Former Secretaries of the Department of Homeland Security — both Republican and Democrat — rebuked the GOP Senators blocking a bipartisan January 6th commission for dismissing what Fmr. Secretary Napolitano calls “the most serious attack on our democracy, really since the attacks of 9/11.” With domestic terror at the top of the intelligence community’s threat list, Napolitano tells Ali Velshi she can already see the priorities of DHS shifting back to its original purpose. “The reset is underway.”» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Fmr. DHS Sec. Slams GOP Senators For Ignoring Nat. Security Threats
We need Term Limits. All politicians are in a perpetual cycle of campaigning, instead of legislating. We NEED Term Limits!
@Kar Walker Thats right! i completely forgot about Canada, sorry bud. I was not alive for Joe Clarke but its always refreshing to hear when the system works for the people.
Why not just vote better?
@Esteban Perez i truly believe about 90% of the bull would stop the moment we purge ourselves of the reserve and its lacky known as the cia
@jmflyer55 if individual 1 truly believed he won. Why did he leave?
Term Limits through out all the branches. Such as If you spend 10 years (what the term limit should be) serving in the House of Representatives, you don’t get to run for president. If you serve in the senate for more than 12 years (what the term limit should be), you don’t get to run for president.
Deeply troubling?…it is obvious that congress only exists for their own self interests…it does not represent the will of the people…the country is in deep deep trouble!
@The Genial Decepticon It’s cute that you think there’s a party who places the people first…bless your little heart
End the two party duopoly. Both parties treat our country as if it belongs to them, and not to the American people.
@The Genial Decepticon It is definitely BOTH parties.
I’ve been to countries with a single party government…. it doesn’t look good. The people in those nation-states believe that they’re free in contrast, because of autocracy and authoritarianism.
We do have more parties…. but the debate and candidate selection is controlled by the primary two; that being the Republican and Democratic parties.
Meanwhile, they are too busy trying to win…. that they’re not providing the scaffolding necessary to meet the needs of not just the modern day; but to continue the American Experiment well past the next century.
@Magneisuem Winterjuice 1st thing is that the conservative party has bo lack of black membership. Very racist of you to label race to party. Your party uses that so poorly. They will never be able to shake the slaver mindest…. Shame. Anyhow….
Red states arent lagging. The population is deciding against it. The ppl as a whole arent following the whole “were all gonna die” play. Its a 98% survival rate. Unless you bought the whole change of narrative. Then survival rate is .0002%.
If incentives arent ment to encourage then what is an incentive?
You claim they target random ppl then you claim they target younger ppl. Wtf?
Lookie here…. Youre out your league and an obvious racist. My guess is a white racist.
The Declaration of Independence spells it out clearly.
@carmine redd NBC Viewers
Liberty as in liberal?
Our sovereignty as citizens was guaranteed in 1791.
*The Bill of Rights*
Ring a Bell?
@carmine redd You know nothing about the Constitition.
“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
If your school system mandated passing a Constitution test as a requirement for advancing to high school, as mine did, you’d know better. The Constitution and its’ Bill of Rights, was based on the Magna Carta.
Yeah like where it says, “all men are created equal, unless you’re Black”…
@B Bhima So you don’t have a clue either, as I expected.
@Donna Personal actually, it’s a declaration of dependents…
Bringing the retired swamp creatures out of the depths.
@Fake President Don’t know don’t care. I’m still waiting for your examples.
@John Doe Trump did absolutely nothing to the benefit of Russia that put us in a worse position.
Remember back in 2012 when Romney said Russia was our greatest adversary, and Obozo said “the 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back”…?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
@Shng275 partial list:
Michael Cohen
John Bolton
Anthony Scaramucci
Omarosa Newman
James Comey
Chris Krebs
Mark Esper
Gordon Sondland
Alexander Vindman
HR McMaster
Rex Tillerson
Reince Priebus
@John Doe Who is “Qanon”?

@Dr. Bunter Hiden Curious list.
Cohen wasn’t part of his administration. He was his personal lawyer.
Omarosa had no experience in…. wait what was her job again. Oh yeah, “Liaison of Public Communications”. In other words, she was getting paid to do nothing.
The other guys, outside of maybe Comey, resigned from their positions because they disagreed with Trump.
Again, who has he “exposed” as a swamp creature and later fired.
QUICK! What’s the threat level? Is it YELLOW or RED or COQUELICOT or INSURRECTION?
Under trump
Red always. Investigate an this all will be clear. Time truth was told. No more lies
As a democrat I’m offended by the fact you would even use Chertof to make any point,the man is a fraud.
@Counterpart2U Not at all a clown, both parties are a mess but honestly in four months Biden and his rag tag team have really gotten us in the hole big time more than any other in my 55 years…
They are guilty
@Counterpart2U That account might be a bot.
@Jahim Depass anything is possible these days, I certainly wouldn’t bet a penny that you’re wrong.
@Pacific Ocean Tsunami lol if you think you’ll get a rise out of me by calling me clown you’re mistaken. Now I never voted for Biden. The best part of Joe was left in the wet spot of his mother’s bedding. That’s if she had any bedding lol. Peace
This all happened because Our Govt let it happen. It started with in the Govt.
@a disciple You need to learn history.
@GcompBlazer You know you got every bit of this wrong.
We are (supposed to be) our government!
@DreadNought is that so?
who’s history?
lock up all the ‘patriots’ ignorant qanon cretins
we dont need them
we dont want them!
Well when the top 2 listed national security threats are 1. White supremacy and 2. The weather. People stop taking you seriously.
I certainly wish
But it’s the CNN designation moving ahead. But they are down 75%. I’m sure Trump isn’t letting them twist in the wind.
we should just dump all the white supremacist magas into the atlantic ocean halfway to bermuda.
#1 step to Debunk and return to Security– words used by their correct Dictionary definitions

Most of America realizes it was a set up to put on a show for the American sheeple.
@john shepard Thank “Q”
@JJ Strumr no problem Blue.
@Bart Man remember when you believed a Capitol police officer had his head bashed in with a fire extinguisher? Then you believed he had a reaction to pepper spray.
Turns out he died of natural causes unrelated to anything that happened on the 6th, not even holding the gate open or taking selfies with the “rioters ” .
@john shepard None of that erases the fact trumpists attacked the Capital on Jan 6th.
@muuuuuud good little Blue anon
These two men sure know a lot.
Especially Mr Napolitano
The police should walk out and refuse to protect those that don’t protect them, democracy or the constitution.
I love the titles everything has a “slam” in It.
I just said the same thing lol
Literally every single one
Even though the ‘slam’ is never there. Just opinion from emotionally and politically stimulated dimwit individuals.
Janet “the system worked” Napolitano is… not the greatest authority on national security.
I feel like I’m watching The Man in the High Castle all over again.
They keep ignoring these “terror threats” with “no credible information about specific events.”
GOP is far past the starting stages of resembling the NSP.
We used to lock the crazies up, now they can buy guns & run loose in Mar-a-lago. We should reconsider the old laws.