Maria Echeveste tells Lawrence that John Bolton has seen how dangerous President Trump is and he cannot wait to speak out in "due course," as Bolton said he would. Rick Stengel and Rick Wilson also discuss.
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Fmr. Clinton Official: Bolton Has An "Obligation To Start Talking Right Now" | The Last Word | MSNBC
Trump is loyal to no one. He would throw his supporters under a bus in a second. Bolton needs to tell the truth.
If Trump somehow wins the next election, his base will suffer more than anyone.
_”He would throw his supporters under a bus in a second.”_
*He has.*
He’s loyal to himself.
@Leonie Romanes Agreed. But they are too stupid to know it. They can’t look at the tab of their MAGA hats and see MADE IN CHINA and think there’s something wrong here…..
@mickey thompson
” He has”
and they still don’t see it
That’s a pretty good title: “in due course.”
Agreed. But “The Stinky Swamp President of the Rancid Sewer” is better.
Art of war. I call that stealth mode. Timing is everything and do not respond in kind, especially on the low road of pos Chump
I agree. It’s about inflicting the maximum amount of damage. That takes patience.
I’ve cried. I’ve gotten angry. Even depressed. I’ve never in my life seen such a horrible president. I pray everyday, God will take trump away, soon. Lord help us!!
Yours is a good sentiment but there are a lot of people praying for Trump to win too. If there is a god, he must be very confused. Prayers won’t get rid of Trump. We need to insist on congress doing their job and start the impeachment process on this traitorous, corrupt, incompetent monster. Then get out and vote Trump and all his sycophants out of office.
Me too. It’s too much
Maybe you need to be the one to go away or at least shut up and have patience. What you think a lying Dem can fix this country. You may want to think on that a but.
@kristabella222 Sometimes people have to experience danger in order to understand the plight of the oppressed. Sometimes absolute power corrupts even honest people. Trump is a demigod created by fearful people who fear progressive change. They use racism. They use gerrymandering and even voter suppression to hold on to power. But ultimately truth rules at the end of the day. America will become an predominately multicultural ethnic nation and whites will be in the minority by 2045. Maybe sooner if they continue to resist change. This l believe is God’s will because God is color-blind and no respector of person. One God. One race. One Savior.
WarMonger Bolton was one scary dude. There was never a war he didn’t like even though he never ever served just like SpankyPants tRump & got draft deferments just like Spanky. His policy was to bomb & obliterate N’Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Venezuela & whoever. At least he wasn’t stupid enough to try to pretend to negotiate with Kimmie Un Jong & saw that inviting the Taliban Man to Camp David during the 9/11 Anniversary was bad optics.
@Jeffrey Evans – true
Bolton is a nutcase
it’s going to be a lot of fun watching
the demented waste-of-skin #dirtyoledon
eat his children
Yes the Clinton’s and Obama. Probably did eat some already
Someone has to tell the emperor that he has no clothes!!!
I understand the expression and its origin, but just the thought of Trump naked is so disturbing that I can’t use it!
Ernesto Jr. Acosta They do but trump just says it’s fake news. By the way, be thankful that it is only a saying. Imagine seeing that bloated body naked. Ewwwwww. It would be interesting to know if he has a full blown orange body.
Ew I never want to imagine that fat, Gollum naked!
I do – I’ve bought them with my tax cut
Lol I don’t think anybody gets as giddy as Lawrence over Donald Trump’s downfall, it’s great
They were among the earliest to give me hope and FACTS. Each month since the slug was installed in the White House has registered like a year of dismay and outrage. Can’t we file a class action suit against Donald for emotional pain and suffering?
I know, I love it!!
@Richard Slater
How did he rehabilitate Bolton?
I’m right along with Lawrence in my giddiness
What Lawrence pointed out won’t register with Trump supporters. Trump is the one who hired Bolton and now he’s complaining about his involvement in the Iraq War. It might sound silly, but it reminded me of a woman I knew who married a man who cheated on his wife (with her) and when she caught him cheating said, “I can’t trust him. He cheats.”
She didn’t realize she left her position open!!!!
The guy that invites the Taliban says the other guy made mistakes.
LUIS VELEZ and even at that it was more of a tacit harboring. I think that the Taliban was bit torn on how to deal with bin Laden after 9/11. All of a sudden he was the planet’s Most Wanted. While they both shared the desire to make the infidels pay, and I’m sure they were happy with the results, but they also learned a lot when Russia tried to invade Afghanistan and WE armed the Taliban, at the time, the old saying of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, which is an age old proverb, but chock full of incredibly dangerous trappings, of which almost every entity to have ever existed on a Earth has been an unwitting victim. But the Taliban had learned a lot about that in particular. So “harboring” bin Laden is technically true, but I’ll bet they didn’t really appreciate the attention. And to think that over the last 35 years, a multitude of groups have fought with us and against us with the arms that we gave them, and that was often alternated with what Russia gave them. Who could write this? Even Russia has been our ally at times. Beginning of WWII anyone? And on that note, Russia’s relationship with Iran keeps them in some facsimile of check while Turkey is dangerously wedged between cultures, ideals, realities, and worst of all, the trap of befriending your enemies enemy, but this time, half of your enemy’s enemy’s(now your friend) is a nation or culture subdivided such that one part wants to help the Kurds, while one part wants what is ultimately most empowering for Turkey, and another sect wants economic liberalism to propel them into the future while yet a couple of more sects feel the need to assert their religious ties to like minded Arabic countries as a foundation towards the controlling factors of those movements, which like all religious movements, create the facade of righteous divinity but only to glaze the underlying economical power grab. Like every religion has always done. And how do you ultimately subjugate the people? Make them all fear one god and keep that fear driving them to fulfill the wishes of the divine and the holy, such that they too may live for the greatest chance of an eternal and benevolent afterlife. Otherwise, why?
OK – lets continue with the 19 year war.
Lynette Patton Having the Taliban at discussion would be really interesting, but only if the meetings were public…not secret. I’m sure we would have our eyes opened up to many things we know nothing about…but should.
You truly don’t understand the region, you think bombs and hearts and mind campaign is going to bring these folks around, well it hasn’t worked in 19 years. There have been many superpowers that have gone into Afghanistan with the same intentions and all of them have failed, because they don’t understand the culture and the people. We need to pull all military personnel and funding out of this region now and be done with it. Inviting the Taliban to Camp David was something new that has never been done before, if it would have gone thru, it could have been successful and de-escalated the conflict in this region. Removing John Bolton from his position is a win for the country.
…and taxpayers pay for his every week, among other things.
Lynette Patton And what we pay for his golfing at his resorts goes right into trumps pocket. He’s TOTALLY profiting from doing a horrible job.
dont forget how much his kids use tax payers dollars….p.a.b. chrissy tigen named him right.
I golf every week. I use my tax cuts
youre not convincing anyone dude, time to give it up
We all hope you’re golfing exclusively at one of the national slug’s private clubs. He’s going to need cash to repay his debts to Putin once he’s impeached and watching TV from a New York State prison. Enjoy your wealth. In 2020, the American majority will be taking away your tax windfall to begin paying down the trillions in national debt your moron has “charged” because Donald’s specialty is stiffing others while setting up his next bankruptcy.
Donnie says hes not smart,but who hired him?? lol..boltons smarter than Donnie and that’s not a compliment..its pathetic!
I simply cannot see dump negotiating with any one. Inviting the taliban would be nothing more than a family visit.
Maybe Bolton wants Trump to stew for a while. Let’s all watch and see Trump have tweet fest !
Totally melt down.
This weekend will be a tweet fest for sure.
Trump is a total imbecile. The jerk had no idea what Bolton was talking about because he referenced Gaddafi’s final fate! This is evidence of earlier reports that Trump reads nothing, and has an attention span equal to that of a midge. We must impeach the fool before he ignites WW III or does something equally crazy…like continue to claim that the abrupt climate change we are experiencing is not real.
Alfred Adrian,Jr. calm down. He will not start ww3. Impeachment would be bad for us all. Vote him out.
@allex osborne I really don’t think he will start WW III, but he’s still an imbecile with virtually no leadership skills. If his father hadn’t given him 400 million or so $ he’d be selling used cars. He’s an embarrassment of the first order and has undermined our leadership in the world. After he becomes a private citizen he’ll probably be sharing a bunk w/ his former fixer. One can only hope.
@allex osborne By what screwed up decimated logic do you conclude that impeaching trump is bad for america?
Poor Taliban, everyone else gets invited to Mar a Lago, they only get invited to Camp David.
They would have dodged the bed bugs and roaches if they went to C David .lol
Sikorik 99
The lier in cheif is not as stupid as we believe, he does not going to invite the Taliban to Mar Lago ,there is no profit for HIM
Trump, the only thing tough about you is the hairspray that keeps that dying animal on your head from moving.
dead animal. it’s definitely dead. like his brain
That’s Trump Whitehouse speak to mean, how much $$$ are you going to give me to keep quiet.
A book, woo, so scary, how many Trump supporters could remember the last time they read a book, or read anything?
Republican voters are illiterate so that book won’t affect Trump voters.