NBC News reports that Fiona Hill, a former Russia advisor in the Trump administration, is expected to voluntarily attend a deposition in front of the House impeachment investigating committees. Lawrence O'Donnell discusses what this development means with Ben Rhodes, Tess Bridgeman, and Jonathan Alter. Aired on 10/09/19.
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Fmr. Trump Russia Advisor Expected To Attend House Deposition | The Last Word | MSNBC
JPMorgan has been indicted in a RICO lawsuit by the justice department homepage and probation for a felony plea and
25% think he can seek dirt on political opponents from foreign sources, 25% need some education.
@blob darkass Sounds like the very definition of “deplorable”.
gibic400 wasn’t a government official so your point is moot. Laughable
@gibic400 wrong , as usual, you magabillies are stupid, zero credibility magabilly
25%should not be allowed to vote ! the ignorant lot
Things that Trump and Giuliani have hidden under the Rock is starting get out. So Giuliani is a FIXER
I hope The Rock never sees your post…
Russia was just the tip of Trumps Corupption Iceberg, ! While the media where chasing Shining smoke, Trump was Busy Building his Dictatorship, ! And now America is left with this Gang of 5,,, Trump, ,Pence, ,Barr,,,Pompeio ,,Giuliani,, !!! While you Where sleeping, ! They have been Busy Chipping away at your Constitution,,,, And Freedom ,!!
@Stuart WARD Why? I don’t want to make assumptions
@Stuart WARD
any rock these tRumpublican magafags have been under is now contaminated.
51% shows the education level of Americans, were three years into it, unimaginable.
It’s a combination of lower IQ education and racism. Doubt they’re going to change anytime soon.
Same percentage that has an IQ under ‘average’.
The 40+ years of the “Republican” agenda has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They have no issue destroying democracy as long as they can hoodwink the uneducated masses and hold the power at the end. Problem is, Putin got hold of the President’s reins before they caught on. Now they’re scrambling to try to remain ‘relevant’.
Keep the dumb, dumber….. thus the famous trump phrase during the election;
” we love the uneducated!!!”.
Greylin High I blame Fox News
This president is killing lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!! impeach him instead of rambling around talking!!!!!
It is in process.. just a bit late. The democrats are not the best at making cases.
Got to convince the Senate to convict. Give it time for the polls to grow even higher and they will.
Good idea, but the Kurds don’t have much time before they start being slaughtered.
@D Matos So frightening that US military leaders did not stand up to T-rump. Warriors no more!
My Mother always said give a person a rope he will hang himself. Trump did All this to himself.. He just wouldn’t stop 1 scandal after another. He felt like get out of one thing get himself in another. So Y ppl r blaming the Dems they just doing what we demand them to do finally. Our Constitution is crying out for HELP. TRUMP CONTINUE SCANALS the First Day he was sworn into Pres Office
He needs a very short rope
Give a person….*ENOUGH….Rope
“enough rope.”
@FIRE SIGN I was thinking a very short rope. Literally!
Can the DOJ arrest Donald and Rudy for Treason in the morning please and get our troops back to help the Kurds.
No! His lapdog/enabler Barrf has prevented anything sane coming out of the DOJ.
truerealityscott true dat!
Rudy will be screaming “9/11!!!!” As they drag him away in handcuffs
Janina Carter mister bone spurs only KNOWS how run not to defend and protect what
a big sack of Orange dirt Donna Janet TRUMP
Wayne Harris do U know much him doing that offends me! I am a Desert Storm Veteran and worked along side the Kurds who are generous and gracious people. I havnt slept for days thinking about them!
Barr complicated Mueller Report with his rewrite and lies. Fiona Hill should have been deposed in January as well.
On yes. Barrf, and the republican infected Senate are the only things that prevented her, and otherz, testimony.
He not a corrupt president, he a corrupt human being!
Yep. And putting his greed over the safety of the country AND its citizens .
Cool Cat mind you when you see the people who turn up for his rallies it speaks volumes. There is a real lack of intelligence and that is being kind.
Thomas Thompson I think you got that one wrong. There is no bigger joke than Trump
Linda Parker keep taking the pills girl. You have been told if you don’t you will be taken back to the nuthouse.
Chump is bankrupt in every aspect of his life and will be until he kicks the bucket
This orange clown is a criminal plain and simple…. and so are those who prop him up….
That is the challenge before us. How do we make it loud and clear that supporting this enemy of the people is a crime as well and needs to be addressed.
Donald Trump is trailer trash at heart.
Traitor trash born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Jimmy Jazz TRUMP has a evil heart What ever he does to others TRUMP has no remorse
I wish you would not cast aspersions on trailer dwellers. Even the worst of them, some of which are trashy, have higher ethics than 45.
Some people that live in trailer parks are decent human beings, trump isn’t good enough to lick poop off their boots.
Donnie is his own worst nightmare.. A SNITCH
“If you pick up a rock in the Trump administration, you find corruption under it.” —Ben Rhodes

Tru dat
And on top and all around it
Or where they’ve hidden the evidence!
It’s like a murder being committed right there in the court room, and the murderer then telling the judge: “Now try and prove I did it.”
I was like the biggest critic of Nancy Pelosi, and I got that she was giving Trump enough rope to hang himself with. What I didn’t know was that she was letting out enough rope to ensnare the whole bunch with a net. It reminds me of the joke about the “Two bulls on a hill.” Nancy is however no joke!
If there weren’t two Trump hotels/towers in Turkey we would not be having this conversation. There’s your sign.
Follow the money.
I did not know this.
Funny how he only cares for his twin towers(turkey) but was nonchalant when ours fell.
He is part of the Russian Alliance and a Traitor. Take him away!!
Trump is selling out his country for the most money he ever made in his life.
@signalfire6You are 100% correct, It’s all coming out and Adam Schiff has all of the files however there is much legal work to be worked out before it can. It’s one of the major reasons he’s cracking up.
Sheddy Smith trump has sucked money out of everything he has control over which includes the country. When he’s done he should have a comfortable money bed he can retire in, but I pray and hope he spends the rest of his life on a hard cot in jail.
DONTHECON is running the con of his life on America
So true
He’s selling out more than our people too, well said though.
Problem the Republicans have is that when they are going ask him, like Nixon, to resign for the good of the party, he probably won’t.