Fmr. White House counsel to Pres. Nixon: “We wouldn’t actually know about Nixon’s authoritarianism had we not gotten the tapes. On the other hand, Trump is in the Rose Garden playing on his authoritarianism. How far will he take it?” Aired on 9/02/2020.
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Fmr. Nixon Counsel John Dean Talks ‘Pure Authoritarianism’ Of Trump, Barr | All In | MSNBC
A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims, but accomplices.” – George Orwell
@Madolina Degocelli , Senility just comes early to some folk. A sad time for you. God Bless.
@Ann van de Kew


@Madolina Degocelli Reintje fan ‘e Goëngamieden ster (Tjalbert 460 x Sibald 380) (March 15, 2013) and colt MinzeTeije fan ‘e Goëngamieden (Tiede 501 x Tjalbert 460) (May 5, 2020)
Richtsje fan Oostenburg ster (Beart 411 x Doaitsen 420) (April 19, 2013) and filly Myrthe MD fan ‘e Goëngamieden (Omer 493 x Beart 411) (March 14, 2020)
Saly fan ‘e Goëngamieden kroon AA (Tsjalle 454 x Andries 415) (March 23, 2013) and filly Marije fan ‘e Goëngamieden (Fonger 478 x Tsjalle 454) (March 2, 2020)
Sjirkje fan ‘e Reuzepôle ster (Bikkel 470 x Teunis 332) (May 14, 2013) and filly Mathilde fan ‘e Goëngamieden (Teun 505 x Bikkel 470) (February 22, 2020)
Trump: “If there is democracy, I will lose. And, if there is the rule of law, I will go to prison. Therefore, I must destroy them both.”
The big question: Why is the GOP senate allowing this to happen????
DATE SEPT 5, 2020
‘Several’ boats sink and multiple are ‘in distress’ at a Trump Boat Parade on Lake Travis, Texas LMFAO
Several boats have sunk and multiple are ‘in distress’ at a Trump Boat Parade on Lake Travis, Texas, authorities said.
The Travis County Sheriff’s Office on Saturday said it’s responding to ‘many boats in distress’ throughout the parade’s route,
Stay woke and VOTE
Donald Trump is killing this country
@unknown unknown – Proper syntax, punctuation, spelling and capitalization would be greatly beneficial to your posts. Hope this helps.
45 is part of it but capitalism on the whole is failed and America has got to face it’s demons and make a real change.
@Cool Beans very few are living ,most are simply surviving
@MAE Gary what are you talk about capitalism failed no it has not when where how. unlike socialism that failed everwhere it pop up. from corruption to ditctator’s from failed economy. when and where has capitalsim ever failed.
Insanity in full view of the nation. Corruption personified. A clear and present danger.
Yes exactly right, don’t you wonder how trumpers don’t seem the obvious?
Traitors all.
putins puppet—-move it on down the street!!!!!!
Putins man brought and paid for. Putin knows he can’t shame trump, he also knows that Trump is very greedy.
#traitortrump will also have a rude awakening if he loses and tries to escape prosecution by turning to Putin: Putin has a long history of disappearing those who are no longer “useful,” and I doubt that he’d think twice about dispatching this criminally negligent Grifter-in-Chief.
Trump is corruption on steroids. Nixon’s ghost can finally rest in peace, for Nixon is no longer the most corrupt president in American history. Trump’s face belongs on the Mt Rushmore of corruption….all by itself. We have an overt criminal in the Oval Office, operating in the open for the world to see. At this point, they should just surround the entire White House with yellow police tape, and declare the whole thing a crime scene.
Save America!! Decision 2020!!
Trump vs America, who’s side are you on?
@Ian T but but but hillary
Your fool said he would put her in jail if elected
The worst presidential evil was using atomic bombs on Japan after Japan wanted to surrender.
How does the American Empire feel now, seeing Japan and China lost the war but won the peace?
DATE SEPT 5, 2020
‘Several’ boats sink and multiple are ‘in distress’ at a Trump Boat Parade on Lake Travis, Texas LMFAO
Several boats have sunk and multiple are ‘in distress’ at a Trump Boat Parade on Lake Travis, Texas, authorities said.
The Travis County Sheriff’s Office on Saturday said it’s responding to ‘many boats in distress’ throughout the parade’s route,

And you Bunker Boy will go down in history as the worst President ever.
j welsh Typical Trump stooge trying to ignore the inconvenient facts, that the orange man is a psychopath destroying America.
To save America name and face. Its good to wipe up the president title and have the history documentad as the criminer White House hijacking incident during 2016-2020.
William Barr has gone from being a highly respected attorney to throwing out his oath of office and, instead of acting as the top attorney for the people of America, to being #traitortrump’s personal attorney, protector, and lapdog.
He deserves life in prison right alongside #traitortrump and the rest of his criminally complicit enablers.
I don’t even want to believe a 2nd term of Jim Jones 2.0 is a possibility. It’s too scary to try and imagine what 2024 America will be like as a FAILED STATE and the newest pariah nation.
There’s no way Barr’s going down as the greatest anything after working for Trump.
@BEElaine He’s in the league with John Mitchell, who was Nixon ‘ s AG and went to prison. And so should Barr, go to prison.
He might get to be the third US AG to go to prison.
His traitorous base fashioning themselves as “patriots”.
Greatest criminal AG ever…
Get your ballot on time, complete it on time, sign your ballot, take a picture of your completed ballot and mail your ballot on time.
Biden-Harris are not perfect. However, they would not bankrupt our democracy and bury more of our citizens. Vote blue on November 3rd, 2020.
@C 55 Good for you. There are citizens in the US who don’t live your luxurious life. Some may be neighbors you scorn so readily for their limitations and choices.
There are a dozen or more ways to skin the voting cat and protect one’s franchise with simple methods. Yours works for you. How nice. Your method is a method but it is not the only method. Get some humility. You missed that character trait as a child.
@C 55 And I will wear my anti rumpo shirt when I do in my very republican area.
A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.
More like a VOTE FOR the grave
Those cult-like blind fools that STILL support imbecile Trumputin are whistling past the graveyard – probably one where a few COVID casualties are buried thanks to bungling buffoon Jim Jones 2.0. I can’t even believe we are dealing w this Twilight Zone nightmare of a WH!
The most corrupt president EVER.
@Southern Ways No mistake
By FAR! Exceeding all previous examples of corruption by light years!
Not so fast – Africa has had quite a few 100% corrupt ones as well. Yes, Trump is solidly a Russian stooge – come to think of it, the worst African presidents have also been controlled by R.
The longer Kremlin stooge Trumputin is in, the more I miss President Obama!
Barr will go down as the greatest sycophant in history
Here here.
timething and Pence
Hello from Holland. Barr will find out that Trump is a friend to nobody.
They need to shut their mouth with strong chili Barr is the lowest AG he work for Trump , not Americans people who paid his salary , loyalty to his mob boss Trump!
He should be dis arres, that’s the opinion of someone who isn’t a lawyer
William Barr’s extremism is worthy of Nazi Germany.
And unworthy of America, just like his boss.
@meanderer121 Trust me, I am terrified. I read he started a youth training camp too. It’s gotten pretty far, very quickly. He’s taken control of, or made irrelevant, almost everything in govt, including congress, the cdc, the postal service, the media…too many to name. He foments hatred at particular groups, causing division just like in Germany. Hopefully, he hasn’t completely destroyed elections. And I can’t help thinking those that still support him are going to be the neighbors turning us in one day. So yeah, I’m with you, and I am terrified.
@Cheshire Kitten Precisely.
#traitortrump, Barr, McConnell, Graham, and ALL the rest of these criminally complicit enablers, as well as Kushner and #traitortrump’s three eldest grifter progeny, deserve and HAVE EARNED life in prison, without possibility of parole.
Crimes against humanity is just the tip of the iceberg for this criminally negligent Grifter-in-Chief and his sycophants.
@meanderer121 Right there with you. I’m 61, and though I’ve been warning since my teen years that yes, it CAN happen here, I had NO earthly idea how truly fragile our democratic republic is, nor how remarkably FAST it could be taken down by a sociopathic president, especially if an entire party tosses out their oaths of office to back him, as the Republicans so willingly have.
I could also never have predicted that Mitt Romney, of all people, would turn out to be the sole Republican senator with honor, morals, and a functioning spine.
We are truly living the Chinese curse, as these are VERY interesting times, not to mention scary and perilous.
But Glenn Kirchner has succeeded in giving me back my hope that justive WILL be served. Check out his YouTube videos and his podcast, “Justice Matters,” if unfamiliar.
I think Kirchner would be the best choice for Attorney General to replace the criminal Barr. He and Kamala would be a formidable team in reinvigorating the Justice Department; not to mention indicting, arresting, and prosecuting this entire band of American traitors.
These guys need to be brought up on charges of Treason
Yes! Treason! (punishable by death)
You speak Truth, and I thank you for that.
“See you at the poles”
This whole administration is a joke and they’re playing with all of our lives
@T W i would call it worthless since I don’t click links people put out.
@T W the fall of capitalism and the rich and 1% knows it time for them to pay taxes or leave the COUNTRY.
This president IS the argument for Democrats to at least double the budget for education!!
Well put
Well said
In Trump’s case I would use the analogy ‘that you can’t fill a jug if there is a big hole in it’!
Trump’s school record would laughable if it ever got into the public’ view!
@espy When the stupid trumpo ads pop up I just go on by, if I want hot air I will just step outside.
While i love the idea of more money for education but it takes more then just money point in fact the trump family spent a lot of money on education.
“Trump begged China like a dog to help him win re-election”
– The Lincoln Project.
@BLT America first my A..
@T W made is China by people in bondage
@netzoned we all know why
@4 Freedom for some not for all
@wee huddy they are all a part of the problem and are the reason why .Capitalism is failing this COUNTRY will fall if it don’t adjust to reality.
When Laura Igraham has to help you color inside the lines… you know you’ve lost what was left of your mind.
As Racist as Ingraham is,
while Trump is Just Yakking away 
Even She, KNOWS HOW FKED UP TRUMP IS, and I’m sure after that Revealing Interview, Driving home, she was Thinking about it.
So busy with Putting out Multiple Brush fires
Is Nancy Pelosi at the salon any better. You Americans and your politics
that was hilarious…shadow men? OMG…and his repeating a facebook fake thing from June 1st that supposedly happened last week? OMG… But he did NOT have mini strokes in November (though no on had said he did, so…?)
@Todd Toure she was interviewing for press secretary. she said so.
Glad he’s saying “followers,” which is more accurate than “supporters,” as it is an authoritarian cult.
Where is sen.Lindsey Graham?it’s surprising that he’s not defending this Dictator that he and Moscow Mitch helped created. Lindsey,Americans know you very well and they know you are silent because you want to be re-elected for the senate but unfortunately you are going to be kicked out next November.
they are so deeply brainwashed that is impossible for them to reach the right conclusion, but one thing they understand and he is absolutely right about that 4:29 “… and the only thing they understand is defeat…”. they’ll follow the insane clown until the end. No doubt the insane clown and his followers will cause alot of damage, before they go down. it’s unavoidable. it is heartbreaking (tragedy) that they are so many, but on positive side there are enough decent people in this country, so they can be defeated. The decent people in this country can not stand on the sidelines in this moment, simply because we care about the next generations.
Truthfully speaking, so very accurate!!!
More than a few of us have been calling comrade Trumputin ‘Jim Jones 2.0’ for a long time, and his brainwashed morons AKA ‘cult 45’ even longer.