Former U.S. Attorneys General Loretta Lynch and Alberto Gonzales are both co-chairs of the National Commission on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice, and they join Morning Joe to discuss. Aired on 08/05/2020.
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Fmr. U.S. AG's Co-Chair New COVID-19, Criminal Justice Commission | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Hey America………..had enough yet?
@Virginia Tyree V… are sweet
8 5 20 Hey again@Todd Jenkins, Thanks, right back @ you
Herd immunity is USA only option..
Testing is a joke
Contact no trace.
8 5 20 Hey@Ynwa6, Do some reading about the subject; herd immunity-please. Also, Covid-19 is a novel virus. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
@Ynwa6 Stay safe. Stay well my friend

Agolf Twitler has golfed 283 times since becoming president
@IFuranus hadaface … of golfing while America burns.
Debates 2020!!! I cant wait!! It should be lots of fun!! Don’t you agree?


@R Thomas evidently you don’t understand constructive criticism. People who type gibberish like a 4 year old have those problems LOL
Alex Hamilton I really don’t care one bit what a random person says or thinks about me or my “gibberish”… I can’t wait to vote for Joe Biden
Lloyd Acton Do you mean actually do his job? He’s the laziest President ever!
Profiting off the pandemic’s not the same as stopping it. This is political genocide. Look it up.
The millionaire’s and Billionaire’s are profiting off the Pandemic. Jingle, jingle their stock has gone up. The billionaire’s DO NOT WANT THE UNEMPLOYED TO GET $600.00 PITLY DOLLARS. SINK YOUR BRAIN INTO THAT. billionaire’s. LOOK IT UP. WHY??? v o t e. the laws must be changed.
Debates 2020!!! I cant wait!! It should be lots of fun!! Don’t you agree?

@justsaying No, the Republicans do not want you to have it. Mitch McConnell has been meeting only with other Republicans behind closed doors to prevent and/or drastically reduce the new bill presented in May by Democrats. Trump’s Whitehouse has presented nothing though they have been asked repeatedly by Democrats for a proposal.
This is not about political arguments it IS about the money
@Inde D it was inevitable that either him or his cronies had some financial interest in the crap he was advertising!
Those cranes in the distance 00:10, are they building a new jail to house the Republican Party? They’ve only got 5 months to finish it.
Hope so.
Dreams may come true
I am sure French Guiana will do you a good deal for leasing Devil’s Island. The most basic accommodation with no aircon just north of the equator? Ideal.
There’s MONEY for that!!!!
It won’t be done because they have to finish Democrat wing first!
Some in the USA want to own everything and everyone…
what and Who will be left to buy and sell? for the 1% We will be Dead
@Tesse Ockt DOA …………
Saving yourself saves others. Stay home. Stay alive. Stay safe. The Flying Orange Clown Show has to end ASAP!
Floeada where a lot of old people migrated to when tjey retire.I guess they like being made sick and killed of by the trump virus.
@Kicky you notice what states got (our) Federal $$ just like ppe, most of the ppp.
@IFuranus hadaface Russian troll
@Kicky I agree.
@Brady Lambert MEH
You guys have not said anything but your talking points. You should point out the Bail system that works only for the Rich.
You mean the bail reform that has over 1000 reoffending criminals robbing stores in NYC and LA blind? How can someone facing 10+ court dates be on the streets?? People in NYC have given up calling the police.
@Ynwa6 Just remember, Joe drafted the 1994 crime bill that led to the high numbers of black people going to jail.
@Kennedy Suggs So you want another 4 rs of a MORON AS our President because 4 more yrs of Trump will destroy this country. You want a Dictatorship move to China or Russia. NO one is stopping you give up your Freedoms .Renounce your U S Citizenship.
@Edwin Semidey I hit a nerve there didn’t I? Trump had the best US economy for decades, he made so many job we had more jobs than people to fill them! That’s not destroying the country, that’s making it strong! Don’t be mad that Joe Biden literally drafted the bill that Democrats said hurt minorities! Trump worked on prison reform, the black community is doing better under Trump than Obama. Black unemployment had record low numbers! But we’ll be told he’s a racist.
@Kennedy Suggs Yea you hit a nerve. I served my Democratic Country for 24 yrs. Protecting our Constitution. You want Communism move to a Communist Country. Trump was handed a Thriving economy and he has destroyed it. You must be a PUTIN Troll .
Alberto Gonzalez should be sitting in a jail at The Hague for enabling the Human Rights abuses in Irak. Now he is an honourable justice practicioner to make the justice system better. Cannot make it up.
Yeah he’s trying to clean up his act
The Benedict’s End Of Dayz are upon us ok!
She should have done something when she was AG. The OBAMA administration failed. Failed the black communities. So I really don’t want to here her. Goodbye
Justice starts from the top!!! Get rid of corruption starting with Barr!!!!!
Then…the mafia mob boss and his administration!!!
AMERICA please be fully aware that we owe the FLORIDA COVID-19 HOT SPOT issue to TRUMP/ Governor Ron DeSantis decision to open up to soon!!!!!

I wish Obama would’ve nominated Lynch for the SCOTUS! Love her!
Loretta Lynch would be a good Attorney General in the Biden administration. I hope that whoever end up as Attorney General under Biden, first task is to have that corrupt criminal William Barr locked up in prison where he belongs.

She will be a great choice post 2025….Trump will pick his own in his 2nd term…
Just tell it like it is ! Your killing Americans!
“Justice???” in America??? Hahahahahahahahaha, still no shortage of hypocrisy then.
The criminal justice system has collapsed. Attorney Generals turn blind eyes when Presidents pardon criminals that have dirt on them!
Interview those darlings girls’ guardians about the police brutality they endured.
Loretta Lynch looks as though she could be related to Kamala Harris.
Alberto Gonzalez is a criminal himself. Firing 19 AGs for political cover up
To protect bush/Cheney and replacing them with “team players”
A baby Barr