CTVNews.ca's Michael Stittle and Nanos Research's Nik Nanos discuss reports that a large amount of the funding raised by the "Freedom Convoy" protesters actually came from outside of Canada.
Here's why Nik thinks that it could become a "sleeper issue."
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Growing up in Alberta, I saw numerous foreign funded/organized protests occur of the oilsands and pipelines. No body batted an eye about it then
@Mike A sinmce you want jusgin to resign up goong step into his be his mouth pievewe devel play to
You just responded to your own statement…..it was in Alberta. This protest was in Ottawa directed towards the federal government. I hope they take every last nickel and hand it out to those businesses that the protest shutdown. All that money was doing was funding one big party and BBQ with free parking.
@Roy Ormonde why did a tourist town have business shut down over an influx of tourists…. Makes no sense
@Mike A aww your anti government anti vaxxer whining won’t make a difference.
How did you see that? You saw it…how?
Why afraid citizens will be more powerful than Government lol
Wow….a paid government news network interviewing a paid government pollster.
Hmm…that is troubling. Someone should go tell the government.
Oh and by a very Conservative group.
You can hire him. What would be the poll I wonder? ‘Which of my sisters is the better kisser’?
@GreenBean44 GreenBean44 <--- Found the delusional Communist. Or corporate "news" watcher. Maybe both.
@roof pizza <--- Hey, it's the refugee fleeing the three billy goats! Have you found a new bridge under which to live?
Let’s follow the money for
-the origin of the pandemic
– for the vaccines
– for the mandates
There have been 5 viral events since 2002 are you saying somebody funded all of them or just this one?
There is a difference between the funding from overseas organizations and individuals. Don’t generalize individuals’ support to be a foreign interference.
@Lucas Blizzard we just had an election.
@Steven W maybe he was smart ? Do you want your PM to start endorsing horse wormer and fish tank cleaner if you get sick ,? Hard question to decide ,I guess, . Maybe depends who you are . I dont know , maybe its who you ask ?
@Lucas Blizzard You are a product of inbreeding if you think Trudeau is fascist LMFAO
@Guacamole partII public order emergency
Orders and regulations
Marginal note:Orders and regulations
19 (1) While a declaration of a public order emergency is in effect, the Governor in Council may make such orders or regulations with respect to the following matters as the Governor in Council believes, on reasonable grounds, are necessary for dealing with the emergency:
(a) the regulation or prohibition of
(i) any public assembly that may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace,
(ii) travel to, from or within any specified area, or
(iii) the use of specified property;
(b) the designation and securing of protected places;
(c) the assumption of the control, and the restoration and maintenance, of public utilities and services;
(d) the authorization of or direction to any person, or any person of a class of persons, to render essential services of a type that that person, or a person of that class, is competent to provide and the provision of reasonable compensation in respect of services so rendered; and
(e) the imposition
(i) on summary conviction, of a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or imprisonment not exceeding six months or both that fine and imprisonment, or
(ii) on indictment, of a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or imprisonment not exceeding five years or both that fine and imprisonment,
for contravention of any order or regulation made under this section
@Guacamole when a government can take your property, force you to work, deny you the ability to free movement in your own country, can create what would amount to a ghetto and tell it’s citizens it can’t leave… Then yea… Fascists and those that support it are Boot-lickers.
So by this logic we should ask Ukraine for all the money back we sent.
Deputy Spaz will get extra twitchy then lol
Follow the money… _into the Trudeau Foundation._
This is an unanticipated consequence of crowd funding. Something gains momentum and money pours in from all over the place. It’s not a national emergency, just something new that has to be sorted out.
LOLZ. Thank for chiming in flat earther.
@roof pizza <--- Hey, look! Everyone's favourite refugee from the three billy goats is here!
@Lucas Blizzard Don’t forget she also did that during an election. I guess they were hoping she could turn some votes in alberta.
The weapons cache in Alberta, and three week occupation protest with immovable force of big rigs, convinced me the Emergency Act was warranted.
@shizuokaBLUES we had that all cleaned, by the time the emergency act was invoked
What elections are being funded here ?
Seems like the neighborly thing to do.
It’s rampant in elections
Foreign money to Trudeau Foundation ok?
Y’all she makes my day better and it’s also my birthday
Investigate where the money in the Trudeau foundation comes from. Also why are we asking a statistician this question?
Liberals saying “follow the money” always makes me laugh out loud
Y’all she makes my day better and it’s also my birthday
100% he’s right
Foreign funding of protest is now all of a sudden a problem. Who funds all of those environmental protests over pipelines and the oil sands? Wasn’t there lots of “foreign money” behind them?
Welcome to the world of foreign investment
There is a difference between the funding from overseas organizations and individuals. Don’t generalize individuals’ support to be a foreign interference.