New pressure on Donald Trump's subordinates signaling the impeachment investigation of Ukraine is clearly escalating. Top committee chairs subpoenaing Rick Perry as two key impeachment witnesses were arrested with a new report revealing white house aides are "disappearing" to avoid questions and dodging reporters. Adam Goldberg, a former special associate White House counsel to President Clinton says two cabinet officials and Pence are "at risk of being impeached" and "removed from office." Aired on 10/11/19.
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Fmr WH Lawyer On Impeachment Nightmare For GOP: This Could Hit Pence, Pompeo And Perry | MSNBC
Wouldn’t anyone who knowingly failed to blow the whistle on these crimes, be complicit?
@CherBear I am certainly not your ‘dear’. Summation?? Is that what the fake news people have been telling you? No. It was NOT a summation. It was a word-for-word transcript! I’m sick of it. There was nothing illegal or inappropriate.
In their efforts to overthrow the President and nullify the 2016 election, the dark side tried ‘collusion’, ‘conspiracy’, ‘obstruction’, ‘cover-up’..(all falsehoods). Nothing was working. So they concocted this latest scam – the ‘whistleblower’ (trying to make the ruse sound credible). Liar Schiff concocted a completely fabricated ‘parody’ of the phone conversation, read before Congress, aired live on all of the fake news TV channels (accomplices).
The President and his associates were not trying to ‘dig up dirt’ on a ‘political rival’. What a joke. Biden is a lightweight. Compare Trump rallies to Biden’s. The President and associates are working to get to the bottom of real, genuine CORRUPTION, to DRAIN THE SWAMP!
@Tessmage Tessera um,no Eric worked with biden and was CIA special is in Ukraine when biden was not only VP but he goes right back from working with biden to the CIA when the complaint is filed.
MSNBC is more than likely going to either be later than jay Leno in reporting it or not report it at all.
@Hayden No I know that trump isn’t going anywhere except another 4yrs at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue
Like I said Eric ciaramella is biased and there’s no quid pro quo.
It’s really hard to extort someone when that someone who you’re trying to extort HAS NO IDEA that something he values could be taken if he doesn’t comply
@Dmitri Fukov Talk is cheap. Prove it.
Did pence really say ghat he knows absolutely nothing about anything…
He opened his mouth and made a noise, didn’t he? He surely only knows what, ” mother ” taught him.
Yeah, that’s what’s needed: A “president who knows nothing about anything”!
– In a way, kind of reminiscent of reagan and bush II, but more so.
As we think Pence is NOT EVIL at all and he is innocent he can’t even lie leave him alone
MAGA = My Administration’s Getting Arrested
@Rand Kocher Yup thank you president Obama… He is the one that handed Trump this great economy!!
White Jesus LoL, now that’s funny.
Of course Pence will go down with Mrs. Putin if he gets impeached and removed. Fake Christian Pence has lied over and over about everything since day one. He goes down with the Trumptanic.
“Thou shalt not bear false witness.” That’s a fancy way of saying “lie,” for all you ignorant little Trump toadies.
Pence is an immoral hypocrite, so I’m glad he’s going to go down alongside Trump.
The problem is he’s not a fake christian, this is what there all about and it’s not “fake news” it’s their reality.
At least Mike Pence acknowledged that’s his question LOL. Crooked rats
Pence’s problem is that he isn’t as good at lying to himself, and in turn everyone else, as trump. Trump is full on mentally ill.
Pence is screwed either way. tRump will turn on him in a minute, ” that coffee boy wanna-be VP Pence, he’s a liar, it’s all his fault, he told me to do it”
Too many years of diet pills.
@Eric Rich The old ‘fake news’ ploy again, eh? And still lots of blanks in your holster: deep state, Obama, Hillary, spies, kangaroo court. Lots of blanks for your blank brain.
Did he just just drop a bomb? They can be disqualified by just 4 republicans voting for it???
@Sunne2day I think you are mixing up Impeachment and Indictment regulations. A Senator can’t be disqualified from voting to fire someone. That is all Impeachment is.
@Elaine Johnson I don’t know. I heard Bernie this morning refuse to answer the question. We all know how he will vote but he still wouldn’t say it out loud. Seems wise to me.
Celestial Ether
It takes a simple majority to vote to disqualify cabinet members from holding any future office. Therefore it takes all the Democrat plus four Republican senators to insure these criminals are excluded from being able to run for any public office in the future.
Just because a president (or vice presidentl is impeached doesn’t mean they cannot run for on office again. Being impeached doesn’t necessarily mean the defendant will be convicted.
In barring them from running from office this simply means they are deemed unfit to hold any office.
Seems like splitting hairs, but sometimes it is necessary to do so.
I’m in favor of both impeachment AND voting to disallow them for running for any public office in the future.
@Judith Smith Since it requires more votes to impeach, it’s a sure thing that they would have the votes to disqualify for future office. Dare we hope to be this lucky?
The world is laughing at America smh
It’s not THAT bad… We mainly laugh about Trump and his supporters. Especially those who still believe him. The republican senators who still support him tho, there’s nothing to laugh about – it’s more frightening than funny tbh.
@Y B how is the reckoning coming?
@foreigner fan Greed without honor or civic responsibility. Cheers back at you from Michigan.
@Yggi11 Me too. It’s all a product of lobbyists and big money donors. Gun manufacturers love a well armed and uneducated populace.
America ‘has’ been laughed at since 2016.. He’s a dangerous divider in cheif..
Please do not vote these reprehensible Republicans into office again…. PLEASE MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
We don’t need these liars, the corrupt swamp of tRump’s to steal anything more from Americans with their evil.
Put a decent Democrat foreard then….ill take trump over a socialist all day long.
Drew Oliver You’re ok with the republican welfare ranchers getting that 30 billion because tariffs are so easy though.
@Drew Oliver So we will mark you down as a traitor fascist.
@Rod Allen STFU
Pence may as well had pulled Trump under the bus with him cause Trump wouldn’t protect him as we’ve seen.
Pence is likely incriminated as an accomplice as well
Annie : note that of all the men issues a request to appear in the hearings, only a women had the guts to appear. More balls than all of them together. Gutless.
I hope “this” hits pence, pompeo and perry like a freight train in the dark
Throw Mulvaney in front of the Trump bus too please. He’s complicit af.
@John :3 and dont forget Stephen “Adolph” Miller ! Lock him up!!
@Smiling Lynn with Miller, would love to send him to Mexico or Guatemala, or Honduras and get him to taste their hospitality
and Barr
GOP now stands for: Gang Of Pendejos!
Government Of Putin
I like that! Hah
Resign Trump! Stop running Biden we have Bernie and Elizabeth we need both of them President and Vice President! Bernie2020!
Really need younger candidates for president Bernie had a heart attack man you can have a stroke next while in office. You should think about getting out for his health this is killing the stress of being president the United States?
I believe Pompeo Trump Pence Grassley McKinley did I say Graham all of them are traitors and hurting his country. Don’t vote for senators back in you don’t care about justice but right law how is that not hypocritical? I like Elizabeth Warren. Can’t wait to see how this ends. This is not funny matter!
Trump will throw all his minions under the Trump (short) Bus.
Gadzukes……Pence is such a smarmy phony.
Smarmy phonies is the republican slogan.
How could this possibly be happening in America.? You’ve turned into stupid land run by mobsters liars and traitors . Hard to watch . Embarrassing too
Conservatives are like crash test dummy’s!
America has come full circle to Ben Franklin’s dictum: Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Hope it aslo hits Kushner, Ivanka, Don Jr, Eric, Kellyanne
@ed rader if she is, I really wouldn’t know what to make of her…..because her incessant spinning to date has made me nauseous. But I doubt it’s her, the whistleblower is said to be a registered Democrat.
you don’t find it funny that her husband is one of trump’s most outspoken critics?
@ed rader anything is possible but that would be some revelation
that’s the only reason I can undertsand why she’s still there
Plus when & if he goes to jail he’ll do a different type of praying on his knees if you know what I mean.
I like the sound of “Not ever being able to serve in office again”
We can only hope this takes down the whole rotten administration.