Claire McCaskill tells Lawrence O’Donnell that it is "very unusual" for the State Department inspector general to request a last minute meeting with committee staff. Lawrence also discusses the unusual development with Mieke Eoyang and Evelyn Farkas. Aired on 10/01/19.
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Fmr. Dem Senator: State IG's "Urgent" Meeting "Means Something Big Is Up" | The Last Word | MSNBC
Someone not going to be sleeping well tonight.
@Barry Guyer trolling for your ruble’s.
John Swofford 75 tweets over the weekend! He’s going nuts

Jan Dedick He’s not going nuts,he is full blown nuts and that’s it in a nutshell.
The presidunce is unraveling before our eyes. Source: his Twitter feed.
someone hasn’t slept for 3 years
The Trump presidency is like the Titanic, the only difference is that you hope everyone drowns.
@markmac And constant sniffing of his Adderall fix, his makeup darker orange and KFC bucket of a bloated mess, tie down to the mushroom stub. Pathetic pitiful baby huey the blimp. He needs a triple fat man size for his new prison jumpsuit.
@KyokushinTrader who’s that?? Melania is a Russian illegal immigrant gifted to the heinous obstructive lying grifter Trump by his master Putin.
@David berman thank you for making me laugh out loud!You are so funny
Well played, sir, well played.
I see the US ship of state as being the Titanic with trump asleep at the wheel as he drives us into the iceberg. The man is a ckear and present danger to this country.
someone found where the emperor hides his clothes!!!
Dirk Digler, more like his pee pee tapes.
I’d bet the IG caught them destroying evidence of Pompeo’s Ukraine involvement. Running for the Senate next Spring will be a lot easier if Pompeo appears to not be involved with Trump’s criminality. Like any of the people working for Trump can ever wash of the stain of being involved with such a poorly run team. “Why did you stay?” will be a question they will all get tired of hearing.
Dirk Digler well said mate !
@Cormac Keenan uncle vlad has the goods
If the inspector general himself was someone that Trump appoints and cowtows to, then the entirety of the US government would be polluted by Trump’s corruption. America will not stand for that!
It is already
1/3 of America does. The far right has no free thought or will
*Katow. I’m sorry. I liked your comment if that helps
Steve Linick was nominated by Obama and confirmed by the Senate in 2013
#ImpeachTrump wow, pompeo is even more slippery and evil than i thought..
Look at Pompeo’s waistline with all the good food and travel on Airforce 2 at taxpayers dime.
Every day Trump is getting stronger, more and more information is coming out not only to put this whistleblower and his/her complaint into question (the Ukraine did not even find out the money had been delayed until a month after the call, so not only is there no quid quo pro, there is nothing even implied, but at the same time it was actually the Obama Administration that was all over the Ukraine trying to dig up dirt on Trump, not the other way around, this is going into reverse, they even had their chief strategist there lol), More and more information coming out on Biden, with clear time lines which prove his corruption in the Ukraine (and they haven’t even started on his involvement with China yet, Biden is done and the DNC have thrown him under a bus) but corruption that exists in the Democratic party as a whole, whether it’s against Trump or indeed Democratic candidates themselves. This is all starting unfold now and soon the Democrats will find that they have undone themselves this time.
@stephen glover a lot of words, and still you said nothing!! At least nothing true anyway. Go away with your withered word salad
No he’s being evasive because the dirt on the coup is getting ready to be exposed run rats, The national Socialist party a.k.a. the Democrats
I love how Donald’s base is just passingly referred to as ‘Trump World’. Like “They’re gonna say this and that… but they don’t really matter, so…”
Fake news!!!! Just kidding..someone had to say it…
@I love dogs Captain swag’s gonna take a piece outa ya for that. It’s brutal in here, but I got beer so have at it.
So where is Q anon in all this? Its almost like that was a crazy conspiracy theory.
@Ned Delley do you “Like beer”?
@Captain Swag
Pompeio is a FUKIN LIAR!
All the repugs are….. time for them all to get booted
Oral cancer of the tongue is the Karma for lying
The inspector general is going to drop something huge tomorrow
Ken Shaw – Uh, that’s not correct. You could look it up.
Ken Shaw it scares me that you maybe right
Probably to clear Trump
@janet Scott LMAO Yeah, that’s not going to happen, considering the American people have WATCHED Trump commit crimes during his presidency.
@Ronnie Jackson Which part? That the jail no longer exists? You can do a simple Google search to find out that fact. Without a jail, what happens to some0ne held in inherent contempt by the House? They can’t be locked up, no jail, therefore fines are the only option. Congress has no enforcement mechanism for such an order and would have to rely on the DoJ.
If I was a betting man I’d say that trump’s gonna attempt to fire that AG overnight before he can get those documents to congress
@C A The plural is Attorneys General. No apostrophe. Attorney’s General would be used for singular possessive. Describing something that belongs to an Attorney General.
Attorneys General is plural objective….. more than one Attorney General.
You are all welcome.
Yes indeed
kim weaver, I really think the possessive should be “Attorney General‘s”, not “Attorney’s General”. Or “Attorneys General’s” for something that belongs to multiple or all Attorneys General.
Wow this comment section went left very quickly
The plot thickens, again. This plot is getting very thick. So many levels of corruption. Meanwhile, the president of the United States is spinning off the rails.
It’s fun to watch Trump come undone…
It could also turn to be really dangerous too easily. Trump’s rabid supporters are so misinformed and angry look for some real mob scenes with the neo-Nazis, Skinheads, and militias out in the streets. The core of the GOP gives new meaning to the “ugly American” persona.

@John Swoffordwhen they crawl out from under their rocks, crush them like cockroaches.
Give more air time to Rudy. His untethered mouth will shoot more holes in the ship.
@goodtimesahead I need to buy some snacks as well, looks like it’s going to be a dramatic show!
J Groenveld dumb and dumber

@Sicklady rudy keeps on tripping and throwing napalm on the ship
To late, he lawyered up.
Trump never had any integrity and if Pompeo did he has shown he has none anymore.
Nah. Idiots were bandwagoning the second they saw red hats.
thats why trump was like… ‘huh? well… all that seems like a waste of time.’
You’re correct. 1000 good deeds are undone by 1 evil act.
Lets hope we get to see the rats get to eat eachother on live media.
Note…It’s a historical quote by Thomas Pain, that’s why I put it in quotation marks…
It’s a 18th century historical quote by Thomas pain, that’s why I put in the quotation marks….I didn’t want to change it
Richard Johnsen , there are still some of them left .. Beginning with the whistleblower. I think a lot about this person and one of my first reactions was: this kind of person was needed many times in history in lots of different places, like Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Poland, you name it. … and he or she wasn’t there, nor were people to defend him. As long as there are people willing to defend their democratic institutions there’s hope. I think you should be proud at least at this fellow American of yours, and also the people that stand by him. Personally I am afraid that in many places in the world people are (and were) way to cynical or just afraid to do the right thing and I think that it’s not a coincidence that a lot of big news of people standing up for liberal (as anti authoritarian) principles and the roule of law come from USA. Let’s not give up on you. Cheers from France (no french passeport, though).
PS: loved the Paine quote, it’s a shame that a lot of people don’t recognize it (or him) any more. Also, I made a very similar reply to a person who felt embarrassed as an American. I said he or she was wrong to feel so, for reasons stated above.
nope. this is congress job. nothing you can do at all, unless you want to help trump tear the country up.
If only Nixon were alive to see this. Even he would cringe at Trumps profound incompetence.
Incompetence or Crimes?
@Peter Mwaniki said the teenagar who wasn’t even around when nixon was alive,;lmao
Aaron Christoffersen If only Nixon was alive to see THIS:
Pompeo would comply if he was representing the United States, instead of a dictator…
Pompeo is waiting for the “rapture” and believes Trump is God’s choice to make Israel great again. The fact that Pompeo believes in a God who would pick a snot-ball like Trump for anything is just more evidence of how bonkers some evangelicals have become.
Pompeo: then I got busy obstructing…
Barr: that’s my man!
Trump: Can I pick em or what?
Pompeo is Trump dog
I hope they stop Trump, because he’s killing this country and it may not last until election day!
@timstar You’re wasting your time, Democrats don’t believe anything unless it comes from CNN, MSNBC,CBS, NBC,ABC,. They also don’t believe in facts. Ingorant anti-Americans.
@timstar you mean more Americans working 2-3 jobs to get by? Filthy water, toxic air? No healthcare? no EPA? Sucking up to dictators? Alienating our allies? Tax breaks for his crooked cronies? I could go on. Nobody is make $$ except the 1%.
@Mary Sharkey Maybe it’s a paid troll?
@Lily Zavala I’m pretty sure its a paid troll. Nobody speaks this highly of trump except paid trolls
timstar That is the mercury poisoning in your water.
You never seen a president violates the Constitutions like this before, because the Russian has never installed their guy in the Oval office before! American should rename the Oval office to Moscow’s desk!
Trumper man 2020 you libtarded fools.Budro
@Mary Roberts Your boy is gonna be Impeached. Please read this.
Complete List: Who Supports an Impeachment Inquiry Against Trump?
@ Julie W not since GHW BUSH, CLINTON, BUSH W. and :barack- hussien: obamah.DJT’s the 1 person that’s not..
@Mary Roberts the pencil neck fraud, can’t tell the truth if his life depended on it.and it does. That lieing VOMIT sack. Yes that’s him
This is the greatest mini-series since The Sopranos.
its better
“Crime Stories”
The Wire Generation II, not drugs this time, SECRETS!
This is just the trailer, Yank.
Trump’s obese twin, Secretary of MisState, was obviously lying through his slimy, maggot-filed mouth! He is a pathological and malignant narcissist exactly like his idol, Trump the Chump.
When Pompeo said he read the first two paragraphs of the Whistler Blower’s statement and then got “busy” is NOT credible. What could be more important than reading the entire complaint that may expose his conspiracy with Trump, Barr, and Guiliani to smear Joe Biden by threatening the president of Ukraine?
DARK STATE EXPOSED!! By now many people know that Trump and his corrupt administration have been promulgating a “False Conspiracy” theory that the FBI, all intelligence agencies and the Democrats comprise is the metaphorical “DARK STATE” this is purportedly trying to besmirch Trump.
THE TRUTH IS that there is a “REAL DARK STATE,” is not the above-mentioned people and organizations, but is, in reality, Putin, Trump, William Barr, Mike Pompeo, VP Pence, Rudy Guiliani (demented so-called personal attorney for the most criminal POTUS in all the history of the United States.)
This evil cabal for Trumpocray, have been trying to undermine the Special Counsel’s assertions that Trump was elected POTUS with the help of a foreign power — RUSSIA.
This evil and devious cabal has been working in unison with the goal of “lifting” heavy financial sanctions that have been imposed on Russia starting when Russia invaded CRIMEA, a part of Ukraine adjacent to the Black Sea.
Trump and his conspirators have also been actively contacting intelligence agencies in other countries to try and “dig up” information that could create doubt that the Russians interfered in the 2016 presidential elections.
The true extent of the massive corruption schemes by this Trump cabal is being revealed on a daily basis, which “BREAKING NEWS” several times a day.
The maniac Trump has had the unmitigated gall to say that if he is impeached, this will start a “CIVIL WAR.”
As usual, Trump is overstating and revealing his gigantic and extremely, oversized ego.
I don’t think his followers will engage in criminal activities that will result in their arrest and long prison sentences for the ORANGE BLIMP.
Frank M Martinez Thanks for that. Keep up the fight. You are a true patriot.
What scares me the most was his visit to Saudi Arabia to meet the murderer of Jamal khashoggi and stand there and smile with a photo shoot
Very well put Frank.
You can’t impeach Giuliani; he is a private citizen. He must be prosecuted. That or expose him to direct sunlight. Also for such a rambling comment, you don’t seem to grasp impeachment is an indictment. It doesn’t remove anyone.
@Ingrid Dubbel correct, but it’s the neccesary first step. And an impeachment will include connections that lead to charges for those involved…much like the info uncovered in Watergate.