Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran Israeli soldiers. It’s Executive Director Avner Gvaryahu joins Ali Velshi to talk about the tactics that got us to what Gvarayahu says is a “man-made crisis” in Gaza. “A big part of the energy Israel is using with its military force is not in order to defend the state of Israel so much as it’s to defend Israeli control over Palestinians.”
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The moment you storm a place of worship and assault worshippers on a major holy holiday, bombing apartment buildings… You are breaking the spirit of people until they give up. That’s a crime against humanity.
@Soul X BLM=Apartheid
@PJH199 1 is a Joe Biden racial hatred klan member
@Du Hast they are ignorant savages
@Michael Sisson II BLM=satanic demons
TODAY THEY BOMBED THE AlJazeera and AP reporters. They gave them only 1 hour of warning.
War is always a man-made crisis. Period.
Especially in this case which is being used as a distraction from the PLO election, since the leader was unlikely to win. So they teamed up with Hamas to start attacking Israel which is what ignited this war.
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism , imperialism and colonialism , Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic ideals
“The Press: With all his perseverance and dexterity he seizes possession of it. With it he slowly begins to grip and ensnare, to guide and push all public life, since he is in a position to create and direct that power which, under the name ‘public opinion,’ is better known today than a few decades ago.
In this he always represents himself personally as having an infinite thirst for knowledge, praises all progress, mostly, to be sure, the progress that leads to the ruin of others; for he judges all knowledge and all development only according to its possibilities for advancing his nation, and where this is lacking, he is the inexorable mortal enemy of all light, a hater of all true culture. He uses all the knowledge he acquires in the schools of other peoples, exclusively for the benefit of his race.” A. Hitler, 1924, Mein Kampf, pp. 315.
Identify and familiarize yourself with what AIPAC does.
@Bryan Why would anyone want to go to a prison?
@MilkCow Israel opression of Gaza has caused many muslims for years to hate the west. Its time the west fixes its biggest sin so there can be peace. Gaza is a tragic crisis for many generations and it should end.
Identify and familiarize yourself with what HAMAS does.
@MilkCow The original sin is Israel’s for baking in stealing Palestinian land into it state version of Zionism.
@Bryan Palestinians compose 19% of the Israeli population but are confined to just 3% of its land. Learn some history.
Just drop this veneer of “Our rights and their rights….” and just say,”Might makes it right.”
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism , imperialism and colonialism , Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic ideals
Possible US Congress sanctions on Israel coming next week
@Bryan We would continue our current approach with Mexico and do nothing while allowing endless border surges. If it hits anywhere in CA then it will be called peaceful like a BLM riot lol.
I wish, but not very likely.
Go search
video. This is the source of the conflict. Kinda funny I would say
@Bryan wrong logic would mexico just sit there when america invade mexico bcs its stated in an fairytale book?
@Bryan if you evict Mexican from their own land, they will attack you.
Nethanyhu wants stay in power or get prison time for financial corruption
Yes and his leftist rivals are as ckean as the wind driven snow…
No wonder Trump admires him.
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism , imperialism and colonialism , Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic ideals
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani
American Taxpayers give Israel
($3.8 billion aid + $8 billion loan) yearly + $32 Billion military aid
Israel has national healthcare and free education
America has student & medical debt.
Help ME understand this reality!
This is irresponsible reporting. BNY couldn’t form a government so he picked a fight during Ramadan.
Thank you for being brave enough to tell the truth.
Agreed. That was a sane and civil approach to thinking about a solution.
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism , imperialism and colonialism , Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic ideals
St. Augustine tells the story of a pirate captured by Alexander the Great, who asked him “how he dares molest the sea.” “How dare you molest the whole world?” the pirate replied: “Because I do it with a little ship only, I am called a thief; you, doing it with a great navy, are called an Emperor.”
The term “terrorism” to refers to the threat or use of violence to intimidate or coerce (generally for political, religious, or other such ends), whether it is the terrorism of the emperor or of the thief.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day – It’s In Your Nature To Destroy Yourselves
I’m relieved this tragic issue is being discussed in a more nuanced, objective way, on MSM & the floor of Congress. I’m extremely concerned about how horrific the violence is & how it may devolve. I want our president to speak more objectively, as well, but…
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism , imperialism and colonialism , Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic ideals
I’m relieved this tragic issue is being discussed in a more nuanced, objective way, on MSM & the floor of Congress. I’m extremely concerned about how horrific the violence is & how it may devolve. I want our president to speak more objectively, as well, but…
Sometimes he a wuss
But He do not care about Palestinian right to live and freedom.
@Abdurrahman Khan He should though! If he feels strongly about the problems in NI then he should be equally empathetic to peoples elsewhere in the world similarly subjugated by their neighbours
@Fiona CampbellIsrael and USA were not letting Palestinians voice to come out of Palestine.
Now due to social media some of their reality are front of world but still they are banning their posts and accounts on Fb and Insta.
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism , imperialism and colonialism , Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic ideals
Like I said, oppressed oppressing others
Saying it doesn’t make it true. Palestinians are free to live, travel and work in Israel just like all other citizens. Sadly the same cannot be true when it comes to Palestinian controlled Gaza – Israelis are not allowed to even visit.
@Bryan Israel is stealing land and taking peoples home. Israel is acting like criminals!
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism and imperialism and colonialism , so Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic mentality
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani you are crazy
@Tommy r Westbrookreally ? I support peace between Israel and Palestine , I’m opposed to the violence and I support the people of Gaza and their right to live in peace just like I support Israel’s right to live in peace
God I remember peace in the Middle East. That a boy joe
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism , imperialism and colonialism , Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic ideals
Wow. Really surprised that the guest was allowed to speak his views. Mainstream media is really having to report the facts for once on this issue.
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism , imperialism and colonialism , Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic ideals
“Blessed are those who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6
F off
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism , imperialism and colonialism , Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic ideals
Go search
video. This is the source of the conflict. Kinda funny I would say
lets stop wasting time and face the facts , the state of Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism and the IDF is a terrorist organization and an army of occupation engaged in blatant human rights violations in the besieged Gaza strip , there is absolutely no justification for what is happing . Support for Israel stems from racism , imperialism , colonialism , xenophobia and bias and support for Israel is ultimately deep rooted in a cultural and historical racism , imperialism and colonialism , Donald Trump who was a buffoon and a failed politician called it freedom and liberties and law and order but ultimately support for Israel is deep rooted in racism and autocratic ideals
Monica Witt/Stefanzo GhostDragonWolfLions