a foreigner living in England, I am relieved that England lost. I have no issues with the team itself. A lovely bunch of lads. However, elements of their supporters are toxic and the symbolism of a win over Jonny Foreigner would not end well for those of us from away. History is rife with examples of how jingoistic and nationalistic regimes like the Brexit Tories and their cult followers use these types of events to make life worse for immigrants and minorities.
Forza Azzurra! Love from
So sick of this saying lol football won’t be coming home ever

You clearly have not found out the meaning of that phrase. It comes from a song 25 years ago called ‘THREE LIONS (football’s coming home) when the european championship was last held fully in England in 1996. It’s not arrogant but poking fun at english people, who are in on the joke(MOSTLY)
1966 was 55 years ago.
English fans who were 20 then are now 75.
What do English grandparents think of the lasers used now by their cheating grandchildren?
Or the fireworks in front of the italian’s hotel at 2am, the booing of other countries anthem, calling little girls the c-word, …
A minority of hooligans were showing the world a very ugly England.
Gareth Southgate missed a crucial penalty in EURO 96 and England said this guy knows exactly what we expect of our national football team – let’s make him the manager. Over in America, the natives said that racist, misogynistic, tax and draft-dodging compulsive liar who works for Putin is exactly the kind of person we admire – he should lead our country.
This is hard for me to say, being Scottish
, I feel some pity for the England players….the fans, pundits, commentators etc not so much. I’d much rather see a UK
team rather than the 4 individual nations….. will never happen though 
It’s partly happening at this years Olympics. The GB women’s football team is made up of 2 of the four nations. The reason it wont happen more often is the the different FA’S (FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONS Apart from England and to a minor level Scotland) wrongly think it will damage them individually. The other nations not involved (WALES & IRE) blocked their players from taking part, even though most of the players wanted to do it.
No argeement could be made for the welsh and irish players to take part so FA’S blocked them.
The first stage is Denial.
… And yet they took off their medals, right after they received them. How to ruin a build up good reputation in a second.
All losing teams have done that. It is not a new thing, it’s not being disrpectful. WhenJust think if you had played in a tense competition final to come up short. At that very moment the last thing you want to have is the thing that reminds you you have lost. No wonder they took them off quickly.
Spitting, verbally abusing, attacking men, women and children from other countries because they support Denmark, Germany or Italy? A laser pointer, pointed at the eyes of the Danish goalkeeper, mocking a crying child, that’s also England. Talk about it and fix it and don’t give us this inclusive crap: it is a f disgrace. England is the yob of Europe. And fortunately had removed itself from the union. I pray for an independent Scotland ASAFP
there is nothing to be proud of. your coach virtual signaled 3 pk spots and lost because of it.
When Rashford, Sancho, and Saka missed their PKs, I knew that racism would be in full bloom.
Yes, very well put by this “HOBO” of a Reporter or Journalist or whatever. He is just totally scary when he delivers his presentation like he is just about to grab someone by its throat. What was the rioting and discriminatory remarks by the so called people who civilized the world after the much deserved loss.
They have a lot to be ashamed of!
Is that why England’s fans boo at both teams for non athletic related actions?