Douglas London, a former CIA senior operations officer, joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss President Trump’s silence on suspected Russian bounties and why he “wouldn’t expect Trump to be forthcoming,” especially about intelligence matters. Aired on 7/13/2020.
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Fmr. CIA officer: ‘Trump Knew What Russia Was Doing’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
trump the most treasonous president in world history!
Bill Fletcher

@Bill Fletcher I like your style Bill….Stephen King called… he wants you to ghost write his next novel!
@Bill Fletcher I have never been able to sit through a trump speech but I respect your ability to do so. It takes a real threshold for pain and an iron stomach to be able to listen and sit through that extremely dangerous level of hazardous stupidity. Many have tried and failed. I salute you.
Stone knows so much about Trump friends for years…
I’m so glad Lawrence is staying on this topic pardoning Roger Stone was a deflection.
@Corey Ham
IKR but they keep taking his baits, which allows him to control the narrative. Smfh
@William H Music 2020 At least they don’t sleep with a Trumpy Bear.
@tureal jones If Obama had done this, Republicans heads would explode!
@William H Music 2020 “Anti-Amerikkkan’/Pro-LGBTQ” (fixed it for you, Sweetie!, have fun in Nov!…)
@William H Music 2020 your mommy is a failure!
I am a former soldier and i am embarrassed and appalled at Trump’s disinterest into my fellow soldiers in Afghanistan. It’s totally disgusting. Vote him out.
@colm ivers compair this with a situation where Rooseveldt in WOII would had wiffed away the news the Germans started the Ardennen offence in late 1944.
Don’t you think Montgomery of Eisenhouwer would have kicked him from his wheelchair ( at least mentally)?
I hope it makes you feel a tiny bit better to know he cares about none of us. Though not caring for the military takes it to a whole new level of horror.
@Dawn Johnson agreed . We know trump cares about Trump. !! A Nd he WILL LOSE!!

Semper Fi
Thank you for your Service

Just look what he’s doing with roger stone? I mean come on
Trump supports lawlessness
History will not be kind to this man. History will show he was the worst president ever. Like no one has ever seen. He will lie cheat and steal to win this election. We must stay one step ahead of them.
@Misfit Kid trump is the worst Predsident I have seen since I was born. Republicans cheat to get elected and trump really cheated with his lover boy Putin
Drumpf will go down in history as a dirty skid-mark on the presidency.
What part of it don’t you understand?
@TheTruthMATTERS! Right. And yes Truth Matters. Thank you.

Mitch McConnell knew Russia was involved also, and did nothing about it he kept quiet on purpose.
Power and greed before country.
Moscow Mitch and Trump put the Russian flag before their own.
@Suzy Q sorry truth matters. And all he gives, is untruths.
@Happy Golden-Mountain Don’t forget the kool-aid.

@David Mathias and a thank you sir.

@Phyllis mata Yep! I hear Trump just broke 20,000 lies since taking office. I swear the man doesn’t know how to tell the truth… It’s all lies, all the time! When he opens his mouth, out pops a lie. He grabs his phone to tweet, out pops a lie.
Biden 2020!
(He may not be perfec, but he’s a lot better than Trump!)
I can’t freakin’ wait to vote him out!
And his supporters are more loyal to chump than they are to the US!
He is selling out American sons and daughters people.
@Grizzly BƎAR Imagine how ALL our military (husbands, wives, sons, daughters) are feeling right now! Trump knew and is still doing nothing!!! Your point … ?
@Grizzly BƎAR As if deflecting works??? No comparison at all, comrade.
Even he is actually selling which the choice of American people. Vote for Him!
He had already sold us out, before he got in office.
Trump is a Russian asset.
There is a pattern over the last 4 years.
Or is it asshat?
@pandur1337 he’s paying off debts.
Its bad when 3rd world countries are doing better than America
pandur1337 Russia hired him
tRump didn’t want his russian loans stoped
Jeffrey Epstein, Donnell Trump. What do you know about these two, Mr. Putin?
One day Trump will be mentioned in the same breath as Stalin or Un. Only a lot dumber.
@Kalle Schwowell The circus and its clowns. Trump is dumb. Some folks seriously look into his speeches and actions as if they have some hidden meaning or importance that would benefit the US, the country I was born and served 20yrs, “but” no. He’s all for self. Its sickening frankly. But who am I to do Anything. Our voices may be heard but they are discarded.
So, I laughed because I can do nothing else outside of cry… and that ain’t happening.
Did not mean to offend you.
@Charles E. Mathew III agreed and signed – welcome, greetings

Even though Stalin murdered perhaps 30 million of his own people, at least he was a dedicated ideologue. Trump has no ideology, just his hive mind of collective stupidity.
@hvymettle trumps ideology is about how much can he get away with. He’s a con man with delusions of grandeur.
@Leonie Romanes Trump is currently giving a rally speech in the Rose Garden. Total meltdown.
“This president has problems with intelligence” As in a bag of hammers.
feldspar hoobyshoob Definitely hates intelligent people in general, so not surprising

Can Not Believe You People Fall For This Fake Crap…You People Make The Whole World Laugh.
@Ron Wuerch Are you throwing a tantrum, Ron?
@Ron Wuerch dumbest people on the planet still talk about Russia.
He lacks intelligence
Why do people keep calling Trump president? He’s not the president, he’s a fake president!
DUH DONALD is a colorful entertainer on-stage every second he’s not golfing
impeached trump is the correct title
His supporters: hoaxxxxxxx , conspiracy theories, fake newsssss
He’s the Occupant of the WH to me.
Trump has never uttered one word against Putin. His only concern has been who leaked this information. His advisor and confidante has always been Putin.
@Barbara Hall They already do. The bunkerbitch only does what Putin approves of.
@Lee Gage Really. Whats wrong with all Scandinavian countries and European ones? They all have National Health Care! They can afford their rent or mortgage when they work and don’t need to worry if they get sick, they will lose their life savings to pay for treatment. They are on average much happier and better paid than we are and actually get paid time off plus all government holidays. Just like the feds do here. It’s just an awful situation to be paid a decent wage and have healthcare
@Barbara Hall I don’t think it’s the pee pee tapes. I’d say it’s young under age girls. Trump is one sick little man.
@Gallian Tech ohh I have one to tell you (at least someone is interested, which already speaks well of you). A week ago, a recording of a conversation between Biden and Poroshenko (the President of Ukraine) surfaced. In it, Biden urged Poroshenko not to commit a terrorist attack in Crimea. Russia prevented the attack, and Poroshenko said that no one should be punished from the organizers, as this would point to Ukraine as the organizer of the terrorist attack. Any terrorist activity is a criminal by all standards of international law, the results of Nuremberg trials. Biden was obliged to inform Congress and the American people that Ukraine is a terrorist state in order to correct the country’s policy. But he didn’t. This is a cover-up of a crime against humanity (even if he was not the organizer and even dissuaded). For this, he faces a prison sentence!
Where Have You Been…What You Just Said Is FAKE NEWS…Watch The Real News And You Will Get The Truth.
*Russia’s Deadliest Weapons:* “Useful Idiots” in positions of power, puppeteered by coercion, corruption and kompromat.
You forgot blackmail.
@Michael Scire Lookup “Kompromat”
Just a thought, when Trump departs this life eventually, his coffin should be draped with the Russian Flag
I agree with you
you are too kind and gave tRump a coffin, i would just wrap Donald in Russian flag and drop by air in Moscow..
He must think Putin has a palace waiting for him in Russia (more like a ditch)
His coffin should be properly discarded in a landfill!
@On Taka it should read “Putin’s treasonous puppet”!
“Intelligence” and “tRump” are contradiction of terms.
Totally agree.
Putin is focused on killing Americans abroad, while Trump focuses on doing that domestically.
Both leaders have 1 thing in common: Don’t care how many people in thier country die due to Covid.
Everyone who votes for Trump this year is as much a traitor to America as Trump himself.
@Terry Hawkins this is the most delusional comment I’ve seen today. You obviously don’t know what a dictatorship is.
@flyer54 He still might, he has until November unless he’s some how kicked out before that.
Terry Hawkins ok conspiracy theorist.
@Terry Hawkins They have a tin foil hat sale on at 50% discount for the purchase of one hat or 60% for a family package

I like presidents that don’t look the other way when bounties are put on American troops.