Fmr. Federal Prosecutor: Trump Uses His Pardons As A Signal To Associates | The Last Word | MSNBC

Joyce Vance tells Lawrence O’Donnell that Trump uses pardons and commutations like the ones he just granted as a means of signaling to his criminal friends that he will take care of them if they don’t testify against him. Aired on 02/18/20.
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Fmr. Federal Prosecutor: Trump Uses His Pardons As A Signal To Associates | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. D.T. is pardoning these paragons of corruption because they’re well known public figures. D.T. is hoping to secure the 2020 election by pardoning these people, because they have lots of well connected, influential, and did I say corrupt friends, friends who can possibly help him tip the election in his favor–a favor for a favor!!!
    D.T. does not do anything out of the kindness of his heart, there’s always some underlying motive, because D.T. doesn’t have a conscious or a heart!!!

    1. Funny how MSNBC won’t reference Obama’s nearly 2,000 pardons! (Trump has issued just 26) What about Chelsea Manning – the Traitor that sold classified military information? Who did MORE harm to our country! (Obama let her off after only 7 of 35 years!) And then there’s this disturbing, unforgivable pardon by Obama of a VIOLENT, MURDEROUS, UNREPENTENT THUG – – from HIS HOMETOWN Chicago Tribune on 1/19/17 :

      “What was Obama thinking when he ordered the release of Oscar Lopez Rivera? During the 1970s, Lopez Rivera headed a Chicago-based cell of the Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), which waged a futile but violent struggle to win Puerto Rican independence.
      The FALN claimed responsibility for more than 120 bombings between 1974 and 1983 in a wave of senseless destruction that killed six and injured dozens. In 1981, a federal court in Chicago sentenced Lopez Rivera, then 37, to 55 years for seditious conspiracy, armed robbery, interstate transportation of firearms and conspiracy to transport explosives with intent to destroy government property.
      Notably, the seditious-conspiracy charge was not some “thought crime,” as Lopez Rivera’s lawyer has said: The indictment listed 28 Chicago-area bombings, some of which caused injuries, as “overt acts” in support of the conspiracy.
      FBI agents discovered dynamite, detonators and firearms at two residences occupied by Lopez Rivera. At trial, a cooperating witness from the FALN testified that Lopez Rivera personally trained him in bomb-making.

      So Lopez Rivera is neither a low-level offender nor a nonviolent one. Nor, crucially, is he repentant.

      He defiantly challenged the legitimacy of the court that tried him. Shortly after entering federal prison at Leavenworth, Kan., he and FALN members on the outside hatched an escape plan; the FBI foiled it by arresting Lopez Rivera’s would-be helpers, who were armed with guns and explosives. A conviction for that escape attempt added 15 years to his sentence.”

      REALLY? So you’re outraged over Blago and Milken????

    1. ​@Dubious Space Hamster Your giving him way more credit then you may know by soaking in all the anti-trump hate propaganda. Keep up the good work my friend!

    1. the founders’ intentions with the pardon power were good. It was intended for the president to be the last resort to right judicial wrongs, but like so many other things (the 2nd amendment for starters) they didnt have the foresight to know just how easily that power could be corrupted & abused.

  2. Stone has been with Trump for a long time and most likely has a lot of interesting information about Trump to bargain for a reduced sentence. Trump has to bail him out. The other crooks are just a thin smoke screen.

  3. Little Donny will pardon them, be they will be forever in his debt. Quid pro quo. Everything is quid pro quo with Trump.

    1. Funny how MSNBC won’t reference Obama’s nearly 2,000 pardons! (Trump has issued just 26) What about Chelsea Manning – the Traitor that sold classified military information? Who did MORE harm to our country! (Obama let her off after only 7 of 35 years!) And then there’s this disturbing, unforgivable pardon by Obama of a VIOLENT, MURDEROUS, UNREPENTENT THUG – – from HIS HOMETOWN Chicago Tribune on 1/19/17 :

      “What was Obama thinking when he ordered the release of Oscar Lopez Rivera? During the 1970s, Lopez Rivera headed a Chicago-based cell of the Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), which waged a futile but violent struggle to win Puerto Rican independence.
      The FALN claimed responsibility for more than 120 bombings between 1974 and 1983 in a wave of senseless destruction that killed six and injured dozens. In 1981, a federal court in Chicago sentenced Lopez Rivera, then 37, to 55 years for seditious conspiracy, armed robbery, interstate transportation of firearms and conspiracy to transport explosives with intent to destroy government property.
      Notably, the seditious-conspiracy charge was not some “thought crime,” as Lopez Rivera’s lawyer has said: The indictment listed 28 Chicago-area bombings, some of which caused injuries, as “overt acts” in support of the conspiracy.
      FBI agents discovered dynamite, detonators and firearms at two residences occupied by Lopez Rivera. At trial, a cooperating witness from the FALN testified that Lopez Rivera personally trained him in bomb-making.

      So Lopez Rivera is neither a low-level offender nor a nonviolent one. Nor, crucially, is he repentant.

      He defiantly challenged the legitimacy of the court that tried him. Shortly after entering federal prison at Leavenworth, Kan., he and FALN members on the outside hatched an escape plan; the FBI foiled it by arresting Lopez Rivera’s would-be helpers, who were armed with guns and explosives. A conviction for that escape attempt added 15 years to his sentence.”

      REALLY? So you’re outraged over Blago and Milken????

    2. @Charles
      Do you think you’ve caps locked enough drama into your pearl clutching rant?
      The majority of Obama’s COMMUTATIONS were for victimless crimes. Rivera won the Bronze Star and had served 36 years in prison.

    3. @oltedders He was a murderous terrorist that showed zero remorse for what he did. None. So Obama let out a violent criminal. This is compared to people that were apologetic for their crimes. In the case of Milken, he is single-handedly responsible for advances in cancer research that may soon eradicate prostate cancer. Thousands are now alive because of him that wouldn’t otherwise. Care for a link?

    4. @oltedders no. won’t happen. people are too lazy.. people complain over the internet, and then get tired.. ..lay on the couch, and stare at the tv..

  4. This is the filth of man, they have their time.
    What difference does it make, bow down to your master drumpf… steven miller expanding his powers, pence will have his reeducation camps. Sadly the republican senate and the supreme court are owned by your 1% owners. So why are you still fighting? Our Democracy is Dead, corporation are now “We The People” and money is “Free Speech.”
    Watch drumpf’s masters’ plan, Time is running out… You should watch it all, but at least @ 8:23, you’ll see the start of phase 2; this is where we are today.

  5. You can bet there is a money trail to him or someone close to him and these pardons are ‘thank-you’s and favours returned.

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