Andrew Weissmann tells Lawrence O’Donnell that Donald Trump’s tax returns will provide a wealth of information to the Manhattan District Attorney’s criminal investigation of the former president. “The government is going to need to show not only that tax returns or bank loan applications were wrong, but that Donald Trump or whoever they’re focusing on knew they were wrong and filed them nevertheless. Accounting records can be a gold mine in terms of proving all of that.” Aired on 02/23/2021.
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Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of "The West Wing," Lawrence O'Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. O'Donnell convenes diverse panels of guests, including a variety of politicians and cultural voices, to offer unique viewpoints and perspective. In his signature style, O'Donnell highlights the latest news developments and offers his take on the political stories driving the national conversation.
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#AndrewWeissmann #TrumpTaxReturns #MSNBC
Fmr. Federal Prosecutor: SCOTUS Ruling On Trump Taxes Possible ‘Gold Mine’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
MEanwhile Americans barely making it still have to pay their taxes…
No American should pay more $750 in taxes, if that is the going rate for billionaires.
Gfis that
oh good
Right? Lol. Well just know you/I n the rest of us most likely paid more than him….. Ever! Lol
Don’t let them make you forget about Ghislaine Maxwell and powerful people she could topple.
She ain’t talking, bro.
You do know Trump specifically directed the DOJ to investigate the Jeffrey Epstein fucced up mess, don’t you?
@Christine Reed

They are all in the same club. Bill Clinton and Les Wexner still roaming around free. American justice is a joke.
Who cares. We want to see Trump ‘toppled’.
Ffis that
oh good
SCOTUS could have done this earlier but was afraid of the Trump cult mob until they became a new years joke
Dtis that
oh yes
Accountants don’t do well in prison—they’ll be meticulous.
Nor do Ex criminal presidents and ex federal prosecutors who put mobsters in prison for life
I don’t think anyone will do well in prison. LOCK ANYONE UP that did illegal stuff to cover Trump.
Cuomo sent Covid to my parents nursing home. Both died because of his decisions…
He must pay for all the other Moms and Dads he killed!
@Cliff Medina But, but, but it’s a hoax. Trump said so and he tells the truth, right!
@Vivien Cole He said the hoax was the democrats trying to do a power grab during COVID. With Fauci admitting that masks and lockdowns will be carried into 2022, looks like Trump was right.
But let looters and arsons out of jail if they were doing it during BLM, amirite??? Hypocrite much?
Humpty Trumpty is getting ready to fall off the wall.
You’re delusional Taco
@The Truth Is Out 777 You so sure about that?
@mike briganti Good question, maybe you should stick with your MAGA morons and their stupid conspiracy theories.
Tick tock trumps, yon bell tolls for ye.
Those orchids distracted me, they are gorgeous! May trump go to prison.
Oh will it finally be “Mueller Time”???
You libs are so easily suckered by the propaganda!
@Rod Yeah, just like we knew Trump would lose to Joe Biden by seven million votes.
Maybe the supreme court was hoping people would move on and forget all about this issue if they delayed it long enough.
Cuomo sent Covid to my parents nursing home. Both died because of his decisions…
He must pay for all the other Moms and Dads he killed!
T*****, “I can’t release my taxes because they are under investigation.”
Investigators, “We can’t investigate T*****’s taxes because he won’t release them.”
T*****, “See, it’s a ‘which’ hunt.”
Ffis that
oh good
if they were good enough for new york and the irs wheres the beef? if anything was there it would have been leaked. do you come out from under your rock anytime?
Did we really think he wasn’t going to get the book thrown at him? He makes normal criminals look like saints! He breaks laws like an IHOP cook breaks eggs.
I look forward to seeing trump go to jail
Too stupid to even know where to start.
Better keep an eye out for suspicious fires at those accounting firms…
” Better late that never ” The new Sheriff AG M. Garland should put an ankle monitor on T**** and surrender all his passports.
When trump goes to prison and is older son and daughters son-in-law American should set up date for a Holliday .
Don’t be surprised if Trump flees the country when SDNY gets his taxes because Trump knows indictments are coming down.
@donnie henderson, Are you done?
@donnie henderson pathetic ignorant backwards liar!
@Lucas Lombardo No I’m not cupcake.
@donnie henderson – I notice you didn’t say Trump didn’t cheat on his taxes during that screed. Or seem to remember “the Democrats” didn’t do this to Trump at all. It was Individual #2, aka Michael Cohen, who brought the law down on his co-conspirator when he confessed to the payment to Stormy Daniels.
@Let’sBeCivil,ShallWe? I didn’t say he did either. Remember he got investigated over Russian collusion for ever. Robert Mueller definitely looked into his taxes. If they had anything they would’ve used it. People are so dumb sometimes or gullible I should say. They know they don’t have anything it’s just More smearing from the Nazi Democrats.
“Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars USA, is supposed to turn over” I don’t get this, as if Mazars is going to incriminate themselves by turning over certain records. Why didn’t law enforcement immediately go in and confiscate the records, computers, and everything else like they do in other cases?
Trump is going to say I didn’t know and blame his accountant.
Isn’t his signature needed, to acknowledge and accept?
@Maria Paris When have you ever seen Trump accept a mistake? You know he has to blame someone.
He’s such a loser. He won the Presidency and the went on an epic losing streak. Next, his freedom.
Sounds like Trump was running two sets of books would be my guess???