Rep. Jason Crow, an impeachment manager during Trump’s first Senate trial, says the challenge of presenting a case to GOP senators is to keep focused on the core elements of the case, while also being flexible enough to evolve as the news evolves. “We have ongoing criminal investigations with more information coming out every day.” Aired on 02/09/2021.
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Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of "The West Wing," Lawrence O'Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. O'Donnell convenes diverse panels of guests, including a variety of politicians and cultural voices, to offer unique viewpoints and perspective. In his signature style, O'Donnell highlights the latest news developments and offers his take on the political stories driving the national conversation.
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#Impeachment #RepJasonCrow #MSNBC
Fmr. Impeachment Manager On Convincing Republicans To Convict Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC
Trump 2024
@Lucky7_854 Why do you support a man with Alzheimer’s that is signing orders everyday like it is a coloring book
Trump in prison for felonies before 2022
@Nena Johnson And he lost the same election 3 times in Georgia.
@David Labay Don’t think so
@Tommy r Westbrook I’m not surprised that “DON’T THINK” is your answer.
If the Senate does not convict Traitor tRump, We The People will.
How you gonna do that ?????? Republicans are too strong , for the Dems and you … the people , sad but true
@jenni deans That’s where you’re truly mistaken. It’s just as many strong Dems and people as there is so called Republicans. They just don’t flex their muscles as Republicans do. Republicans are in the minority now, and some people are moving away from the Republican party bc they are not facing truth and they don’t believe in Republicans values anymore. Republicans doesn’t seem to believe in U.S. Democracy.
@jenni deans Wasn’t strong enough to win the election was he??? wasn’t smart enough to manage C-19 or keep his twitter account. WE the people will make sure he and his supporters face justice.
He is a danger to our nation! He lied to the people! He is attacking our future generations to do what he says. Failing to defend our Capitol! Impeach to show no one is above the law or the CONSTITUTION. He took an oath and didn’t uphold it!! He needs ACCOUNTABILITY!
God has made an open show, what Republicans stand for. Revealed and knockn dust.Used a nobody and his family to do it. Tell me God ain’t real.

Janet Little

Well said you… God is very real…!!!

Okay I will. God ain’t real. But people taking action are
@Liza Garland where? Where was your God on Jan 6th when the insurrectionists killed a cop?
Have you even tried to reasonably convince a RepubliKKKlan? I’ve long given up and just bash them now!
I challenge any RepubliKKKlan to debate me the merits of Donald tRump! Any takers out there?
Wasnt it the Democrats that are associated with the KKK ….yes….Robert Byrd ( Clan recruiter and Hillary Clinton’s ” Mentor ” ….Biden even read a eulogy at his funeral calling him ” a dear friend ”
Type in ” who was the first Grand Wizard of the KkK and you will find the name
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Read his wiki page and you will find that he was a Democrat
Quote from wiki
: ” Forrest was elected a Memphis city alderman as a Democrat and served two consecutive terms.” End quote
I’d like to debate any Conservatives the merits vs the negatives of Donald tRump! Try to be civil and I will likewise try but if you get out of hand then you can be expect to be challenged & insulted if I feel necessary! Anybody want to take a tWirl!
Churchill’s “We shall fight them on the beaches” speech was made at the UK House of Commons on 4 June 1940….
6 June 1944 four years later, Churchill was nowhere to be seen on the beaches of Normandy.
6 January 2021 Traitor Trump’s speech “We’re gonna walk down Pennsylvania Avenue and we’re going to the Capitol.”
6 murders and the Capitol riot incited by Treasonous Traitor Trump and the world is expected to move on?
Well I can re
Ember when he and his wife and his eleven year old child was attacked with a exploding g car bomb on his walk to the Whitehouse were those people ever arrested that set off that ser off that car bomb well the precedent was set for Washinng DC and political opponents the media has been crucifying him ever since dont he have the right to fight back when he s dealt lunacy
Thank you Mr. O’Donnell for explaining what the Senate activity voted on.
brilliantly said, ty both. they must also stay flexible.
If they don’t convict, it will happen again!! This time it could come from the other side, and it would be okay. Bc the GOPQ would make it okay. GOPQ, do not believe in Democracy.
Has there been a single arrested insurrectionist who did not claim, “President Trump told me to do it. I was just following his orders.”
The 14th Amendment’s text plainly states that “no person shall … hold any office, civil or military,” who, “having previously taken an oath … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid and comfort to the enemies thereof.”
If the conviction is not approved, can’t Trump be sued in civil court? It’s just an abominable thought that he can just “walk” from this.
Not just sued.
The is no longer in office. He is no longer immune to prosecution.
He can now face charges on any crimes he committed while in office.
He should be facing criminal charges in court for his part in the insurrection/terrorist activities on January 6th. He should face criminal charges for MANY other crimes he committed while in office.
Liz Cheney has hinted Trump could be had with Federal charges…now who control’s the SCOTUS?….oh, I see.
I hope you have an amazing 2021,Please repent because Jesus is coming soon
Like so more people can see this.
A trial without witnesses is just a complaint. The GOP members trying to prevent the electoral certification are witnesses since they were at the crime scene themselves.
I think some of them are guilty for helping to incite it.
147 Trump enablers on GOP will judge trump. Fair is fair anyone arrested for Jan 6 insurrection should have their parents, sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles as juror’s on their trail.
I was a Republican for most of my life. I don’t even recognize the party now. I know it would reduce the chances of winning a general election for years, but the Real Republicans need to form their own ‘new’ party. Or better yet, let the reTrumplicans form their own party. Non cult members need to wash their hands of Trump and his conspiracy theorists.