In an exclusive interview, MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber sits down with Former Federal Whitewater Prosecutor Robert Ray to discuss the President Trump investigation. Ray defends Trump’s Ukraine plot arguing “there is nothing wrong with the president asking for an investigation and receiving some commitment,” however, adding it is “bribery” to “expressly” condition that “only one will be done in exchange for the other.” Aired on 1/7/20.
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Fmr Whitewater Prosecutor: House Dems Played It Safe With Impeachment | MSNBC
Trump has been a liar and a cheater his entire life. No morals, no empathy either. Anyone who still believes him needs to enroll in a cult deprogramming center.
You are a total imbecile who knows nothing about anything, other than the dreck the mainstream media pours into your empty cranium in hopes you’ll vote Democrat in November. But all you losers and haters have one thing to look forward to. When Trump wins in 2020, you get to come in here and shout infantile tRump insults to each other every day for five more years. Won’t that be peachy?
@Andy C You live in a universe of “Alternative Facts”. Learn actual history and the actual present. SMH.
@Andy C that’s factual crap… too funny if it werent so sad.
Sux_2_B_U Whatever. I honestly could care less what you twisted immoral democrats think
sunrize601 Alternate facts …. Yeah, yeah. Pelosi just tweeted she was monitoring the situation in Iran and 5 minutes later someone posted a picture of her drinking at a restaurant opening in S Fran. She’s so fake it’s pathetic and she lies constantly …
Trump has been a liar and a cheater his entire life. No morals, no empathy either. Anyone who still believes him needs to enroll in a cult deprogramming center.
Please define morals.
@Arithia You obviously own a computer. Just Google the word ‘morals’.
Trump’s presidency is so incredibly exhausting. He needs ro resign immediately. His crimes, his incompetence, his lies…..ENOUGH!
For one second I thought you were talking about Obama.
You do remember he helped topple a government live on TV? RIGHT? Lied about the cause of Benghazi live on TV. RIGHT?
YES. Lets talk about lies.
@Ford Bronco certainly not their top breaking news story. They should be thanking Trump.
@Eamon O’Connell Whataboutism is worthless. Trump is a criminal, period.
Christianity Today: “Trump Should Be Removed from Office”!
Marlowe Dugger Obama’s economy?!?!?!?
But Obama said “those manufacturing jobs are never coming back”. Trump brought them back.
Trump Business Failures:
Trump Casinos
Trump Airlines
Trump: The Game
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Vodka
Trump Steak
Trump Tower Tampa
GoTrump.Com Travel Site
TrumpNet Communications Company
Trump Beverages
The U.S.A
Trump lies about everything, he’s a horrible thing! I can’t even say human being cause he doesn’t deserve that. This spoiled brat that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had fake bone spurs while others were dying and he ran around being the playboy.
@Thomas Randell: Trump is a Trust Fund Baby, Casino Bankrupting, Reality TV, Rodeo Clown!
This guy is just dancing round the evidence, because nobody can dispute the clear facts
@D R You are brainwashed, get real.
@D R You are brainwashed, get real. Where is all the evidence? All they had after 3 years is abuse of power? What happened to Schiffs treasure trove of evidence? “I have incontrovertible proof of the Presidents collusion with Russia” His words. Where is it?
Bla bla bla this dude is on the wrong side.
He is on the side of the law and constitution.
Somebody give him a glass of water.
This guy is a real snake.
We have NEVER had a president attack the USA from within. And our democracy is very fragile to begin with, that it’s rather easy to dismantle it from within. As a USAF veteran myself…it is sad to see. I’m not sure I’m a patriot anymore…just a citizen.
Ari seems to know how to handle him though. So at least we have that.
The “abuse of power” article of impeachment also cites a violation of the Take Care clause of Article II of the Constitution, which is probably the most important clause of Article II. Violating it is impeachable. It was also in two of the three articles of impeachment against Nixon.
This ia a dishonest man.
…And The Reason Lawyers Of His And McConnell’s Ilk should be disbarred and Legally Removed from Office. They are Legal And Political Panders.
Yep you can tell can,t you it is not hard to see
*Iran if your listening…you’ll find Trump at an American “Cultural Site” called Mar-a-largo!
I’m sure they know where ALL of his hangouts are! They just need to find him at one.
Very funny, wish I had thought of it.
Patrick Ayotte
Iranians free US and the World from the Dictator.
HIGH CRIMES ……. HIGH CRIMES , not crimes . This is the HIGHEST OFFICE , so again ; high crimes and misdemeanors . SMFH
Robert Ray is the kind of lawyer that makes all lawyers suspicious! Full of legal lies that put everyone in jail except the rich and powerful
We’re aging in dog years because of this inept, divisive baboon.
When Gop say what’s best for country they mean for Trump and their pockets.
Fananimation Interesting. The Clinton Foundation received hundreds of millions from Russia. The Bidens took millions out of Ukraine. Yet the GOP is corrupt???
It’s like dealing with an orange 5 year old having a tantrum along with the other 5 year olds in his thug group, every few sec….exhausting
The Democrats know what they are doing..Stay Tuned.
his body language makes it clear that even HE doesn’t believe the BS he’s shoveling.
I feel bad for this guys clients. Terrible logic for his arguments